Welcome! Class of 2014
Meet Your Advisor Advisor’s Name: Prof. Sastry R Sreepada Office address: JEC-2032 Phone number: Office hours: Tuesday 12:30-3:00 pm Best way to reach me:
Who are you? In small groups please share the following information Name, residence hall What did you expect RPI to be like? What didn’t you expect? What would you like to change? What do you expect from your advisor?
Important Information My role as your advisor Your role as a student Academic resources Academic deadlines Opportunities outside of the classroom
What is my role as your advisor Develop an educational plan consistent with goals Provide and explain general educational requirements Monitor and discuss issues of concern regarding your academic progress Recommend opportunities for personal growth and academic development Refer you to specific campus or community resources
Your role as a student To complete and review an educational plan. To monitor your progress towards your degree To come prepared with questions regarding curriculum, course selections, career options, etc. to discuss with your advisor To know your advisor’s office hours, and meet with him/her once a semester To understand that the advisor’s role is to give information, and options for them to make an informed choice- not to make the decision for them To let the advisor know if you are experiencing academic difficulty
What you need to succeed? Course Catalogue- all the information you need about your major, requirements, course descriptions, etc. (on-line) Curriculum Advising Planning Program (CAPP) Report- tracks your degree progress (SIS) *** Transcript- including Undeclared/Gen. study Course Syllabus- read it and write down all of the important dates (tests, quizzes, hw) Network with your department. Get to know your professors, who they are, what they are interested in.
Important dates Add deadline is Monday, Sept. 13 th Drop deadline is on Friday, Oct. 22 nd Consultation week starts on Oct. 25 th Our next advising meetings: Tuesday, Oct. 5 th at 4:00 PM same place. Tuesday, Nov. 2 nd at 4:00PM same place
How are courses going? If you feel overwhelmed with the courses you have, come see me. If you are taking a higher level math or science and feel the pace is too fast, come see me. We might want to switch courses. Chemistry 1 will give an assessment test on Sept. 8 th,tomorrow, that is based on what you should have had in a high school chemistry. It will give you an idea what concepts you will need to review. It is worth 5% of your final grade. Any problems with online submissions, HW?
Calculus 1 You had a quiz in your calculus class last week. Please come see me if you have concerns. The math Dept. & ALAC are running review sessions through out the semester for Cal 1. Monday- Thursday in CII 4040 from 8-10 PM Staff: tutors, TLAs& math TA Contacts: Bruce Piper-Faculty member Victor Barranaca: –Teaching & Learning Assistant- ALAC Graduate
Common Test Times AM Wed., Sept. 8 th Wed., Sept. 22nd (assessment test)Wed. Oct. 20 th Wed. Sept. 29 th Wed. Nov. 17 th Wed. October 27 th Wed., Dec. 1st Physics 6 PMPhysics 7 PM Tues., Oct. 5th Wed., Sept. 29th Tues., Nov. 9 th Wed., Nov. 3 rd Tues., Dec. 7 th Wed., Dec. 8 th
Important dates MondayTuesdayWedThursFriday 8/308/31 preCal Test Sept.1 PreCal test 2 PreCal Test 3 6- Labor DaySept. 7 Meet your Adv 8 Chem. Assessment test Add deadline IEA Exam Chem Exam (8AM) Phys 2 exam 30Oct 1 Oct. 4 th Oct. 5 h Bio exam(9AM) Physics 1(PM) 2 nd Advising Meeting Oct. 6798
Strategies to manage 2 exams Some of you will take 2 exams on the same day or the same week Make a study schedule-starting w the hardest one first Make notes what is not clear or confusing Go to your professor/TA office hours for clarification Go to the Supplemental Instruction & tutoring sessions Practice problems by doing them and checking your answers Form a study group to ask and review problems Get plenty of rest the night before Eat breakfast or bring a snack with you
ALAC Resources Advising and Learning Assistance Center 2106 Sage lab X Learning Assistants (LAs) in residence hall – go over time management, study & test-taking skills, form study groups) 2.Learning Specialist for test taking skills, test anxiety, time management and organizational skills 3.Drop in Tutoring 4.Supplemental Instruction
Tutoring Center Drop in Tutoring DCC 345 Begins Tues. Sept. 7 h Schedule will be posted on web page at: Monday - Thursday 8 pm – 10 pm There will be tutors for most 1000 & 2000 courses in math, science and engineering. * All Computer Science Courses will be held in Low 3130 – Laptop Lab
Learning Assistants LALocationOffice Hours Kaleigh Gerlich; 8-10pm Ryan Smith; 8-10pm SarahKatie Thomas; H A/BSundays 8-10pm Horatiu Dragnea; H C/D Sun.8:30-9:30pm and Wed. 8:30-9:30pm Paulina Fink; 1Mondays 7-9pm Natalie Semczuk; 2Mondays 9-11 Michael Villardi ; Sundays 7-9pm Sara Howell; 7-9pm Jill Mendelson; 7-9pm Peter Carlisi ; 8-10pm Sarah Malmut; 5:45 – 7:45pm
SI – Supplemental Instruction SI Begins First Week of Classes A Graduate student reviews professor’s lecture, goes over problems and helps them understand the weekly concepts. CHEMISTRY I : M & W 8-10 PM in DCC 232 IEA : Tues. & Thurs PM in DCC 235 Physics I: Mon. & Thurs PM in DCC 239
Other outreach services Office of the First Year Experience Located in 4100 Academy Hall x6864 Tuesday Tool Box Series 4-6 PM in Nason classroom (workshops on stress management, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, academic success ) Helps resolve problems or concerns for first-year students
Health and Counseling Centers Both located on 3 rd floor of Academy Hall Health Center X pened 7 days a week Medical care Allergy care Health education Counseling Center X6479- opened 5 days on-call 24/7 Relaxation training for anxiety Improving communication skills Improving study habits Relating to parents Helping with depression
Career Development Center 210 Darrin Communications Center X6234 Career Counselors available for individual consultations on career paths and opportunities Cooperative Education- work experience Internships (summer, fall and spring)
Opportunities Outside the Classroom Archer Center for Student Leadership Academy Hall X 2119 The Leadership conference (Impressions of Leadership- Design Yours )–open to all students! Need to sign up. TBA (networking, communicating, recruitment techniques) Career Fair on Oct. 1 st & 2 nd sponsored by two students groups NSBE & SHPE.
Rensselaer Education Across Cultural Horizons Open House Sept. 8 th 2-4 PM in Walker 4103 Global Engineering Education Exchange Program Individual educational opportunities at multiple universities worldwide Campus wide programs through the Vice Provost’s Office
Remember to… Review your notes, read the text book Go to Professor office hours for assistance when needed Manage your time hours of studying per day is the average Any general questions or concerns, come to see me Get to know a faculty member Get involved in campus activities: clubs, intramural sports, student government, etc.
Questions? If no one has any questions, please fill out the information sheet and hand it to me when you are finished.