ACT I The Conflict Begins
ACT I The Stage l God sits on the throne in the center l 4 cherubim surround the throne praising God l 24 elders sit on 24 other thrones praising God
ACT I The Stage l Also on the stage are the hosts of angels l And every living creature l God is powerful, reigns in majesty, and is in control
ACT I Christ Will Reveal l God has a scroll in His hand sealed with 7 seals. l A lamb with 7 eyes and 7 horns comes. He has been killed and is alive again.
ACT I Christ Will Reveal
l The lamb represents Christ l He will open the seals.
ACT I Christ Will Reveal l This gives us a time marker—as the story starts, Christ has already been to earth, died, been raised, and is now back in heaven.
ACT I God’s Power over Nations l As the Lamb opens the seals, various events take place. l The first four seals bring four horsemen.
ACT I God’s Power over Nations
l White horse-conquest l Red horse-take peace l Black horse—economic distress l Pale horse—other disasters l God gives them their power
ACT I God’s Power over Nations l The parade of horsemen is a show of God’s power to rule over the nations of the world.
ACT I Martyrs Ask God to Judge l 5 th Seal—Rev. 6:9 l Those killed because of their testimony l Ask God “How long” before you judge and avenge our blood.
ACT I Martyrs Ask God to Judge l He gives each a white robe l And tells them to wait until more of their brethren have also been persecuted. l So there has been persecution and will be more.
ACT I A Nation to Fall l 6 th Seal—Rev. 6:12 l Earthquakes, sun darkened, moon to blood, stars fall, people run to hide l Isa. 13:10, 13:1—these images suggest a nation will fall. That will soon happen.
ACT I God Will Protect His Church l Interlude l Don’t hurt the earth l Until I have sealed 144,000 Jews l God is saying I want the church to know I care about them and will guard them.
ACT I God Will Protect His Church l Multitude in heaven l Wearing white robes l So the martyrs of 6:9 are seen enjoying life in heaven
ACT I God Warns the Persecutor l The 7 th Seal is opened l 7 angels are given 7 trumpets
ACT I God Warns the Persecutor
l First four trumpets affect 1/3 of the land burns up 1/3 of the seas turns to blood 1/3 of the rivers become bitter 1/3 of the sun, moon, and stars are darkened—1/3 of sky l Suggests partial destruction
ACT I God Warns the Persecutor l Trumpets were often used to warn l Look ahead at Rev. 9: Those left did not repent— so the warnings were not heeded
ACT I God Warns the Persecutor l Those being warned continued to worship idols, to murder, and to rob. l So the persecutor continues his false religion and his persecution of Christians.
ACT I God Warns the Persecutor l So the six trumpets warn through— Natural disasters Internal corruption Outside attacks
ACT I Persecution to Increase l John gets a second scroll from which to prophesy again
ACT I Persecution to Increase l The temple (church) will be under attack for 42 months. l Christian witnesses will be under attack for 1260 days (same length of time)
ACT I Persecution to Increase l The witnesses lie in the streets of the city of the beast for 3 ½ days. l Then they are raised up showing they have won the fight. l Christianity will survive.
ACT I Announcement of Fall l 7 th Trumpet Sounds l Great joy in heaven l Because God will now use the power He has been holding back. l The destroyer will be destroyed.
ACT I Conclusion l Thus ends Act I. l The problem of persecution has been introduced. l God has said there will be more before it is gone. l God warns the persecutor.
ACT I Conclusion l The persecutor only makes the persecution worse for a symbolic 42 months. l Witnesses lay down their lives but God raises them up.
ACT I Conclusion l Heaven rejoices because God will now make His move. l With this anouncement comes the end of Act I. l We have studied 4-11.