Vegemite Budget: $2,900 Mirae Kim
Company name: Company name: Vegemite Modelez Australia (Mondelez Australia Pty Ltd and Mondelez Australia Foods Ltd.) Product: Product: Vegemite (focused product) and Vegemite cheesybite Specialty and design of Vegemite: Vegemite is a sticky black paste made of many kinds of nutritious vegetables which is healthy and delicious food that everybody love it Vegemite provides balanced diet and good health with cheap and reasonable price to afford Vegemite helps to provide vitality and energy to help get the day started. In addition, it helps for the brain function, supports your nervous system and helps to fight fatigue. E xtra interesting information of Vegemite: In 1939 Vegemite was officially endorsed by the British Medical Association as a rich source of B vitamins. Rationed in Australia during World War II, Vegemite was included in Australian Army rations and by the late 1940s was used in nine out of ten Australian homes. Background
In 1919, following the disruption of British Marmite imports after World War I and prior to the introduction of Vegemite, Callister's employer, the Australian company Fred Walker & Co., gave him the task of developing a spread from the used yeast being dumped by breweries. Fred Walker's company first created and sold Vegemite in Following a nationwide competition with a prize of £50 (2010:$3,527) to find a name for the new spread, the name "Vegemite" was selected out of a hat by Fred Walker's daughter, Sheilah. Vegemite first appeared on the market in 1923 with advertising emphasising the value of Vegemite to children's health but failed to sell very well. Faced with growing competition from Marmite, from 1928 to 1935 the product was renamed as "Parwill" to make use of the advertising slogan "Marmite but Parwill", a convoluted pun on the new name and that of its competitor Background
In April 1984, a 115g jar of vegemite became the first product in Australia to be electronically scanned at a checkout. Vegemite is produced in Australia at Kraft Foods' Port Melbourne manufacturing facility which produces more than 22 million jars per year. Virtually unchanged from Callister's original recipe, Vegemite now far outsells Marmite and other similar spreads in Australia. The billionth jar of Vegemite was produced in October Address: Level6, South Wharf Tower, 30 Convention Centre Place, South Wharf, Victoria 3006, Australia Contact: Australia Free Call ( ), New Zealand Free Call ( ), US Free Call ( ) Australian Catalogue Company ( About Australia Shop ( Simply Australian Shop ( Background
Target Audience ★ Primary: Females in Australia (Age Age between 25-35) Annual income of $30,000 ~ $75,400 Middle class – upper middle class Life matrix: Priority Parents Family values, activities, media strongly dominate, Renaissance Women Active, caring, affluent, influential mums Females who have career (It is better if the one goes on business trips frequently) or university students who are busy modern people and prefer convenient eating style Females who are interested in keeping their body figure Women who care about their diet and healthy lifestyle
Target Audience Secondary: Single males in Australia (Age between 25-39) Annual income of $30,000 ~ $75,400 Middle class Males who are single, divorced and living alone Males who have career (It is better if the one goes on business trip frequently) and interested in working out Males who are vegetarian and interested in simple way of eating Males who care about their diet and healthy lifestyle
Key Communications Product name: Vegemite Brand name: Kraft Walker Vegemite is produced in Australia at Kraft Foods' Port Melbourne manufacturing facility which produces more than 22 million jars per year which is PLAUSIABLE FOOD PRODUCT for consumers. Price: 220g ($7.25) 400g ($17.12) 600g ($37.13) Release date: March 1 st, 2014 Vegemite is a healthy food with nutrition for every gender and age. It’s good for your health more than others jam brands, its rich of vitamin B that’s can help with your nervous system, digestion, muscles, heart, alcohol damaged nerve tissues. Every gender can easily grab good health from Vegemite.
Key Communications Specialty of Vegemite: Vegemite provides balanced diet and good health with cheap and reasonable price to afford Vegemite helps to provide vitality and energy to help get the day started. In addition, it helps for the brain function, supports your nervous system and helps to fight fatigue. In 1939 Vegemite was officially endorsed by the British Medical Association as a rich source of B vitamins. Rationed in Australia during World War II, Vegemite was included in Australian Army rations and by the late 1940s was used in nine out of ten Australian homes.
Gain more recognition of the product “Vegemite” from consumers Approach convenience and highlight the uniqueness of the product Indicate consumers that Vegemite is friendly product Nutritious and helpful to improve healthier diet for daily life and nutrition Increase and maximize the profits from the sales of the product PR Objectives
PR Strategy Interview 10 health experts and signify how Vegemite is convenient to sustain one’s health and maintain healthy diet and write an article including interview. Then, Facebook will give us the opportunity to connect Vegemite with magazines to let post survey and articles up on the Facebook pages of several magazines Let people to make self promotional video and let them submit their work on the Facebook page of Vegemite. Facebook will provide $2000 of the price money to the winner of “Making self- promotional video for Vegemite” (We help Facebook to be more well known to people and promoted to people)
PR Strategy Event for designing the bottle for the new launching product (The product bottle of spring Limited edition of Vegemite) - Facebook will post banner or announcement post for designing the product for the Vegemite so that many people from all around the world can submit their work and participate in this event which gives Vegemite the chance to be expanded as a more international brand Expose Vegemite on the video of famous Australian Fitness blogger “Sol Walkling”. Sol Walkling is the one who posts fitness video and Pilates video up on the internet and there are a lot of followers who are actually subscribing. She will expose our product and let her introduce our product. We will choose 5 subscribers and give out free 5 jars of Vegemite (220g) to them.
Target Press Magazines: Easy Health Health & Fitness Women’s Health Men’s Health Online Press: Facebook Australian Fitness Youtube
PR Ideas PR IDEASRATIONALETARGET MEDIACOST Surveying 10 health experts To Let people know how nutritious Vegemite is and promote the benefits it gives on our health to both men and women Easy Health Health & Fitness Australian Fitness $ 500 ~ $1000 Let people to make self promotional video and let them post on the Facebook page of Vegemite Facebook will provide the price for the winner of promotional video so people themselves can have fun making video and get more friendly with the product Help promoting Facebook at the same time. In addition facebook is common internet website which more than 60% of world population use Facebook $ 0
PR Ideas PR IDEASRATIONALETARGET MEDIA COST Event for designing the bottle for the new launching product – Limited spring edition design of the product bottle Previous Vegemite lovers will definitely be interested in but this event will also bring new customers in from such various fields. This products can be appealed as a more consumer- friendly product The price ($1000) will attract people to participate in this event more enthusiastically A ustralian Fitness Health & Fitness Facebook $1000 ~ $1500 Expose Vegemite on the video of famous Australian Fitness blogger “Sol Walkling” and Sol Walkling is the one who posts fitness video and Pilates video up on the internet and there are a lot of followers who are actually subscribing. In her video, we will expose our product and let her introduce our product. Among her subscribers who actually commented on her blog or channel, we will provide “3 months free gym usage coupon at Brookvale Anytime Fitness” and 5 jars of vegemite (220g) to selected 5 people of subscribers. Australian Fitness Youtube $350 ~ $400
Promotional Partners Facebook – Facebook will provide $2000 of the price money to the winner of “Making self- promotional video for Vegemite” (We help Facebook to be more well known to people and promoted to people) – Facebook will connect Vegemite with magazines to let post survey and articles up on the Facebook pages of several magazines – Facebook will post banner or announcement post for designing the product for the Vegemite so that many people from all around the world can submit their work and participate in this event which gives Vegemite the chance to be expanded as more international brand
Promotional Partners Australian Fitness – They will help us to promote our campaign on the banner of their websites and post our article on “survey of 10 health experts” on the website – They will help us to inform web users our the bottle designing events for the “Limited spring edition design of the product bottle” – They will help us to contact with Sol Walkling who is the famous health blogger
Promotional Partners Youtube – They will help us to distribute the video of Sol Walkling’s fitness video and her promotional video of our product – They will select 5 subscribers of Sol Walkling and provide their contacts to us so we can send prices to them – They will help us by spread link the of the video which our product has been exposed to various other cooperative websites