Schutzvermerk nach DIN 34 beachten EPAM: Graphics and radio button
Schutzvermerk nach DIN 34 beachten Radio buttons: Visualizing Either - Or decisions FM AM Actions SetVar=0 SetVar=1 VarValueVarType StationUINT
Schutzvermerk nach DIN 34 beachten Inserting graphics for radio buttons Epam C:\ Images OK.pcx Cancel.pcx
Schutzvermerk nach DIN 34 beachten Static text display on the screen via Signal object FM AM #SignalFM
Schutzvermerk nach DIN 34 beachten Exercise: Expansion of the project with radio buttons Button Start page page2 <- cycles= 1234 Reset Inactive Active Expand your XSoft program. The cycles shall only be counted when the variable active (BOOL) is TRUE.