Research by: Dahilyann Rivera and Madeline Cruz
People who abuse of their power in the society and affects others life. To prove our opinions we are going to investigate and find information that help with the investigation. We will search for veridical cases, videos and articles about characters that uses their power in a bad way and victims of such abusive behavior.
What is power? Power is the ability of people to influence the actions of others. How someone has power? Someone has power if that someone can decisively influence the reality of others.
Philosophical power Soft power Hard power Smart power Comprehensive National Power Political power
Abuse of power is what break ethics and moral principles to impose on others subjecting them to actions to satisfy the ambition and personal interests of the agent This situation exists whenever someone who has power over other, because their social position, physical strength, knowledge, technology, weapons, wealth, or the trust that others have in they ; Using that trust to impose their power and exploit or harm those others.
We search real cases, documentaries, articles, news, videos, photos and websites related with the abuse of power. We found that there are hundreds of cases about crime frauds, in which polices make false arrests to preserve their stereotype. We can see the lack of professionalism and moral principles in those people that abuse of their power, loosing our faith and trust in them.
Definition Methodology is the analysis and study of a theme with different components. How we can use methodology? In two ways: 1. Qualitative Method 2. Quantitative Method
Definition Quantitative methods are research techniques that are used to collect and analyze numerical data based in how many people feel, think or act in a particular way. The objective of quantitative research is to develop and employ mathematical models, theories or hypotheses pertaining to a problem. To present the results of these method we can use statistics, tables and graphs. There are various vehicles for collecting quantitative information but the most common are survey or interviews.
What is a Survey? A survey is a method for collecting quantitative information about items in a population. Components of the survey: 1. Demographic part 2. Instrument Part
Demographic part = details about the participant. Those details are: 1. Gender 2. Age 3. University Year
Instrument part = statements about the research theme. There are 10 statements: 5 statements are positives and 5 statements are negatives. *This part will be in a Likert Scale.
What is a Likert Scale? Is a project scale that provide us an specific and direct answer of the participant. This Scale has no medium answer. This Scale is 1-4, and the options are: 1. Strongly Agree 2. Disagree 3. Agree 4. Strongly Agree
To gather data and analyze our research theme: "The effect of abuse of power in our society" we use Survey method. To do the survey : 1. we selected sixty participants (college students). 2. participants between years old Major percentiles of students: *18 yrs ( 56%) *Freshmen (60%) * Females (53%)
Trough this research we find that young people are against the abuse of power, social classes divisions, violence, corruption, take benefits from others. We all agree that: * People in charge of Puerto Rico government should be united, work with honesty and focus in our needs. *All humans are equals no matter what position every person has.
You can find our references at the end of this research page and links page.