Presented: International Continence Society, CPC Workshop, Christchurch New Zealand, November 28, 2006 INCONTINENCE AWARENESS DAY – ROAD SHOW IN SINGAPORE Ms Rani Vadiveloo Executive Director Society for Continence (Singapore)
Presented: International Continence Society, CPC Workshop, Christchurch New Zealand, November 28, 2006 OBJECTIVE Create Awareness on Urinary Incontinence in the General Community of Singapore – March 2005
Presented: International Continence Society, CPC Workshop, Christchurch New Zealand, November 28, 2006 METHOD Location – Open space with constructed stage at the heart of the City’s biggest shopping mall Publicity – Targeted 5 housing estates around the event location Approximately – 30,000 flyers were distributed to these heart landers Media-Rest of the Singaporeans were informed through national newspaper & national radio announcements
Presented: International Continence Society, CPC Workshop, Christchurch New Zealand, November 28, 2006 SHOW 2 shows were staged – 11.00am to 2.00pm (1 st show) The same show was to 5.30pm (2 nd show)
Presented: International Continence Society, CPC Workshop, Christchurch New Zealand, November 28, 2006 SHOW A Disc Jockey was engaged to run the show The DJ was given few weeks training on what is incontinence by an Urologist DJ & Medical team came out with a skid, which was staged as a drama by 4 nurses The drama skid was printed as a Booklet for the crowd to bring back home 4A
Presented: International Continence Society, CPC Workshop, Christchurch New Zealand, November 28, 2006 SHOW 7 Doctors comprising Urologists, Geriatricians & Gynecologists spoke to the crowd in simple English & Mandarin highlighting on different types of incontinence, symptoms and available treatment options Doctors & DJ mingled among the crowd and gave personalized explanations 4B
Presented: International Continence Society, CPC Workshop, Christchurch New Zealand, November 28, 2006 SHOW Simple quiz was organized by the DJ on UI to make sure that the crowd understood, what they heard from the doctors Good prizes were given away to those who gave the most correct answers (prizes were donated by participating companies) 4C
Presented: International Continence Society, CPC Workshop, Christchurch New Zealand, November 28, 2006 ADDITIONAL PUBLIC EDUCATION Group of continence nurses were stationed to answer questions from the crowd These nurses were also assigned to explain scientific posters put up by various hospitals and the Society Few stations were set up with, informative brochures, educational placards, information on hospitals and poly-clinics which provides continence services
Presented: International Continence Society, CPC Workshop, Christchurch New Zealand, November 28, 2006 ADDITIONAL PUBLIC EDUCATION Trade exhibitions by companies dealing with incontinent related products was another attraction for the crowd. Special discounts were given to those who bought products from the event exhibitors 5A
Presented: International Continence Society, CPC Workshop, Christchurch New Zealand, November 28, 2006 RESULT Approximately 2,500 people turned up for the shows From the questions raised by the people from the crowd, it was noticed that, many believed that aging causes incontinence and nobody can avoid this problem It was an opportunity for us to change /correct the common myth that aging cause incontinence