2010 OSEP Leadership Mega Conference Collaboration to Achieve Success from Cradle to Career Creating Effective Collaborative Transition Models for Youth through Business and Community Partnerships Joseph Ashley, Rh.D., Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services Jennifer McDonough, VCU-RRTC Wes Thiss, Bon Secours Richmond Health System Strand # 4 Presentation #S4-200 This project is funded by the Disability and Rehabilitation Research Project (DRRP) grant #H133B from the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR).
Creating Effective Collaborative Transition Models for Youth through Business and Community Partnerships Today we will: – Overview Project SEARCH as an effective business and community partnership – Review one VR agency’s perspective on Project SEARCH participation – Use specific Bon-Secours Autism Project to demonstrate project SEARCH model – Provide business perspective on value of the participation in Project SEARCH
Project SEARCH: Business and Community Collaboration Model Project SEARCH – nationally recognized employer based employment training and placement program – cornerstone is total immersion in the employer agency – ultimate goal upon completion is competitive employment utilizing the skills learned on the internships and throughout the program – Project SEARCH staff provide technical assistance to franchise sites to ensure fidelity to the model – Licensing agreement must be signed
Project SEARCH: Business and Community Collaboration Model Project SEARCH – one year, high school transition program which provides skills training and work experience for young adults with disabilities ages 18 to 21. – functions through collaborative public and private relationships between partner agencies to include VA DRS, LEAs, Supported Employment vendor agencies, and host business sites. – Each partner provides resources towards the ultimate goal of competitive employment
Project SEARCH: Business and Community Collaboration Model Host business – provides a training classroom, a business liaison, mentors, and rotational internships for on-the-job training. Local education agency – provides an instructor for classroom training and Intern area support Supported employment vendor agency – provides job coaches The VA Department of Rehabilitative Services – provides funding for job coach and job placement support during the school year. Also provides other employment supports.
Project SEARCH: Business and Community Collaboration Model All partners participate on an implementation team to address issues of: – Student eligibility and selection process – Funding – Internship development – Evaluation and quality improvement
Project SEARCH: Business and Community Collaboration Model Virginia VR interest in Project SEARCH: – Business focused partnership – Special Education collaboration – Good employment outcomes
Overview National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) VCU Rehabilitation Research and Training Center and Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Part of a new initiative looking at employment models for individuals who experience Autism – Disseminate research findings across the country – One of 4 studies
Our Partners
Purpose of the Study Understand how 2 different types of job training programs work for young people like your child School Based Community Based
Eligibility Criteria Student: – Has the disability of Autism Spectrum Disorder or Characteristics of ASD – Attends a Henrico County High School or the Faison School for Autism – Is between the ages of 18 and 21
Eligibility Criteria Provide informed consent or assent Completed high school credits necessary for graduation* Agree that this will be the last year of high school – Will accept a diploma from their school district for their program of study at the end of the school year IEP diploma, modified standard diploma, standard diploma
Eligibility Criteria Arrive at the assigned location clean and properly dressed. Maintain cleanliness and dress at their assigned location. Be willing to participate in a curriculum to learn to maintain social skills and behavior in the workplace. Be willing to learn to take direction from supervisors and change behavior. Be able to communicate basic wants and needs.
Eligibility Criteria Be willing to participate in three assessments (in the fall of 2010, spring of 2011 and 90 days after graduation) Meet eligibility requirements for Vocational Rehabilitation Utilize public transportation when available* Pass drug screen and felony check, and have immunizations up to date
Eligibility Criteria Be willing to meet any requirements as stipulated by Bon Secours. Have no history of fire setting or substance abuse activities Have a desire and a plan to work competitively in the community at the conclusion of the program.
What is involved in this study? Student must complete application Student will be interviewed prior to acceptance Team will review applications and make selection of students Selected students will complete assessment
What is involved in this study? Students assigned to one of two programs Job training in the student’s high school (School based) Job training in a community business (Bon Secours St. Mary’s Hospital) Parents, students, staff do not have a choice of which program is selected Equal chance of being in either program
School Based Program Attend home school for the entire year Four informational trainings Assessment given at beginning and end of the school year and mid-September of 2011 Receive a copy of Assessment Report
Planning and Collaboration Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services – Assisted with development of application for potential funding – Provide DRS Liaison to assist with project responsibilities – Part of planning team for each student – Provide funding for job coaching services Utilizing milestone approach – Assist with adaptations and accommodations on sites
Planning and Collaboration Henrico County Public Schools: – Part of the planning team – Supply a teacher and instructional assistant for the classroom at St. Mary’s – Adapt and deliver Project SEARCH curriculum – Coordinate and monitor intern activities – Assist with adaptations and accommodations on sites
Planning and Collaboration VCU Employment Services – Part of planning team – Provide on-site job coach – Assist with coordination and monitoring of internship activities – Lead job development activities on site and off site
Planning and Collaboration Contacted Bon Secours Richmond Health System and coordinated a meeting with Senior Management – Started at the Top!
Bon Secours Richmond Health System Good Help to Those in Need Values: – Respect – Quality – Justice – Compassion – Stewardship – Integrity – Growth – Innovation 4 Local Hospitals and 1 Heart Institute
Bon Secours St. Mary’s Hospital Top 10% in Emergency Care (including pediatric ED) National Recognition – Stroke Treatment – Heart and Vascular Care – Surgical Weight Loss – Community Cancer Center Achieved world-class patient and employee engagement scores
Business Liaison Bon Secours assigned the project a Business Liaison – Weston Thiss 15 years with Bon Secours Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Most diverse department spanning 30 nationalities Toured with Erin Managers Forums
Planning and Collaboration Reserved space for classroom and informational meetings – Prime location at entrance of hospital – centrally located – Private back office for meetings and private restroom – Supplied tables, chairs, computers, printers, partitions, lockers, whiteboards
Planning and Collaboration Scheduled update meetings with: – Bon Secours Vice President – Bon Secours Board of Directors – Bon Secours Community Advisory Board – Manager’s Forum – Bon Secours Marketing Team
1 st Year: Enrolled 6 students with Autism Spectrum Disorders from Henrico County High Schools Students participated in Open House (immunizations checked and TB test received) Began at St. Mary’s on October 13 th – Due to Institutional Review Board delays
Students Goals: Increase Independence :Computer, Agenda, Schedule Writing: draft a letter, subject-verb agreement, vocabulary and sentence development Reading Comprehension: use of best words, comprehension to 4th grade level, understand simple sentences Message Delivery: remember a verbal message and relay it with accuracy (without getting distracted) Phone Calls: Introduce himself, state purpose of the call, ask a question Goals: Practical Math: visual recognition and identification of fractions, counting mixed money Functional Reading: identify information presented in real-life materials Vocational Skills: sorting, matching, work speed, following a task list to completion
Students Goals: Oral Reading Fluency Task Completion Math: calculating pay, mental computation of 4 basic functions Multi-syllabic work recognition and pronunciation Goals: Advocacy: use of self-monitor sheet for homework completion Communication: Initiating a one-minute conversation Math: Word problems and mental math of 4 basic functions Reading: prefixes and suffixes
Students Goals: Investigate/participate in summer volunteering in field of animal care Research types of jobs at area zoo’s/parks with animals Attend career fairs, participate in mock interviews, complete applications Participate in work program – data entry and order processing Goals: Language Arts: sentence completion, punctuation, capitalization, spelling Reading: comprehending functional materials, “WH” questions, sound blends, phonemic development Practical Math: addition and subtraction, money recognition and counting mixed money Vocational Skills: respond to authority
John: Coronary Care Unit Duties: – Stock drawers and cabinets in patient rooms – Take out the laundry baskets – Prepare rooms for the next patient – Remove the needle boxes when they are full – Make flow charts for each patient – Stock lab trays – Check refrigerator temperatures
Mary: Mother & Infant Unit Make Breastfeeding packets Make New Mom packets Make doctor packets in Nursery Fold blankets and t-shirts in nursery Stock Nursery cabinets Check temps in Freezer and Refrigerator in Patient and Staff kitchens Sterilize breastfeeding room Refill sanitizer in each room Pull linens from each room Check with patient during meal times
Terry: Dietary and Nutrition Duties: – Refill soda syrup – Break down boxes – Stock water bottles and soda – Wipe down tables – Take trash to dumpster – Remove trays from patient rooms
Andrew: Central Sterilization Identify instruments using scanner Print labels and place on packs Package instruments in correct packs Peel packaging instruments in heat sealers
Brian: Environmental Services Duties: – Stock environmental services closets with necessary supplies – Use floor buffer – Remove scuff marks from floors – Break down boxes from each floor and takes to compactor
Adam: Infection Control Duties: – Maintain Infection Control carts on all floors of the hospital – Remove supplies, wipe down, return materials to drawers – Restock and charge departments for supplies
Challenges “Rolling out” the interns Fear of behaviors – The “what if…” worry! First year as a classroom instructor Teaching business concepts to students with ASD Higher production standards than department required
For More Information: Dr. Joe Ashley VA DRS Jennifer Todd McDonough VCU-RRTC