Business Analysis Consulting Project BOREALIS INFRASTRUCTURE
About the Company Pioneer and recognized leader in Infrastructure Investing What they do = Make & Manage Investments in Traditional Infrastructure sectors which have barriers to entry. Industry sectors and businesses which exhibit strong cash flows,linked to inflation
About the Company Diverse Staff of approximately 50 people Offices : Toronto, London, UK first group formed by a Canadian pension plan with a mandate to invest in infrastructure as a separate asset class. approximately C$7 billion invested 20+ investments = value of in C$40 billion Accountants Engineers Lawyers Finance Professional
What they do Invest in Traditional and non- traditional infrastructure sectors Business/ assets exhibiting monopolistic qualities Stable Cash Flows OMERS - Acts as the infrastructure investment arm. A Canadian pension plan with $50 billion in net investment assets They secure and deliver the pension promise given to beneficiaries of OMERs pension plan
Examples of Sectors Energy – Electricity, Pipelines transmission/distribution Transportation – Roads, bridges, tunnels Communications – Data and voice, satellites and cable Water – Wastewater plants, distribution systems Satellite Communication – data and voice satellites
Examples of Sectors
Management Strategy Employ an active and direct-drive strategy Do this by seeking meaningful stakes in assets Prefer to invest in: Large mature operating assets requiring an equity investment of at least C200$ million They do evaluate and participate in both Greenfield opportunities and smaller investments
Management Philosophy Investment Professional Investment Opportunity Close Manages Motivates the employees to avoid short term decision making at the investment stage Responsible for all Decisions during the whole investment process
Management Philosophy (cont) Senior Management Team One Member from this team were involved in each asset & Investment Opportunity One Member from this team were involved in each asset & Investment Opportunity Deep Set of Investment Professionals Focus in a particular infrastructure sector Broad Skill set Team Members have full Support of Borealis’ accounting, finance, credit and legal support teams. PUT IN THE MAN (niwaz)
Current Technology & Processes Windows Server 2003 Microsoft Exchange Server
Current Technology & Processes (cont.) VOIP Phone System Cisco Routers Firewalls Web Development
Current Technology & Processes (cont.) Network design Architecting Visual basic programming
Current Processes IT Department is responsible for: Technology Deployments Setting new technologies Support Troubleshoot end-user problems
Problems I Employees complain about having to take a laptop around everywhere, they want something more portable
Problems II Security problem with documents being changed on the server Those who are authorized to make changes can make them and reverse them without it being documented Internal audit wants the company to have an auditable change management routine/process
Problems III Too much time and money is wasted when manually looking for documents concerning investments, legal documents and etc. on the company’s server
Problems IV Slow communications problem between head office (Toronto, Borealis Infrastructure) and remote office (UK, Borealis Infrastructure) Remote office in UK needs information from head office in order to complete operations
Solution I Blackberry Playbook
Solution I Blackberry Playbook Features Enterprise Ready Business Driving Multitasking Device Pairing HD Video Camera Adobe Flash compatible Bluetooth
Solution II Symantec Security Information Manager (SSIM) Key Benefits Optimize budget options for hardware acquisition Leverage existing hardware investments/maintenance contracts Increase scope of security data included in intelligence gathering Automate collection, analysis and delivery of compliance evidence
Solution II Symantec Security Information Manager (SSIM) Key Benefits contd. Save time not having to customize reports Easy reporting Reduces administration of rules maintenance and can reduce number of rules needed Increases detection of multidimensional user access activities
Solution II Symantec Security Information Manager (SSIM) Key Features Supports virtual environment deployments Soft appliance deployments Custom log management/universal collectors Over 150 out of box compliance reporting templates Multi-conditional correlation rules
Solution III & IV Ademero Document Management System Key Benefits Organizes data on network Provides security for information Communication line speed between Toronto & UK offices increases dramatically Helps workflow, content retrieval & transfer of documents between the offices
Solution III & IV Ademero Document Management System Key Features Document capture, retrieval & management simple with Content Central™. Captures documents: through scanning & transferring of electronic files Manages documents Find documents
About your speakers: Names: Ameerah Razac, Nikhita Rele, Niwaz Mann, Toloue Ghasemloo Social Media: Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn