Systems Management: The key to lower TCO
High Cost of PDA’s -Average Handheld TCO is $3,000 per year. Source: Gartner Group -Average Wireless Handheld TCO is $4,554 per year. ????? Average Cost of Handheld is $300
High Cost of mobile Source: Gartner Group Capital CostsOperations Administration End User Operations $$$$$$$$
Mobile Device Cost of Ownership TCO Components Device Modem Connectivity Training Deployment Software Support User Operations * “The True Costs and Benefits of Mobile Wireless Devices”, Gartner Research Note, May 2002 Laptop TCO Roughly $9,000
Mobile Device Cost of Ownership TCO Components Hardware Device Modem Memory Cards
Mobile Device Cost of Ownership TCO Components Connectivity Security VPN Proxy Wireless Plan Data Voice Coverage Sync
Mobile Device Cost of Ownership TCO Components Management Deployment Troubleshooting Disaster Recovery Software Delivery Asset Management Training Mobile Infrastructure Solution must provide good Systems Management to overcome high TCO
Scary Facts “ Between 250,000 and 300,000 handheld devices are lost each year at airports, hotels, and customer sites—often with no password protection in place” “ 300 phones and devices are left in London cabs per week.” “Only 23% of PDAs are company-owned. 2 of 3 are supplied without any formal PDA policy or security guidelines” * PDA usage survey of 332 IT and sales personnel published by Pointsec Mobile Technologies and Infosecurity Europe (23 May 2002)
Systems Management ROI * “Mobile Device Management and Synchronization: Take Control or Lose Control”, Gartner ITXpo October 2001 Laptop Annual TCO$9,500 22% Savings$2,090 Solution Cost/User$ 200 One Year ROI945% Handheld Annual TCO$3,500 22% Savings$ 770 Solution Cost/User$ 90 One Year ROI755% “Along with desktop management tools, policy management and ‘healing tools’ are two key contributors to lowering costs by as much as 18 percent to 26 percent against base TCO numbers.” -Gartner Group*
Systems Management Device Configuration Software Installations Software Updates Device Backup Hardware Inventory Software Inventory What does is do?
Mobile challenges Security Deployment options Expensive bandwidth Bandwidth is hard to find Unreliable wireless connections Usage patterns Device management User adoption
Security Considerations Account Shut Out Connection frequency Secure Data On Device SecurID Encryption Authentication Secure Device VPN Sync disable thresholds RAS Settings Invalid login attempts Password enforcement Credential expiration Usability Secure Network Secure Communications Device deactivation
Corporate data is at risk. Security metrics –1 in 4 users not bothering to protect their PDA with a password –71% don't use encryption Corporate usage –23% of PDAs are company-owned 2 of 3 are supplied without any formal PDA policy or security guidelines –89% of workers use PDAs as a business Calendar –36% store corporate information –Just under half of those surveyed used PDAs to store passwords and PIN numbers * PDA usage survey of 332 IT and sales personnel published by Pointsec Mobile Technologies and Infosecurity Europe (23 May 2002)
Secure the devices right Protect against theft Enforce PIN entry Encrypt data stored on device Biometric sign-on Don’t over-secure!
Security Options Push to PDA phones During sync for other devices Dealing with Theft and Loss
Usability vs. Security Be realistic about security Users will not accept difficult logon routine Some procedures will lock user out
Deployment Options Key Takeaways: Administratively controlled OTA or Cradle provisioning Little or no user intervention Flexibility with availability (web site, extracting executable)
Device Configuration Profiles for Device Characteristics Proxy Connection frequency Memory allocation Ports Push Backlight settings Sync Server IP Address VPN Sync disable thresholds RAS Settings Invalid login attempts Password enforcement Credential expiration Auto update Power management Encryption options Device deactivation DNS Entries Reverse Proxy Authentication Method
The power of profiling Security Connection Rules Auto Updates Device Configs
Managing Bandwidth Guaranteed Delivery Check Point Restart Compression Bandwidth Management Delta Change Management What to look for:
Software Distribution Packaged Installs Custom Installs Performed Offline Rollback CPR Publish and subscribe model Flexibility scripting and actions What to look for:
Software Distribution Key Takeaways: Eliminates ongoing redistribution of runtimes Ensure software appears in inventory (add/remove programs) Optimize install, update or uninstall actions Bandwidth optimization End user is always a problem
Collecting Inventory Full Hardware Inventory: For a variety of device types Alerts based on information collected Tools for troubleshooting View by manufacturer, platform, or OS Full Software Inventory: For a variety of device types Review by user files/ apps delivered User’s state at anytime Publication’s state at anytime
Collecting Inventory Device Tracking/Policing Software Delivery ** General Admin and Reporting What do you need it for?:
Collecting Inventory Store data in database Provide adequate reports Use device assets as criteria for software distribution Have broad device coverage Accommodate for mobile Provide alert mechanisms Good Systems Management must:
User Adoption: Mobile Infrastructure
Usage patterns Push Technology Incremental sync Cradle Sync Wireless Sync Combination
Usage patterns Key Takeaways: Use Push Technology whenever possible Encourage User Flexibility Get a solution that does adequate reporting
Drivers for ROI Resolving helpdesk calls faster Eliminating costs of sending CDs with software updates Preventing downtime from impacting user productivity Shipping fewer devices for maintenance Keeping users focused on task…not device maintenance Improving communications efficiency to save money Reducing travel cost for IT support staff Increasing the ratio of devices to support staff
ROI from Software Distribution Assumptions 1000 employees; 4 installs per year; $10 to burn & ship CD; 25 minutes to install; user value is $100 / hr; 10% call helpdesk with issues; 35 minutes to fix problems; cost of helpdesk $50/hr; $90 / user to implement; 3 year amortization; 2MB avg install; $1 / MB wireline connectivity. Shipping CDs to Users Vs. $240,000 per year $34,000 per year 611% ROI Automated Deployment
Savings from Alerts Minimizing Downtime$ 210,000 / yr Preventing Problems$ 175,000 / yr 1000 employees; 2 incidents per year; 35 minutes to correct; user value $100 / hr; helpdesk cost $50 / hr; 1000 employees; 10% users connect per hour; 2 hours saved by alerts; 35 minutes to address issues; user value $100 / hr; helpdesk cost $50 / hr; 1 incident per month
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