OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER FOR PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT Reform and Revitalisation of the NTPS IssueProgress Development of a Strategic HR Plan of NTPS Approved - sets the work program for next 2 years Review of the Public Sector Employment and Management Act (PSEMA) Submissions from NTPS employees, agencies, unions and other interested parties closed 31 March 2009 Expect to report July 2009 Redefinition of ‘merit’ in PSEMA to take account of the value of diversity As above Review Commissioner’s delegations to Chief Executives under PSEMA Completed Develop a workforce planning framework for NTPS Consultant engaged Expect to report July 2009
OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER FOR PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT Reform and Revitalisation of the NTPS IssueProgress Introduce a Leadership Development Strategy In place. 80 nominations received from agencies NTPS to join Australian and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG) NTPS has joined ANZSOG Establish a Future Leaders Group to consider strategic issues facing NTPS In place. 28 officers participating Develop a Knowledge Management Strategy Being developed by Future Leaders Group by 30 June Develop an Innovation / Recognition / Reward Strategy Being developed by Future Leaders Group by 30 June Review NTPS Wages PolicyAdvice provided to the Minister
OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER FOR PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT Reform and Revitalisation of the NTPS IssueProgress Review Indigenous Employment and Career Development Strategy Advice provided to the Minister Review Willing and Able Strategy (for those with a disability) Advice provided to the Minister Introduce NTPS biennial staff surveysExpect to occur July 2009 Develop IR / HR capacity in NTPSOngoing. A range of short in-house training programs are being developed Review recruitment / retention incentives A review of remote conditions in NT, QLD, WA and SA is to be conducted. NTPS overall market position is being reviewed. Promote public sector valuesNot commenced to date
OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER FOR PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT GENERAL THEMES ARISING FROM THE SUBMISSIONS PSEMA Review There is general support for: Broadening the merit principle to include diversity; Retaining the single-employer model; Relocating the Principles of Administration and Management, Human Resource management and Conduct from the Regulations to the Act and reviewing them to ensure they remain contemporary; PSEMA to be heavy on principle and light on prescription; Streamlining and review of inability, disciplinary and medical incapacity provisions; Appeal provisions to retained “in-house” with the ability to limit forum shopping; A major review of subordinate legislation, particularly the Employment Instructions; Agencies in particular considered there should be more devolution of powers and functions to CE to let the managers manage’ and decrease bureaucratic red tape.
OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER FOR PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT PSEMA Review Continued Considerations of the Review Committee Review Submissions Underlying Concepts of PSEMA Recent Reviews and Reforms in Queensland, New South Wales and South Australia Public Sector Legislation in other Australian jurisdictions Impact of Fair Work Legislation and other NT Legislation Drafting and Legal Issues Current Status Where to From Here Published Submissions: