#15 Revelation proclaims God’s judgment


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Presentation transcript:

#15 Revelation proclaims God’s judgment REVELATION SEMINAR #15 Revelation proclaims God’s judgment


1. According to Scripture, who will face heavenly judgment? 2 Corinthians 5:10 (1695)

All (righteous and wicked)

2. According to our last lesson, when did the judgment begin in heaven? Daniel 8:14 (1312)

In 1844

3. Who are the judges? Psalm 50:6 (894) John 5:22 (1555)

The Father… hath committed all judgment unto the Son. God is judge, Himself. The Father… hath committed all judgment unto the Son.

4. What attitude do the Father and Son have toward us? 1 Timothy 2:3, 4 (1742) John 16:27 (1580)

Our Saviour… who will have all men to be saved.

The Father himself loveth you.


5. Who will face God in the FIRST PHASE of the judgment that is now taking place in heaven? 1 Peter 4:17 (1785)

Judgment must begin at the house of God.

6. Who is the advocate or attorney for the righteous? 1 John 2:1 (1790) Hebrews 9:24 (1766) Hebrews 7:25 (1763)

We have an advocate… Jesus Christ, the righteous.

7. What will be considered in the judgment? Ecclesiastes 12:13, 14 (1016)

God shall bring every work into judgment with every secret thing whether it be good or whether it be evil.

8. What will God use as His standard of measurement in the judgment? James 2:10-12 (1775)

They… shall be judged by the law of liberty.


9. Where does God keep the record of my life? Revelation 20:12 (1823)

The dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books.

10. Who presents the case against us? Zechariah 3:1, 2 (1378)


11. While the present judgment is going on in heaven, what does Revelation predict will be happening on earth? Revelation 11:18, 19 (1812)

And the nations were angry… and shouldst destroy them that destroy the earth.

12. Does God need books and a judgment, or court trial, to find out about me and my conduct, or does He …

… know everything about me already? 1 Kings 8:39 (563) John 3:18 (1550) 2 Timothy 2:19 (1748)

Thou… knowest the hearts of all the children of men.

13. Since the present judgment, which is now in session, Daniel 7:9, 10 (1309), is not needed by God, personally, for whose benefit is it? Revelation 3:5 (1803)

I will confess his name before… His angels.


14. When will the WICKED be judged? Revelation 20:4 (1822)

And judgment was given unto them… and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

15. Who helps judge the wicked, including Satan and his angels? 1 Corinthians 6:2, 3 (1674)

The saints shall judge the world… we shall judge the angels.

16. In your opinion, for whose benefit is the judgment of the WICKED conducted?…

…After all, people who are not in heaven during the 1000 years are lost anyway, so, why conduct the judgment for the wicked?

God’s character will be vindicated.


17. Matthew 25:31-46 (1442) pictures a third phase of the judgment when both righteous and the wicked stand before ...

… God, alive, for receiving reward or punishment. In your opinion: a. Does this judgment occur at …

… Jesus’ second coming or at the end of the 1000 years? b. For whose benefit is this phase of judgment conducted?

(after the Holy City descends on the Earth.) a. At the end of the 1000 years. (after the Holy City descends on the Earth.) b. The wicked will see that God was just.

The three phases of the judgment Second coming of Christ Holy City descends 1844 1000 years Phase #1 Phase #2 Phase #3 1. Who judges? 2. Where conducted? 3. For whose benefit? 1. God & angels 2. In heaven 3. Angels 1. God & righteous 2. In heaven 3. Righteous 1. God, angels & righteous 2. On earth 3. Wicked, Satan & evil angels

18. When God announces rewards and punishments in the judgment, is He making the decision at that moment, or simply permitting angels and the righteous to confirm what He already knew? Revelation 15:3, 4 (1816) Romans 2:5 (1649) 1 Corinthians 4:5 (1672)

Thy judgments are made manifest.


19. Since I MUST yet face God in JUDGMENT, can I have ASSURANCE of salvation NOW? Daniel 7:22 (NIV) Isaiah 3:10 (1027)

Pronounced judgment in favor of the saints.

Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him.

20. Sins are forgiven when we confess them 20. Sins are forgiven when we confess them. When are they blotted out of God’s records? Acts 3:19, 20 (1595)

Repent… that your sins may be blotted out when… He shall send Jesus Christ.


21. What did the heavenly being say the church must do after the bitter disappointment? Revelation 10:11 (1811)

Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.

22. In harmony with what the angel told John in Revelation 10, what must God’s church be preaching today as part of the “everlasting gospel?” Revelation 14:6, 7 (1815)

Fear God… for the hour of His judgment is come.


23. Revelation repeatedly points out that both men and angels will excitedly and loudly praise and thank God for the justice and …

… satisfaction of the judgment. What specifically are they saying? Revelation 16:7 (1817) Revelation 19:2 (1821) Revelation 15:3 (1816)

True and righteous are thy judgments.

24. What finally does everyone in the universe do to express their feelings about God’s fairness and love? Philippians 2:10, 11 (1723)

Every knee should bow… and that every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

25. Jesus is saying: “My son, my daughter, give me thine heart 25. Jesus is saying: “My son, my daughter, give me thine heart.” Proverbs 23:26 (993)…

…He wants to enter your name in His book of life and keep it there. Will you let Him have that great joy?

1. There are a few special people who will not have to face judgment. QUIZ QUESTIONS (true or false) 1. There are a few special people who will not have to face judgment.

QUIZ QUESTIONS (true or false) 2. The Judgment began in heaven in 1844 and will end at the conclusion of the 1000 year period of Revelation 20.

3. The Judgment begins with professing Christians. QUIZ QUESTIONS (true or false) 3. The Judgment begins with professing Christians.

QUIZ QUESTIONS (true or false) 4. God has promised to give favorable decisions to those who love Him and truly follow Him.

5. There will never be a time that everybody agrees that God is just. QUIZ QUESTIONS (true or false) 5. There will never be a time that everybody agrees that God is just.

1. There are a few special people who will not have to face judgment. QUIZ QUESTIONS FALSE 1. There are a few special people who will not have to face judgment.

QUIZ QUESTIONS TRUE 2. The Judgment began in heaven in 1844 and will end at the conclusion of the 1000 year period of Revelation 20.

3. The Judgment begins with professing Christians. QUIZ QUESTIONS TRUE 3. The Judgment begins with professing Christians.

QUIZ QUESTIONS TRUE 4. God has promised to give favorable decisions to those who love Him and truly follow Him.

5. There will never be a time that everybody agrees that God is just. QUIZ QUESTIONS FALSE 5. There will never be a time that everybody agrees that God is just.

RESPONSE QUESTIONS 1. If you see clearly that everyone will be judged by God, put an “X” in box #1.

2. If you see that the judgment is going on now, put an “X” in box #2. RESPONSE QUESTIONS 2. If you see that the judgment is going on now, put an “X” in box #2.

RESPONSE QUESTIONS 3. If you want to be one of those who love Him and truly follow Him so that your name will be written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, and you want to thank Him for giving you eternal life, put an “X” in box #3.

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