Course: Demonology, Man and Sin Lecture on “The Existence of Angels” Chapter 1 “The Origin of Angels” Chapter 2 “The Nature of Angels” Chapter 3
Angels and their Existence Angels have always Played a major role in God’s dealing with Man. Angels have been used to announce major events in the time table of God’s redemptive plan for man.
The Origins of Sin SSSSin has it’s source, at it’s roots, in Heaven when Lucifer wanted to exalt himself above the throne of God. This is the birthing of sin in the universe. He and a third of the angels that followed him where ultimately cast down as lightning from Heaven. This is where this course will begin.
“The Existence of Angels” Chapter 1 The Books of Law – Torah or Pentateuch The word angel appears thirty-two times in the writings of Moses. The word angel appears thirty-two times in the writings of Moses.
“The Existence of Angels” In Exodus*, Moses was called by the Angel of Jehovah to deliver Israel from Egypt, and an angel led Moses and the Israelites through the wilderness journeys. Most angels were recognized as messengers but Moses regards the Angel of Jehovah as more than an ordinary angel wherever he appears in the narrative; Moses regards him as deity*.
“The Existence of Angels” TTTThe Books of History – “The Neviim” known as the Prophets The word angel appears about thirty-seven times in the books of Joshua, Judges, 1 and 2 Samuel, 2 Kings, and 1 and 2 Chronicles. Most occurrences are in the book of Judges where the Angel of Jehovah, considered more than an angel, conversed, passed judgment, and comforted His people
The Prophets Isaiah makes two references to the Angel of Jehovah as defending Israel and defeating her enemies*. Again this is no ordinary angel. Seraphim (Fiery ones) are referred to in 6:2, but does not use the word angel. Jeremiah and Ezekiel do not use the word angel, but Ezekiel does mention cherubim. Gabriel, who appears in Luke 1, appears first to Daniel with a revelation of the future of Israel. (Daniel 9:20-27) The Books of Poetry – “The Ktuvim or Writings” Job and Psalms contribute to our knowledge of good and evil angels. Satan is represented as one of the spirits called ‘the sons of God” in Job 1:6 and 2:1 They are God’s energetic and fervent servants ( Psalm 104:4) and His devoted worshipers. ( Psalm 103:20; 148:2)
“The Existence of Angels” The Witness of the New Testament Writers The Gospels All four gospels report the existence of angels. Matthew and Luke tell of the significant ministry of angels connected with the birth of Christ, it’s prediction, and it’s announcement. The first three gospels ( the synoptics ) are full of references to angels and demons. All four record the appearance of angels at the Resurrection tomb.
“The Existence of Angels” *The Book of Acts At the Ascension of Christ, announcing His Second Coming (1:10-11) *The Epistles Angels are classified as “elect” ( 1Timothy 5:21 ) or “fallen” (2 Peter 2:4) *The Book of Revelation Sixty-five clear references to angels, More references to angels than any other book in the bible The Witness of The Son God* In Christ testings, teaching, and ministry