Boerne Middle School South th Grade Parent Night Pre-Registration Information For incoming 6 th Grade
REGISTRATION DATES Fair Oaks Ranch Elementary – January 29 th Kendall Elementary – January 30 th Cibolo Creek Elementary – February 20 th Curington Elementary- February 24 th Counselors will visit with students for pre-registration. Students will bring their course card home. Please highlight requested courses Deadline to return course cards to counselor FORES-Feb 5 th KES - Feb 6 th CCES –February 27 th CES- March 2 nd Sign the back if they are enrolling in Pre-AP courses.
Parents/students will receive a confirmation letter of course requests through the mail in mid-April.Parents/students will receive a confirmation letter of course requests through the mail in mid-April. Corrections to choices must be returned to the elementary school no later than April 30th. Only return them to school if changes need to be made.Corrections to choices must be returned to the elementary school no later than April 30th. Only return them to school if changes need to be made. After the start of school (August 24 th ) Level changes (Pre-AP to regular) will ONLY be considered on an academic need basis between the 4 th and 6 th week of school and at the end of the 1st semester.After the start of school (August 24 th ) Level changes (Pre-AP to regular) will ONLY be considered on an academic need basis between the 4 th and 6 th week of school and at the end of the 1st semester. ABSOLUTELY NO Regular to Pre-AP moves after the first day of school.ABSOLUTELY NO Regular to Pre-AP moves after the first day of school. No elective changes will be made after June 4, 2015No elective changes will be made after June 4, 2015
REQUIRED COURSES 6 TH GRADE7 th GRADE8 th GRADE Language Arts – English Language Arts - English Language Arts – Reading Language Arts - Reading Math - 6 Math - 7Math- 8 Science – 6 Science – 7Science - 8 Social Studies (Contemporary World Cultures) Social Studies (Texas History) Social Studies (U.S. History) Physical Education Physical Education or Athletics Physical Education or Athletics (½ year) Technology Applications 1 (½ year) Technology Applications 2 Grade 7 or 8 (½ year) A Fine Arts course is required and students generally satisfy this requirement as a 6 th grade elective Elective courses to fill 8 periods Elective courses to fill 8 periods Elective courses to fill 8 periods
ELECTIVE CHOICES SEMESTER FULL YEAR String Orchestra Choir Band G/T Independent Study Tech Apps 1 Art 1 Theater Arts 1 Student Leadership Keyboarding Broadcasting
TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS 1 Required for incoming 6 th & 7 th Grade Students Students will learn and improve: word processing, database, spreadsheets, multimedia presentations, desktop publishing, keyboarding and telecommunication skills
FINE ARTS A Fine Arts course is required to be taken in either 6 th, 7 th or 8 th grade “ Fine Arts course ” can be either a full-year (Band, Choir, Orchestra) OR a semester (Art 1, and/or Theater 1)
JOURNALISM Broadcasting : Students will be responsible for producing a campus broadcast for various audiences. Students will have the opportunity to learn quality journalism techniques such as: interviewing, camera presence and script writing Application and 2 Teacher references required
ADDITIONAL ELECTIVES G/T Independent Study Full-year elective Designed for identified G/T students who wish to pursue an area of interest in greater depth by utilizing research skills to create advanced products in a variety of media to demonstrate their learning. Must be identified as G/T in BISD Multi-age classroom (open to grades 6,7 & 8)
ADDITIONAL ELECTIVES, CONT’D Keyboarding Semester elective - available to grades 6, 7 & 8 Designed for students who need additional time & practice to master basic typing & keyboarding Does NOT fulfill the Tech Apps 1 & 2 Requirement Student Leadership Semester elective – 6 th Graders ONLY Provides students an opportunity to develop leadership, personal & business skills.
THINGS TO CONSIDER BISD provides middle school students a well- balanced, rigorous curriculum that meets and exceeds the requirements set forth by the Texas Education Agency (TEA). Courses are designated in various ways to meet the skills and interests of students and are offered as Academic and Pre-AP A course of study may be a combination of courses with different designations. The student, parent, and school will work together to determine the best combination of each learner.
PRE-AP COURSES Designed to challenge motivated students and prepare them for success in future advanced-level coursework. Incorporate the subject-specific activities a student will see later in a related high school Advanced Placement course. Will move at a faster pace, are more academically challenging, and require more independent learning and homework.
PERSONAL & ACADEMIC CHARACTERISTICS Personal characteristics: Reads on or above grade level Strong study skills and self-motivation Proficient oral and written communication skills Self-discipline to plan, organize, and carry out tasks to completion Interest and self-directedness in a particular subject Academic characteristics: Successful completion of prerequisite coursework Grade of 90 or higher in the previous content-related course Grade of 80 or higher in the previous Pre-AP content- related course. Level II scores on most recent course-related STAAR Assessment
PLEASE CONSIDER: BEFORE ENROLLING IN PRE-AP A substantial amount of work outside class is required for successfully completing a Pre- AP course; The total number of challenging classes being considered; The interest and self-discipline of the student; Grades earned in Pre-AP classes may be lower than grades made in previous general courses of the same subject. The amount of time required for the extra curricular activities in which your child is involved
LANGUAGE ARTS: ENGLISH & READING ON-LEVEL Students will develop research and language skills, students are able to select and use different forms of writing (original stories, poetry, letters, expository and persuasive essays). Students vary sentence structure and use more complex punctuation such as hyphens, semicolons, and possessives. Students edit their writing based on their knowledge of grammar and usage, spelling, and punctuation to produce final, error-free pieces of written composition. One major work will be read each quarter. PRE-AP Students are expected to master previously learned skills in increasingly more complex presentations and written compositions. Along with developing research techniques and language assessments skills, students select and use different forms of writing for specific purposes such as to inform, persuade, or entertain. To support the reading/writing connection, students write to analyze and interpret literary works on a regular basis. One major work will be read each quarter that supports elements of the AP English Language and AP English Literature exams. Students should be self- motivated and have the time and ability to complete out-of-class assignments.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION Participation is a grade in PE. Participation includes dressing out every class period. Lockers will be issued PE Uniform is required-may be purchased tonight ($20- See Coach Fallon) Activities include: Badminton, circuit training, fitness skills, ultimate Frisbee and weight lifting.
BLOCK SCHEDULE: A/B DAY ROTATION “A/B day schedule”: 1 st / 5 th : 8:45-10:14 2 nd /6 th : 10:18-11:47 3 rd /7 th :11:51-1:19 6 th Lunch: 1:23-1:53 6 th Study hall: 1:56-2:27 4 th /8 th : 2:31-4:00
STUDENT SUPPORT SYSTEMS Study hall- 6 th Grade ONLY After lunch (6 th Grade only) every day Same teacher and same students through Fall semester Character lessons Time to get organized (check agenda) Time to get homework done If absent may possibly use to make-up missing lab, quiz, test, etc. Enrichment and Intervention time
ADDITIONAL STUDENT SUPPORT Monday-Thursday 8:05 am to 8:35 am Teacher from Math, Science, Social Studies, English and Reading available. In the Library
HOW CAN I SUPPORT MY CHILD? Create a Parent Portal Account The Parent Portal ID stays the same. Get your Parent Portal ID from your Elementary School. Set Grade and Attendance Triggers on the Parent Portal
WHAT IF I HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT MY CHILD’S GRADES? At the Secondary Level (middle and high school) the classroom teacher is the BEST SOURCE of Information regarding your child’s performance in that class. You will communicate with 8 different teachers. Create a communication method for you and your child with his/her teachers.
TEACH INDEPENDENCE AND RESPONSIBILITY. Use the Agenda It is a communication tool between the teacher and parent. Write down assignments for every class Check your child’s agenda every night. Study hall teacher will check agenda every day.
CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS Student Council UIL-University Interscholastic League Robotics FCA-Fellowship of Christian Athletes Technology Students Association Club Destination Imagination
SUMMER SCHOOL Technology Applications 1 Fabra Elementary School June 9-12, 15-19, 22-26, 29-July 2 8:00-11:00 a.m. Monday-Friday $110/student and minimum of 20 students Replace with another elective Registration forms available in April Due Friday, May 8
CREDIT BY EXAM Technology Applications 1 (May 2, June 9-10) Reading 6 (June 9-10) Must score at least an 80 to receive credit. Replace with another 6 th Grade elective Still responsible to take and pass the 6 th Grade Reading STAAR.
Boerne Middle School South CHARGER CAMP Thursday, April23rd :00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Incoming 6 th graders & your parents Join us as we unravel the mysteries of Middle School! Boerne Middle School South CHARGER CAMP Thursday, April 23 rd, :00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Incoming 6 th graders & your parents Join us as we unravel the mysteries of Middle School!
CONTACT INFORMATION Celia Collard (A-K), Counselor Kimberly Berny (L-Z), Counselor Holly Taylor, Registrar (A-Z) –