Where does it live? It lives on freedom only in Australia and few surrounding isles.
Where does it live? It lives on freedom only in Australia and a few surrounding isles.
How does it live? Koala leads tree life. It sleeps all day on eukaliptus trees. If it wants to go for a walk or to move to the other tree, it jumps from one branch to another. If the distance is too big, koala climbs down the tree and walks on its feet. It walks very slowly, so on the ground it’s easy to be cought by its biggest opponent – dingo. It eats eucalyptus sprouts and leaves.
Koala leads a tree life. It sleeps all day on eucalyptus trees. If it wants to go for a walk or to move to the other tree, it jumps from one branch to another. If the distance is too big, koala climbs down the tree and walks on its feet. It walks very slowly, so on the ground it’s easy to be caught by its biggest opponent – dingo. It eats eucalyptus sprouts and leaves.
What about young ones? When koala is half year old, it leaves mother’s bag. Then it sits on its mother’s back and learns how to eat leaves. When it’s one year old, it starts living on its own. Female ones look for place near mother and male ones go away. They live about 15 years.
What about young ones? When koala is half year old, it leaves mother’s bag. Then it sits on its mother’s back and learns how to eat leaves. When it’s one year old, it starts living on its own. Female ones look for a place near their mothers and male ones go away. They live about 15 years.
How big is it? Male ones up to 78 and female ones up to 72 cm long. Male ones up to 12 kg and female ones up to 9 kg.
Is there anything unusual about it? Eternal oil contained in eucalyptus leaves causes that koalas have a bit slowed reactions, in other words, they are on high. Word Koala means „without water” in Aborygen’s language.
Is there anything unusual about it? Etheral oil contained in eucalyptus leaves causes koalas to have a bit slowed reactions, in other words, they are on high. Word Koala means „without water” in the language of Australian Aborigines.
Why is it in danger? Addiction to eucalyptus trees made them almost extinct over last few years. The number of Koalas has lowered over last few years, because they were being killed for their fur. In million of Koala furs were eksported from Australia.
Addiction to eucalyptus trees made them almost extinct over last few years. The number of koalas has lowered over last few years, because they were being killed for their fur. In million of Koala furs were exported from Australia.
What can we do? We have to protect eucalyptus trees and stop hunting Koalas for their fur in order to prevent their extinction. Maciej Piekarz Monika Morawska Małgorzata Piotrowska Katarzyna Boroń Marcin Pabisek
What can we do? We have to protect eucalyptus trees and stop hunting koalas for their fur in order to prevent their extinction. Maciej Piekarz Monika Morawska Małgorzata Piotrowska Katarzyna Boroń Marcin Pabisek