Masters of Education Degree Secondary Administration Oral Examination Presented by: Heidi Eckart November 1, 2011 Tri-College University
BackgroundStandardsStrengthsAreas of GrowthPlans for Development Topics:
Introduction: Personal Classes I have taught 4 th Grade 5 th Grade Instructional Tech Physical Education Speech Language Arts Visual Arts Age Ranges K-12
I currently teach art and language arts in Hillsboro, North Dakota and coach volleyball and track. Introduction: Personal
My entire family is in education, including my parents and two brother-in-laws. Introduction: Personal
My husband, Chris and I have three children, Addi (13), Adyn (7), and Grady (2 ½). Introduction: Personal
How did I go about creating my portfolio? How did I complete the Competency Grid? Introduction: Professional THE FAR SIDE
Standard 1.0 Develop a Vision Articulate a Vision Implement a Vision Steward a Vision Promote Community Involvement in the Vision
Standard 1.0 Strengths 1.My passion. 2.My ability to get others to see the vision. 3.My skills in the use of technology. Areas of Growth 1.I do not need to have everyone on board. 2.Continue to implement my vision. Plans for Growth: Continue to work with community to promote the vision.
Standard 2.0 Promote Positive School CultureProvide Effective Instructional ProgramApply Best Practice to Student LearningDesign Comprehensive Professional Growth Plans
Standard 2.0 Strengths 1.Understanding of effective instruction. 2.Curriculum Planning and Development. 3.Personality types. Areas of Growth 1.Continue to be aware of others cues on change. 2.Stay current on trends in education. Plans for Growth: Continue to learn about tools like the Charlotte Danielson model for improving instruction.
Manage the Organization Manage Operations Manage Resources Standard 3.0
Strengths 1.Creative problem solving. 2.Eagle personality. 3.Love of learning. Areas of Growth 1.Be cognizant of the human element. 2.Be aware of the pulse of the organization. Plans for Growth: Continue to collaborate with staff on ways to improve our organization. Attend conferences at both the state and national level.
Standard 4.0 Collaborate with Families and Other Community Members Respond to Community Interests and Needs Mobilize Community Resources
Standard 4.0 Strengths 1.Communication skills. 2.Hard work ethic. 3.Technology skills. Areas of Growth 1.Be vigilant in assessing stakeholder involvement (including the students). Plans for Growth: Continue to develop relationships with community groups and keep them informed and involved.
Standard 5.0 Acts with Integrity Acts Fairly Acts Ethically
“As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.” -Henry David Thoreau
Standard 5.0 Strengths 1.A solid foundation. 2.Great role models. 3.Strong family. Areas of Growth 1.Find ways to release stress. 2.Allow time to reflect before I act. Plans for Growth: Surround myself with people who have good ethics. Continue to read literature from great leaders.
Standard 6.0 Understand the Larger Content Respond to the Larger Content Influence the Larger Content
Standard 6.0 Strengths 1.My communication skills. 2.Ability to find knowledgeable resources to help me in any given situation. Areas of Growth 1.Continue to increase my knowledge of laws governing education. 2.Understand the complex diversities in my community. Plans for Growth: Work to interpret laws and policies ethically by collaborating with professionals.
Standard 7.0 Substantial Sustained Standards-based Real Settings Planned and Guided Cooperatively Credit
Standard 7.0 Strengths 1.Creative problem solver. 2.I reflect on my decisions to check their validity. Areas of Growth 1.More experiences. Plans for Growth: I will continue working in my school to be an educational leader.
Recap Key Ingredients for My Success Strengths Areas of Growth Plans for the Development Collaboration
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