Peace Child Estonia Sillamäe Society for Child Welfare PCE Mission: empowering Young People & fostering sustainable development PCE Vision: youth as a.


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Presentation transcript:

Peace Child Estonia Sillamäe Society for Child Welfare PCE Mission: empowering Young People & fostering sustainable development PCE Vision: youth as a solution, not a problem SSCW Mission: protect children’s rights and empower young people. SSCW Vision: a just and inclusive society where both children and young people are treated as full members.

SSCW EDUCATION WORK WIDE TOPICS LOCATIONS Children and families; Crisis relief; Advocacy ; Citizenship education; Project management; Volunteering; Integration; Worklife and education; Etc Schools Youth Centres Universities Local Governments NGOs and Businesses Abroad

SSCW INVOLVING INVOLVING DIFFERENT SOCIETAL GROUPS INTO OUR ACTIVITIES PROMOTING INVOLVEMENT Youth (inc YPFOs) Children and families People facing socio- economic challenges. Minorities etc. Developing methodology for involvement and cooperation.

SSCW NETWORKING LOCAL INTERNATIONAL Ministries Local government NGOs – Local and national School network Student network Buisness partners European Comission Council of Europe UN Internatsional NGOs etc

Peace Child Estonia (PCE) Peace Child Estonia is a youth- led non-governmental organisation. The purpose of the Organisation is to include and empower the children and young people, developing child welfare and youth initiatives, taking part in designing and implementing youth policy and standing for the joint rights of the Organisation’s members. Peace Child Estonia is also an official representative of UK organisation Peacechild International and operates on the international level as well as on the local level. PCE works in cooperation with governmental institutions, other private or public institutions, takes part in joint projects and programs with them and organises seminars, training-courses and informative events on topics varying from intercultural dialogue, non-formal education, and project management to gender empowerment.

Peace Child Estonia (PCE) Peace Child Estonia is a growing organisation with a developing program and many supportive members. The organisation’s leaders are motivated and active in regional development, state-led initiatives as well as working in conjunction with other organisations in developing projects on the international level. They can add a strong youth work element to the project, in spite of being a young organisation and they have been working with Sillamäe Society for Child Welfare, Tallinn City Sport and Youth Department and Estonian Union for Child Welfare since their inception. Peace Child Estonia is an organisation whose members are young people and whose entire management team is under the age of 25, with many years of individual and combined experience in local, regional and international projects, all of whom involving voluntary work in different degrees. To the project they bring in a youth-led perspective and a strong international experience dimension, that allows them to have a unique insight into what is needed to empower young people to become volunteers. In addition they have a strong network of volunteers and members from around Estonia.

SOME PROJECTS of SSCW & PCE „Peace Child - Alpha Omega 2010“ is a educational and cultural cooperation project between the UK, Estonia and Turkey that was supported by European Commission program Culture 2007 – 2013initiated by UK-based youth organisation Peace Child International. Project’s main activities are three Peace Child Alpha Omega performances connected together by David Gordon’s powerful music; every country stages its own story and addresses questions relevant to their context. Peace Child Α lpha - Ω mega "I, who am I? What is this world? Why am I here? I, what am I? What is my cause? What must I be?"

Young volunteer conference series

WEBSITES Languages Main Homepage: SSCW PCE Some projects: Project Co-management Project „Sustainable worklife“ European Youth Meeting 2011: Sustainable Development Project „Volunteer for tomorrow“ Civil Society Forum ESTONIANRUSSIANENGLISH ADDITIONAL CHANNELS OF INFORMATION: - ELECTRONIC, NEWSLETTER, PRESS, - PARTNER CONTACTS AND SOCIAL MEDIA

We are ready to cooperate! NGO Peace Child Estonia Head Office, Võru Head Office, Võru Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia Tel: +372, Tel: +372, Web: Web: Sillamäe Lastekaitse Ühing NGO Head Office, Viru 22a-11 Head Office, Viru 22a Sillamäe, Ida-Virumaa, Estonia Sillamäe, Ida-Virumaa, Estonia Fax: Fax: Tel: +372, Tel: +372, Web: Web:

Civil Society Development in Estonia National Foundation of Civil Society National Foundation of Civil Society (NFCS) is state financed civil society fund in Estonia. NFCS was established by the Estonian Government on February 18, Executor of the founder's rights is Ministry of the Interior. The goal of NFCS is to help building the capacity of Estonian non-profit associations and foundations to develop civil society and shape an environment that fosters civic action. To do that, NFCS has different focused open calls for raising operational capacity of NGOs and ohter measures where NGOs can apply for funding. NFCS also mediate information about the EU programme called Europe for Citizens. All NFCS funding measures have somewhat different regulations, different rules apply to eligible applicants as well. Out target groups are non-profit organisations and foundations acting in public interest and registered in Estonia (for at least one year). Some grants are open for organisations who either analyse or help to develope Estonia´s civil society. ‘.

National Foundation of Civil Society Strategy for Proceeding from the survey “Institutionalisation of Civic Initiative in Estonia”, Centre for Civil Society Research and Development of Tallinn University, 2010, and the annual NGO Sustainability Index prepared by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and in order to achieve the objectives set out in the Articles of Association of NFCS, NFCS considers it important to continue its activities for enhancing the capacity of non-governmental organisations also during the next period. Besides organising project grant calls, the target group sees the need to increase the percentage of development and support activities enhancing the development of civil society and non-governmental organisations. NFCS sets the following strategic objectives for the period 2014 – 2020: 1. Non-governmental organisations are capable and operate efficiently. 2. The development of civil society and non-governmental organisations is supported by providing assistance in the formation of a favourable operating environment meeting the needs of the target group and by development and support activities.

National Foundation of Civil Society National Foundation of Civil Society (KÜSK) (Reg. code ) Toompuiestee 33a, Tallinn, Web: Agu Laius Executive Director Phone: ;

Estonian Civil Society Development Concept Committee The Estonian Civil Society Development Concept (EKAK in Estonian) is a document which describes the different roles of the public sector and the non profit sector which supplement each other, and the co-operation principles in developing and implementing public policies and building up the civic society in Estonia. This guarantees that civil society development is seen in a strategic way as opposed to just responding to the short-term demands. The Estonian Civil Society Development Concept ( A joint committee was formed for the supervision of EKAK implementation, consisting of representatives of ministries and NGOs. The committee reports on its work to the government and to the public every year. Every second year a public discussion on the issue of civil society development takes place in the Parliament. Civil Society Development Plan adopted by government in to standardize the ministries’ approach to nurturing civil society and is renewed every other year.Civil Society Development Plan Sillamäe Society for Child Welfare is a member of the joint committee since 2012.