starter activity Study the next document showing the cargo of a ship called the Elphinstone bound for Australia in What is the cargo?
starter activity Study the next document showing the cargo of a ship called the Elphinstone bound for Australia in What is the cargo? What is their average age? What crime have they committed? What is their average sentence? How useful is this document in studying punishments in Victorian Britain?
What should we do with the criminals? TBAT explain & evaluate why transportation was introduced & abandoned Learning objectives Key words: larceny ticket of leave prison hulks
Your task Read p and note reasons why transportation was introduced Read p and note reasons why transportation was introduced Use Source C (p.69) to explain how effective was this solution? Use Source C (p.69) to explain how effective was this solution?
Reasons for introduction Transportation had been used before 1787 – convicts sent to Bermuda, Gibraltar & America Transportation had been used before 1787 – convicts sent to Bermuda, Gibraltar & America Alternative to hanging preferred by more lenient judges Alternative to hanging preferred by more lenient judges Removed criminals from society Removed criminals from society Helped to expand the British empire & claim other colonies Helped to expand the British empire & claim other colonies
Your task Read p Divide your page into two sections. Note down evidence that transportation was effectives on one side and that it was ineffective on the other. Read p Divide your page into two sections. Note down evidence that transportation was effectives on one side and that it was ineffective on the other. Your teacher will give you extra evidence. Your teacher will give you extra evidence.
For It sent out a strong message It allowed judges to avoid using the Bloody Code for minor offences Convicts could win a ‘ticket of leave’ You could get rid of 1000s of convicts, e.g. in , 51,200 convicts were transported Where could you keep people prisoner in England? If they returned illegally they could be executed
Against Australians began to resent it – numbers fell to 24,000 transported between 1851 and 1868 Conditions on hulks awaiting transportation were inhumane and unsanitary Slavery had been abolished in 1833 but these convicts were treated as slaves when they arrived Wages for those who stayed were better in Australia Convicts could win a ‘ticket of leave’ Gold was discovered in Australia in 1851 – many paid to go to Australia
This house believes that transportation should be maintained
Homework Visit this website: henry-catlin-age-14-deported.html Visit this website: henry-catlin-age-14-deported.html henry-catlin-age-14-deported.html henry-catlin-age-14-deported.html Watch the ‘Flash’ video about Henry Catlin’s life. Write an obituary about his life. Watch the ‘Flash’ video about Henry Catlin’s life. Write an obituary about his life. His early life in England His early life in England Reason why he was transported Reason why he was transported His experiences in Australia His experiences in Australia Use the additional research materials on the website Use the additional research materials on the website
What should we do with the criminals? TBAT explain & evaluate why transportation was introduced & abandoned Learning objectives Key words: larceny ticket of leave prison hulks