European Union: youth as a thematic region Erik Thijs Wedershoven & Dmitry Savelau
Overview Social groups as regions: young people Theory of region: coming to thematic regions Ideology in EU youth policies: diversification and European citizenship Youth in Action Program Opportunities and future in the world of the EU Rethinking policy-making: coordination in Member States and European Commission Conclusions and questions
Social groups: young people Social groups: groups in society organized along the lines of stages in life, specific needs, or representativeness Examples: indigenous people, persons with disabilities and young people Used by policy-makers and in advocacy The youth example: young people are going through specific stages in life, with specific needs, the biggest worldwide and most complex group
Thematic Regions Thematic regions based on the same principles as other regions, however aimed on a particular group or issue, uniting its members in sharing common goals, needs and interests
Youth policies/Regionalization …and young people are present members and future leaders in our societies. The United Nations has a long history of youth policies, with special Commissions and Declarations – 12 August, International Youth Day EU’s youth focus plus present plan: Youth in Action Program Diversification and European citizenship
Goal = To meet young people’s changing expectations while encouraging them to contribute to society. Spread across the EU to its neighbours (Eastern Europe and Caucasus, the Mediterranean region and South-East Europe) and other partner countries in the world. Young people between the ages of 15-28, and in some cases 13-30, can participate. Youth in Action Program
Main ideas of the Program Sense of active European citizenship and tolerance among young Europeans and to involve them in shaping the Union’s future by boosting their participation in democratic life. Non-formal learning and intercultural dialogue among European youth, as well as the inclusion of all young people, particularly those from less-privileged backgrounds. Young people's mobility within and beyond the EU borders, thus giving them the opportunity to expand their horizons and gain valuable life and work experiences.
1. Youth for Europe Sense of active eruopean citizenship; interculutral exchanges, creative youth initiatives and democracy projects 2. European Voluntary Service Unpaid and full-time voluntary service for up to 12 months in another country in Europe or in the world. 3. Youth in the World Sense of global citizenship through projects with partner countires, exchanges, training, networking and co-operation 4. Youth Support Systems This Action offers backing to youth bodies and NGOs active at the European level. 5. European Cooperation in the Youth Field Transnational youth seminars, cooperation with international NGOs targeting young people (UN, Council of Europe) The five actions of the Program:
Principles of work of thematic regions Flexible: peoples’ infrastructure Community-based Independent from geographical location Problem-oriented Self-initiated by the region itself
Management of thematic region Management (EC), priority setting Local coordination Relevance of the issues and priorities YOUTH (GROUPS)
Rethinking policy making Youth policy experts in many departments Youth advocacy and projects on most issues in society Urge to coordinate youth policies – examples from Member States to EC With thematic regions forming large groups/majorities in society, maybe more effective to organize policy-making along the lines of thematic regions?
More information and applications
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