AuthorTobias O’Connor, Mulga Street Primary School, Mount Gambier, South Australia Objectives Internet Explorer, Microsoft Movie Maker, Inspiration, Microsoft Publisher, Learning Objects, Stop-Go-Animation Software DescriptionChildren used a variety of new and traditional technologies to learn about bacteria. Learning Areas Science and Health Levels Year 6 / 7 (ages 11 – 13)Bacteria, Australia, Health, Science Keywords Project Overview To increase children’s awareness of bacteria and the impact on their daily life. It was intended that by the end of the topic students be able to: Identify areas where individual and community health may be placed at risk. Identify and adopt practices which prevent or reduce spread of bad bacteria (pathogens). Identify how micro organisms are a part of the natural world around them and understand the positive and negative affects they have. Outcomes
Bacteria Teacher Planning and Management Please see the documents below for more information Background & Planning: Mulga Street Primary School had been involved in a number of projects relating to the use of learning objects. In 2006 I continued using learning objects in the classroom with children. Specifically I looked at how learning objects may improve learning in science. Documents Examples of student animation about bacteria
Bacteria Teaching Resources More information, document and other resources can be found by visiting the following web site. When online select ‘guest’ for guest access. Documents
Bacteria Assessment and Standards Assessment in this unit was ongoing. All assessment items demonstrated achievement towards the key outcomes. Children were working within the standards of the South Australian Curriculum Standards and Accountability Framework. Assessment was based product samples produced throughout the unit and on participation in class and in group work. STUDENT WORK SAMPLE SAMPLE MOVIE CLICK PACKAGE TO PLAY
Bacteria Teacher and School Information Mulga Street Primary School is located 450 km south east of the state capital in South Australia. It is a large rural town which accommodates residents. Mulga Street Primary School has nearly 420 students enrolled and is at maximum capacity. Students who attend come from disadvantaged homes with many coming from working class homes or one parent families. This is contrasted by a number of students who come from dual income families who live in the neighbouring new estate. Mulga Street Primary School has a newly establised lab of computers which serve the needs of teachers and students well. All children have access to computer facilities in the lab or on the classroom laptop. Tobias O’Connor Tobias worked at Mulga Street Primary for 3 years before moving to Adelaide in He is an ICT Coordinator and District ICT Coach. He works with teachers from neighbouring schools to provide training and development in ICT and is always looking for new ideas and challenges.
Bacteria Putting it all together The major assessment piece involved children creating a 30 second community health commercial using clay and stop-motion technology. The message had to involve an element of community awareness of bacteria and its potential harm. __________________________________________ This task demonstrated student learning and understanding of bacteria as gained throughout the 10 week learning program.
Bacteria In this commercial the character became ill after consuming food incorrectly prepared. The character had stored chicken with beef at incorrect temperatures and bacteria transferred from one meat to the other. The message – don’t cross contaminate food. Use a different cutting board for chicken and beef. Store food at correct temperatures. STUDENT ACTIVITY STUDENT WORK SAMPLE
Bacteria In this short film the main character became ill after using the restroom and not washing his hands before eating his McDonalds meal. The message - always wash your hands after using the toilet and before eating. STUDENT ACTIVITY STUDENT WORK SAMPLE
Bacteria In this sort film the characters became ill after eating food that had been incorrectly stored. The message - store food correctly to avoid food poisoning. STUDENT ACTIVITY STUDENT WORK SAMPLE
COLLABORATION SHARING – I have shared my experiences with many other teachers from schools around our state. My work has been published and is available on the Department Of Education and Children’s Services of South Australia website for easy access for all teachers and students within South Australia. TEACHING – I have used clay animation in a range of teaching settings with many classes of children in other schools. TRAINING – I regularly teach other teachers how to use computers and incorporate ‘best practices’ of ICT in education. Examples of things I have taught include using clay animation, using blogs in the classroom, creating websites, using Interactive Whiteboards etc. Me emphasis is on embedding technology and software into teaching – the technology itself should not be the focus. PUBLISHING WORK – I have had my work published, and maintain a blog which other teachers, students and their parents can access.