EPICS Spring 2012 Collaboration Meeting April 23rd, 2012 Matt Boyes Introduction to EPICS EPICS Spring 2012 Collaboration Meeting April 23rd, 2012 Matt Boyes
Overview The Collaboration What is EPICS Major Components of the EPICS Channel Access, IOCs, Clients Further Training and Resources Collaboration Website Examples More
Acknowledgements Much of this material has been blatantly plagiarized from the following EPICS training material Getting Started with EPICS Lecture Series- “Introductory Session I” - Ned Arnold Getting Started with EPICS Lecture Series – “Introductory Session II” - John Maclean Based On Getting Started with EPICS Lecture Series - “Introduction to Channel Access Clients” - Kenneth Evans, Jr.
What is EPICS A Collaboration A Control System Architecture A Software Toolkit
What is EPICS? A Collaboration Began in 1989 between LANL/GTA & ANL/APS (Bob Dalesio, Marty Kraimer, & Jeff Hill) Over 150 license agreements were signed before EPICS became “open source” List server; tech-talk: the collaboration in action Collaborative efforts vary Assist in finding bugs Share tools, schemes, and advice
Major Sites Major Collaborators EPICS Commercially The Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory BiRa Systems Inc (New Mexico) Cosylab Limited (Slovenia) Australian Synchrotron Hytec Electronics Ltd (UK) Berlin Electron Synchrotron (BESSY II) Instrument Design Technology (UK) Deutches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY) Observatory Sciences Ltd (UK) Diamond Light Source ZTEC Instruments, Inc. (New Mexico) Fermilab (FNAL) Jefferson Laboratory (JLAB) Keck Observatory KEK B-Factory Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (INFN-LNL) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBL) Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Swiss Light Source (SLS/PSI) Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) Stanford Linear Accellerator Center (SLAC)
What is EPICS? A Collaboration A Control System Architecture EPICS is Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System Network-based “client/server” model (hence the EPICS logo) CA Client CA Client CA Server CA Server For EPICS, client and server speak of their Channel Access role i.e. Channel Access Client & Channel Access Server
What is EPICS? Channel Access clients are programs that require access to Process Variables to carry out their purpose StripTool MEDM CAC CAC CAS Process Variables CAS Process Variables The “service” that a Channel Access server provides is access to a Process Variable* * A Process Variable (PV) is a named piece of data.
What is EPICS? Process Variable A Process Variable (PV) is a named piece of data associated with the machine (e.g. status, readback, setpoint, parameter) Examples of PV names and values: S1:VAC:reading 3.2e-08 torr LINAC:BPM4:xPosition -0.323 mm BOOSTER:gateValvePosition ‘OPEN’ S3:DIPOLE:PS:setPoint 123.4 Amps APS:Mode ‘Stored Beam’ BL3:HISTOGRAM {3, 8, 1, 2, 56, 44, 32, 43, 3, 5, 1}
Process Variable A Process Variable is a named piece of data with a set of Controllable properties fields Examples of Fields: Alarm Severity (e.g. NO_ALARM, MINOR, MAJOR, INVALID) Alarm Status (e.g. LOW, HI, LOLO, HIHI, READ_error) Timestamp Number of elements (array) Normal Operating Range Control Limits Engineering Unit Designation (e.g. degrees, mm, MW)
What is EPICS? A Control System Architecture Network-based “client/server” model where the basic data element is a Process Variable The Channel Access Protocol defines how Process Variable data is transferred between a server and client The entire set of Process Variables establishs a Distributed Real-time Database of machine status, information and control parameters Process Variables CAS Process Variables CAS Process Variables CAS Process Variables CAS Process Variables CAS Process Variables CAS Process Variables CAS
What is EPICS? By default, Channel Access traffic is constrained to a single subnet, but configuration options can direct traffic elsewhere Physical hierarchies can be implemented using switches, routers, and gateways Gateway
What is EPICS? My Special Data Collection Program Any tool/program/application that abides by the Channel Access protocol could be described as “EPICS Compliant”. StripTool MEDM CAC CAC CAC EPICS can be viewed as a “toolkit” of EPICS compliant programs. One can select the appropriate tool for their need or develop their own. My Accelerator Simulator Code (PVs) CAS CAS iocCore (PVs) CAC CAS LabView (PVs) CAC 13
EPICS is A Collaboration A Control System Architecture A world wide collaboration that shares designs, software tools, and expertise for implementing large-scale control systems A Control System Architecture A client/server model with an efficient communication protocol (Channel Access) for passing data A distributed real-time database of machine values A Software Toolkit A collection of software tools collaboratively developed which can be integrated to provide a comprehensive and scalable control system
So What Does it Do? EPICS tools are available to accomplish almost any typical Distributed Control System (DCS) functionality, such as: Remote Control & Monitoring of Technical Equipment Data Conversion/Filtering Closed Loop Control Access Security Equipment Operation Constraints Alarm Detection/Reporting/Logging Data Trending/Archiving/Retrieval/Plotting Automatic Sequencing Mode & Facility Configuration Control (save/restore) Modeling/Simulation Data Acquisition Data Analysis
How does it do it? Network-based “client/server” model Also known as “publish/subscribe” Channel Access (CA) is the protocol (middleware) that connects the clients and servers—it is a virtual bus It is very efficient (high throughput, low latency, no polling) Robust (partial degradation, incremental recovery) Self-configuring (uses a “discovery” protocol) Scalable (100s of elements; 100,000s of connections) Simple API: “set”, “get”, “monitor”
How does it do it? S1A:H1:CurrentAO S1:P1:x S1:P1:y S1:G1:vacuum Channel Access Client Channel Access Client Channel Access Client Channel Access Client Channel Access Server S1A:H1:CurrentAO S1:P1:x S1:P1:y S1:G1:vacuum Process Variables: Power Supply Computer Interface Beam Position Monitor Computer Interface Vacuum Gauge Computer Interface
Where does it do it? iocCore S1A:H1:CurrentAO S1:P1:x S1:P1:y 4/20/2017 Where does it do it? Remote Control & Monitoring Alarm Logging/Reporting Closed-loop Control Operational Constraints Automatic Sequencing Data Trending/Archiving Modeling/ Simulation/Analysis Configuration Control Channel Access Client Channel Access Client Channel Access Client Channel Access Client Channel Access Server Process Variables: Power Supply S1A:H1:CurrentAO S1:P1:x S1:P1:y S1:G1:vacuum Computer Interface Let’s take an example: Suppose you had a particle accelerator to control. Among many other things, Data Conversion/Filtering Alarm Detection Access Security Closed-loop Control Operational Constraints Automatic Sequencing Data Trending/Archiving Beam Position Monitor iocCore Computer Interface Vacuum Gauge Computer Interface Test
Canonical Form of an EPICS Control System Client Software MEDM ALH StripTool TCL/TK Perl Scripts OAG Apps Many, many others EDM CSS IOC CAS IOC Channel Access IOC Software EPICS Database Sequence Programs Custom Programs Real-time Control Commercial Instruments Custom Chassis/Panels Technical Equipment CA Server Application Process Variables
Typical Realizations of an EPICS System IOC CAS IOC Commercial Instruments Custom Chassis/Panels Technical Equipment
Typical Realizations of an EPICS System IOC CAS IOC Most CAS Apps were based on Unix or Windows All IOCs were based on vxWorks (mostly VME) Commercial Instruments Custom Chassis/Panels Technical Equipment
Typical Realizations of an EPICS System With Release 3.14, the operating system limitations for iocCore have been removed. IOC CAS IOC RTEMS Commercial Instruments Custom Chassis/Panels Technical Equipment
Typical Realizations of an EPICS System Driving a motor with EPICS circa 1995 circa 2002 IOC CAS IOC Commercial Instruments Custom Chassis/Panels Technical Equipment
Canonical Form of an EPICS Control System Client Software MEDM ALH StripTool TCL/TK Perl Scripts OAG Apps Many, many others EDM CSS IOC CAS IOC Channel Access IOC Software EPICS Database Sequence Programs Custom Programs Real-time Control Commercial Instruments Custom Chassis/Panels Technical Equipment CA Server Application Process Variables
Standalone CA Clients (from EPICS Website) ALH: Alarm Handler BURT: Backup and Restore Tool CAEX: Channel Access Examples CAPod: Channel Access projects for Apple iOS devices (SF) CASR: Host-based Save/Restore CA Watcher: Channel Access monitor and alarm handler (BESSY) Channel Archiver (SF) Channel Watcher (SLAC) CSS: Control System Studio (SF) EDM: Extensible Display Manager (ORNL) MEDM: Motif Editor and Display Manager NAL: Nagios Alarm Handler (INFN) Probe: Motif Channel Monitoring program StripTool: Strip-chart plotting tool
CA Client Interfaces to other tools and languages (from EPICS Website) C/C++ Perl EZCA: Easy Channel Access interface library for C programs CAP5: Channel Access for Perl5 (part of Base since R3.14.10) EzcaScan: Easy Channel Access for arrays of channels PEZCA: A Perl binding to EZCA (BESSY) Python EPICS QT: Channel Access for the QT framework (SF) Cothread: A CA interface to Python (Diamond) SCA: Simple Channel Access (LBL/ALS) PyEpics3: Pure Python interface to Channel Access (UChicago) Java NPEI: New Python EPICS Interface (PSI) CAJ: Pure Java Channel Access Client (Cosylab) Other JCA: Channel Access client for Java using JNI (Cosylab) (old APS/BCDA) EpicsSharp: CA Client library in native C# (PSI) LabVIEW CAML: Channel Access Markup Language (ORNL) IDL: CA client libraries and scripts for IDL via EZCA CA_Lab: Channel Access client for Labview (BESSY) IGOR2EPICS: CA client library for WaveMetrics IGOR Pro (SF) LabVIEW: CA Client and Shared Memory interface to IOC (SNS) PHP_EPICS: CA interface for PHP-based web applications (SLS) LabVIEW IO Server: CA client for LabVIEW (NI) SDDS: The Self-Describing Data Sets analysis package Matlab/Octave/Scilab WebCA: Channel Access web browser plug-in (CosyLab) MCA: Channel Access client library for Matlab (SF) LabCA: Matlab & Scilab interface to Channel Access (SLAC)
Canonical Form of an EPICS Control System Client Software MEDM ALH StripTool TCL/TK Perl Scripts OAG Apps Many, many others EDM CSS IOC CAS IOC Channel Access IOC Software EPICS Database Sequence Programs Custom Programs Real-time Control Commercial Instruments Custom Chassis/Panels Technical Equipment CA Server Application Process Variables
EPICS CA Overview Client StripTool Probe EDM Matlab Archiver Channel Access Server SIOC IOC IOC Meter Power Supply Camera Based On Getting Started with EPICS Lecture Series “Introduction to Channel Access Clients” Kenneth Evans, Jr.
CA Search and Connect Procedure Client StripTool Probe EDM Matlab Archiver UDP Broadcast Sequence Who has it ? Check 2. UDP Reply I have it ! IOC 3. TCP Connection Let’s talk ! Server IOC IOC IOC Meter Power Supply Camera Based On Getting Started with EPICS Lecture Series “Introduction to Channel Access Clients” Kenneth Evans, Jr.
Channel Access Overview “connection request” or “search request” “get” or “caGet” “put” or “caPut” “set a monitor” Who has a PV named “S1A:H1:CurrentAO”? Change its value to 30.5 Notify me when the value changes What is its value? Channel Access Client CA Client CA Server Channel Access Server I do. 25.5 AMPS OK, it is now 30.5 It is now 20.5 AMPS It is now 10.5 AMPS It is now -0.0023 AMPS Process Variables: “put complete” S1A:H1:CurrentAO S1:P1:x S1:P1:y S1:G1:vacuum “post an event” or “post a monitor” 30.5 is too high. It is now set to the maximum value of 27.5. or You are not authorized to change this value or
Key Features of Channel Access … Clients broadcast PV names to find the server in which they exist Channel Access Security can be applied to limit access to Process Variables Clients can wait until a ‘put request ‘ is completed before proceeding Clients can ‘set monitors’ on PVs and will then be notified when the value changes
Canonical Form of an EPICS Control System Client Software MEDM ALH StripTool TCL/TK Perl Scripts OAG Apps Many, many others EDM CSS IOC CAS IOC Channel Access IOC Software EPICS Database Sequence Programs Custom Programs Real-time Control Commercial Instruments Custom Chassis/Panels Technical Equipment CA Server Application Process Variables
Key Features of IOC Software Two primary application specific components: The real-time database of records (required) State Notation Language programs used to implement state oriented programs (finite-state machine) Machine status, information and control parameters are defined as “records” in the application specific database. The data within a record is accessible via Process Variables. Records have some functionality associated with them (scaling, filtering, alarm detection, calculations, etc). Different record types have different functions and uses. Records are frequently associated with I/O equipment that requires unique “device support” for that instrument.
Inside an IOC LAN IOC Channel Access Database Sequencer Device Support 4/20/2017 Inside an IOC The major software components of an IOC (IOC Core) LAN IOC Channel Access Database Sequencer Device Support I/O Hardware Test
IOC Software in One Slide Network (Channel Access) [IOC Software] EPICS “iocCore” services and routines [EPICS-supplied] Application Specific Database [of Records] TC1:temp TC15:temp Application Specific Programs [e.g. State Notation Language] TC2:temp TC16:temp TC7:temp TC11:temp TC3:temp TC17:temp TC4:temp TC8:temp TC12:temp TC18:temp TC5:temp TC9:temp TC13:temp TC19:temp TC6:temp TC10:temp TC14:temp TC20:temp Device/Driver Support [EPICS-supplied/user-extensible] New Device Support “Supported” Instruments “New” Equipment “Supported” Instruments “Supported” Instruments “Supported” Instruments Shared/Provided Required Optional
What are records? A record is an object with A unique name Properties (fields) that contain information (data) The ability to perform actions on that data A personnel record in a relational database has a name, and fields containing data Unique record name XYZ1234 Employee: James Bond Badge # : 007 Address : Whitehall, London Salary : £70070.07 Fields Data
What are EPICS records? A record is an object with… 4/20/2017 What are EPICS records? A record is an object with… A unique name e.g. S28:waterPressure Controllable properties (fields) e.g. EGU A behavior - defined by its record type Optional associated hardware I/O (device support) Links to other records Each field can be accessed individually by name A record name and field name combined give the name of a process variable (PV) A Process Variable name is what Channel Access needs to access data Test
A Process Variable Name A PV name is comprised of two parts The record name, and The name of a field belonging to that record For example… L1:water:temperature . EGU A Process Variable name A record name A dot to join them A field name Note that if no field name is given, Channel Access will default to using the .VAL field i.e. to CA, “L1:water:temperature” = “L1:water:temperature.VAL” PV names must be unique
What do records do? Records are active, they do things 4/20/2017 What do records do? Records are active, they do things Get data from other records or from hardware Perform calculations Check values are in range and raise alarms Put data to other records or to hardware Activate or disable other records Wait for hardware signals (interrupts) What a record does depends upon its type and the values in its fields A wide range of records have already been created New record types can be added to a new application as needed A record does nothing until it is processed Test
Record types Classified into four general types Input: e.g. 4/20/2017 Record types Classified into four general types Input: e.g. Analog In (AI) Binary In (BI) String In (SI) Algorithm/control: e.g. Calculation (CALC) Subroutine (genSUB) Output: e.g. Analog Out (AO) Binary Out (BO) Custom: e.g. Beam Position Monitor Multi Channel Analyzer Test
Some record types Analog in Analog out Binary in Binary out Calculation Calculation out Compression Data fanout Event Fanout Histogram Motor Multi bit binary input Multi bit binary output PID control Pulse counter Pulse delay Scan Select Sequence String in String out Subarray Subroutine Waveform
EPICS Databases – What are they? 4/20/2017 EPICS Databases – What are they? A collection of one or more EPICS records of various types Records can be interconnected and are used as building blocks to create applications A data file that’s loaded into IOC memory at boot time Channel access talks to the IOC memory copy of the database Test
Our First Database 45.5 deg C 51.5 deg C IOC Database Channel Access Client ProcTemp .VAL = 45.5 .EGU = deg C .STAT = Normal ProcTemp .VAL = 51.5 .EGU = deg C .STAT = MAJOR Tell me about ProcTemp IOC Channel Access Server Process Temperature Sensor Analog to Digital Converter Database Analog In ProcTemp 45.5 deg C 51.5 deg C 45.5°C 51.5°C 5.15V 4.55V 132 bits 116 bits INP VAL EGU : deg C EGUL: 0 EGUF: 100 Normal Operation 5 - 50°C 0 – 100°C 0 – 10V 8 bit ADC 0 – 10V 0 – 255 bits HIGH: 51
Record Processing Record processing can be periodic or event driven 4/20/2017 Record Processing Record processing can be periodic or event driven Periodic: Standard scan rates are… 10, 5, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.2 and 0.1 seconds Custom scan rates can be configured up to speeds allowed by operating system and hardware Event driven: Events include Hardware interrupts Request from another record via links EPICS Events Channel Access Puts Test
Database Processing Problem: 4/20/2017 Database Processing IOC ADC Database Analog In Sensor T1 L1:water:temp1 Problem: In the LINAC we have a water chiller that must be turned ON whenever the average temperature of two temperature sensors rises above a set point. The set point is nominally 10 degrees centigrade. INP VAL Binary I/O Calculation EGU: deg C Binary out L1:water:tempChk L1:water:chillerCtl INPA INPB VAL DOL OUT ADC C: 10 Analog In Chiller CALC: ( (A+B)/2 ) > C L1:water:temp2 SCAN: 10 second T2 Sensor INP VAL EGU: deg C Test
Simple IOC Database
Inside an IOC LAN IOC Channel Access Database Sequencer Device Support 4/20/2017 Inside an IOC The major software components of an IOC (IOC Core) LAN IOC Channel Access Database Sequencer Device Support I/O Hardware Test
The Sequencer Runs programs written in State Notation Language (SNL) 4/20/2017 The Sequencer Runs programs written in State Notation Language (SNL) SNL is a ‘C’ like language to facilitate programming of sequential operations Fast execution - compiled code Programming interface to extend EPICS in the real-time environment Common uses Provide automated start-up sequences like vacuum or RF where subsystems need coordination Provide fault recovery or transition to a safe state Provide automatic calibration of equipment Test
SNL Implements State Transition Diagrams State A Transition Event A to B Action State B
STD Example Start Low vacuum pressure > 5.1 uTorr Open the valve High vacuum pressure < 4.9 uTorr Close the valve
Inside an IOC LAN IOC Channel Access Database Sequencer Device Support 4/20/2017 Inside an IOC The major software components of an IOC (IOC Core) LAN IOC Channel Access Database Sequencer Device Support I/O Hardware Test
Device Support Device and driver support interface hardware to the database Examples of devices…. VME cards: ADC, DAC, Binary I/O e.t.c. Motor controllers Oscilloscopes PLCs
Device Support Usually has to be written for ‘new’ hardware Good news – someone, somewhere has usually written support for your device, or a very similar one before See the EPICS web site for available support Or ask the EPICS community
When to use databases Hardware connection Real time performance – no network latencies Whenever a database is good enough Advantages Disadvantages Simplify hardware connection If you have device support Configuring not programming You need to understand database use Database is easily understood by other EPICS developers Speed - All processing (often) in same machine
When to use the sequencer For sequencing complex events E.g. Parking and unparking a telescope mirror Photograph courtesy of the Gemini Telescopes project
When to use clients To interact with the control system Many already exist – MEDM, ALH, Strip Tool, archiver etc. For data analysis or visualization Supervisory control E.g. to manage an accelerator
Canonical Form of an EPICS Control System Client Software MEDM ALH StripTool TCL/TK Perl Scripts OAG Apps Many, many others EDM CSS IOC CAS IOC Channel Access IOC Software EPICS Database Sequence Programs Custom Programs Real-time Control Commercial Instruments Custom Chassis/Panels Technical Equipment CA Server Application Process Variables
Popular CA Server Applications IOC Core PV Gateway CA Server Interface to LabVIEW CA Server Interface to PC Image Acquisition Systems Gateway CAS CAC CAS (PVs) LabVIEW CAC CAS ( PVs) PC Image Capture CAC
Ten really neat things about EPICS It is free. No license fees, no new payment for every upgrade. You can download EPICS free of charge from the web. It is Open Source (i.e. the source code is accessible). Adaptions and changes due to a special environment are therefore possible. There are lots of users. It is tested and most bugs are already found. All a client needs to know to access data is a PV name. No single point of failure due to a nameserver and no messing around with fixed addresses. You can pick the best tools out there ... ... or build your own. The boring stuff is already done. For example, the communication with Channel Access is stable and well tested. There is a lot of expertise available close by. A good contribution becomes internationally known. It doesn't matter whether you need 10 PVs or 10 Million PVs. You can scale EPICS almost freely.
Vocabulary EPICS Channel Access Process Variable Channel Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System Channel Access The communication protocol used by EPICS Process Variable A piece of named data referred to by its PV name The primary object of the Channel Access Protocol Channel A synonym for Process Variable Channel Access Server Software that provides access to a Process Variable using the Channel Access Protocol Channel Access Client Software that requests access to a Process Variable using the Channel Access Protocol
Vocabulary IOC – Input Output Controller Soft IOC Record A computer running iocCore, a set of EPICS routines used to define process variables and implement real-time control algorithms iocCore uses database records to define process variables and their behavior Soft IOC An instance of iocCore running as a process on a “non-dedicated” computer (i.e. a computer that is performing other functions as well) Record The mechanism by which a Process Variable is defined in an IOC (using iocCore) Dozens of record types exist, each with it’s own attributes and processing routine that describe its functionality
Collaboration Website http://www.aps.anl.gov/epics/index.php
Tech Talk EPICS Mailing List
Online Resources and Additional Training
Virtual LINAC Application A pre-packaged EPICS application for you to install, operate, enhance, manipulate, etc. My Special Data Collection Program StripTool MEDM OAG Tools CAC CAC CAC CAC Same Solaris Workstation Same LINUX PC IOC Application vlinac PVs CAS CAC Same MAC Same Windows PC
Virtual LINAC Application
Virtual LINAC Application
LivEPICS from INFN LivEPICS(c) is a Linux Live CD (and a USB bootable all-in one solution) that includes: Epics base, Extensions tools, introductory documents and manuals. It has the complete functionality to develop a small control system, but it is mainly intended for training classes or to monitor and supervise an EPICS network All the Epics software (sources and built) is placed into /opt folder: base-3.14.10 (default) base-3.14.9 Extensions:StripTool2.5.12.0, ALH1.2.23,MEDM3.1.2.1,Probe,msi1.4,VDCT Modules:Asyn4.10(default), Asyn4.9,Asyn4.8, AutoSave, ProcServer2.4.0 And some additional software Copies Available Here
Good Questions to Ask … Does it talk [EPICS, Channel Access]? Is there an EPICS tool to do [whatever]? What is the PV name of the [sector 29 vacuum gauge reading]? Is there EPICS device support for [the instrument I want to use]? What computer platform is being used? Where is that function being performed? In a Client? In an IOC? In a custom CAS Application? Why can’t my CA client find the PV in the CA server on another subnet?
Next Steps in Training Applications/Special Topics Introduction to EPICS What is EPICS? What are the lectures about? Getting Started with Input/Output Controllers (IOCs) EPICS Databases, VisualDCT, State Notation Language, Record and Device Support, ASYN, etc. Getting Started with Using EPICS Tools MEDM, EDM, CSS, Alarm Handler, Channel Archiver, etc. Getting Started with Developing EPICS Tools Tcl/Tk, Perl, IDL, JAVA, Python, CA Server Applications Applications/Special Topics synApps, motors, scans, data visualization, etc. DONE
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