BEFORE WE BEGIN… Which famous leaders can you think of?
Leadership is not about doing what is easy, Leadership is about doing what is right WHAT IS LEADERSHIP?
Leadership is the process of inspiring individuals to give of their best to achieve a desired result. It is about getting people to move in the right direction, gaining their commitment, and motivating them to achieve their goals.
What is Leadership? Leadership is the capacity to lead people to a common purpose and goal; and the character to inspire confidence. Create a disciplined environment, but one without fear Give Hope for a better tomorrow Courage – it is contagious!
Leader as a Catalyst As per Krishna in the Mahabharata A leader must be strong and ruthless and at the same time must be “subtle of skill, open-handed and great hearted”. Unlike Balarama who decides to be neutral Krishna knew great issues were at stake and neutrality meant escapism.
WHY ARE LEADERS IMPORTANT? Organizations need strong leadership and strong management for optimal effectiveness. We need leaders to challenge the status quo, to create visions of the future. We also need managers to formulate detailed plans, create efficient organizational structures, and oversee day-to-day operations.
ARE LEADERS BORN OR MADE? Both – With the right business tools Good leaders are made not born. If you have the desire and willpower, you can become an effective leader. Good leaders develop through a never ending process of self-study, education, training, and experience. Great leaders develop more leaders
FUNCTIONS OF THE LEADER Leaders have two essential roles. They have to: 1.Achieve the task – that is why their group exists. 2.Maintain effective relationships – between themselves and the members of the group, and between the people within the group as well as outside the group.
Qualities of a Leader
Leaders are Inspirational Leaders develop/celebrate their people Leaders take personal responsibility for the results – APR - Absolute Personal Responsibility Lead by example Leaders keep asking the right questions Leaders know their roles but work at contributing Leadership is about social responsibility
Ambition and Energy Ambition and Energy Desire to Lead Desire to Lead Self- Confidence Self- Confidence Honesty and Integrity Honesty and Integrity Intelligence “Can-Do” Attitude “Can-Do” Attitude Qualities of a Leader
Leaders Love Life Leaders have a contagious positive attitude Leaders are committed; their actions align with the words ( Do/Say Ratio ) Leaders create a spirit of approval; not of criticism Leaders love and respect their team Qualities of a Leader
Leaders have to believe in their team more than the team believes in themselves Leaders communicate; clearly and continuously Leaders have Courage; and courage comes from passion, not position Qualities of a Leader
Integrity Drive Truthfulness Translates words into deeds Inner motivation to pursue goals Need for achievement, quest to learn Leadership Motivation High need for socialized power to accomplish team’s or firm’s goals Emotional Intelligence Perceiving, assimilating, understanding, and regulating emotions Qualities of a Leader
Intelligence Above average cognitive ability Can analyse problems/opportunities Knowledge of the Business Familiar with business environment Aids intuitive decision making Self-Confidence High self-efficacy regarding ability to lead others Qualities of a Leader
Role Play
Leadership “Style” Autocratic – “dictator” Democratic – “boss” Laissez Faire – “guidance”
WAYS TO BECOME A LEADER 1.Know yourself and seek self- improvement 2.Be technically proficient 3.Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions 4.Make sound and timely decisions
5.Set the example 6.Know your people and look out for their well- being 7.Keep your workers informed 8.Develop a sense of responsibility in your workers 9.Ensure that tasks are understood, supervised, and accomplished WAYS TO BECOME A LEADER
11. Train as a team 12. Use the full capabilities of your organization WAYS TO BECOME A LEADER
MORE WAYS TO BECOME A LEADER BE –KNOW- DO BE a professional. Examples: Be loyal to the organization, perform selfless service, take personal responsibility. BE a professional who possess good character traits. Examples: Honesty, competence, candor, commitment, integrity, courage, straightforwardness, imagination.
` P’ WAYS TO DEVELOP LEADERSHIP P ay attention to what’s important P raise what you want to continue P unish what you want to stop P ay for the results you want P romote those people who deliver those results
Develop your communication skills
Five negative leadership traits Uninformed about the problem being discussed Non-participative Rigid in holding on to their ideas Authoritarian in bossing others around Offensive and abusive in language style
CLASS EXERCISE Organize an office party on _____________ List down the steps that you would take to make this event happen successfully
It wasn’t his job! But yet he was always there to help solve other’s problems… …. With a keen feeling of belongingness! Going beyond the call of Duty