1 Seventh International Scientific & Technical Conference (MNTK-2010) Moscow, 26 – 27 May 2010 Russian Nuclear Power in the Ever-changing World V.G. Asmolov
2 Russian NPPs in commercial operation NPPs, 32 Units, N inst. = MW
33 Electricity generation by Russian NPPs
44 Load Factor of Russian NPPs
55 Load Factor at Russian NPPs in 2009
66 Execution of the planned target for electricity generation at Russian NPPs in 2009 (% and mln. kW-h)
77 Trend of operational events at Russian NPPs
88 Trend of events with scrams at Russian NPPs
99 Radioactive noble gases releases from NPPs in 2009 (% of the allowed release level) New limits for allowed release introduced (by SP AS-99 standard) On-line data for 2009
10 Collective doses at NPPs for different reactor types (man-Sv/Unit)
11 Summary of the year 2009 ►Nuclear power units safe operation has been ensured ►The maximum electricity generation level of bln kW-h (100.6% of the FTS balance target) has been achieved ►The maximum generation capacity of MW has been attained ►Load Factor of 80.2 % has been reached (79.5% in 2008) ►Availability Factor of 83.6 % has been reached (82.2% in 2008)
12 Production targets for 2010 Planned generation as per FTS balance target bln kW-h Load Factor - 81,3 %
13 Electricity generation increase at the operating nuclear power units is achieved by implementation of relevant measures in the following areas: ►Reliability improvement; ►Nuclear power units efficiency factor raise; ►Thermal power increase; ►Reduction of overhaul and mid-life repair terms; ►Thermal efficiency improvement for thermomechanical equipment; ►Operation life extension for NPP units. Electricity generation increase
14 The gradual comprehensive upgrading plan for VVER-1000 power units ReactorSteam GeneratorTurbineGenerator ►Reduction of conservatism in defining the design basis and operational limits. ►Reduction of linear power release in a fuel element by means of axial and radial profiling. ►Fuel assembly modernization. ►Upgrading the steam separation system. ►Evaluation of internal SG pressure raising feasibility. ►Evaluation of feasibility of SG replacement with a more efficient one. ►Upgrading the flow-through part and optimization of the thermal circuit. ►Enhancement of the feedwater recovery system for efficiency factor improvement purpose. ►Upgrading in order to obtain a maximum possible electric power. ►Evaluation of feasibility of the generator replacement.
15 Reduction of conservatism in the VVER-1000 power capability evaluation Parameter Value at presentConservatism reduction Measures towards conservatism reduction 1. K r – fuel element power nonuniformity coeff. 1,521,48 Fuel load optimization 2. q тв - fuel element power capability, KW Reduction of conservatism in the accident analysis domain 3. F общ (q тв ) - margin coefficient 1,171,11 Ensuring the overall 95% probability of being within the limits доп As a result thermal power can be increased by 12%
16 Phases of Russian Nuclear Power Development in Post-Chernobyl Period ►1992 – the “survival” period ►2004 – nuclear “renaissance” ►2008 – global financial crisis ►2010 onward- end of recession period and post-crisis development
17 Russian NPPs built in the “survival” period 1993 – Balakovo NPP Unit – Kalinin NPP Unit – Volgodonsk NPP Unit 1
18 Foreign NPPs of the “survival” period Tianwan NPP (China) Bushehr NPP (Iran) Kudankulam NPP (India)
19 The “survival” period outcome ►R&D infrastructure and the knowledge for the basis technology (VVER and BN reactors) have been retained ►The technology and infrastructure for the construction of NPP power units, and the whole nuclear industry have been retained ►Severe accidents research programs have been carried out, and computer codes have been developed and verified ►New safety design features have been developed and tested
20 Safety database APPLICATION TO THE NUCLEAR INSTALLATIONS Thermohydraulics - integral experiments Hydrogen (deflagration, detonation) RASPLAV, MASCA Melt - concrete interaction Thermomechanics of fuel elements Thermomechanics of a reactor vessel Reactivity initiated accidents RESEARCH PROGRAMS IN RUSSIA with Western partners involvement RESEARCH PROGRAMS FACILITIES with Russian involvement AT WESTERN INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS data bases, codes)( Thermohydraulics CAMP, ICAP OECD EU, IAEA programs NEA / EU, IAEA programs Severe accidents CSARP NEA / OECD - Thermohydraulics - PMK (Hungary), PACTEL (Finland) Core damage - CORA (Germany) BETA (Germany), ACE (USA) Filters on the containment venting system - Hydrogen - ACE (USA), TYPHOON (Germany) HDR(Germany) Melt-concrete interaction -
21 The public request for accelerated nuclear power development External conditions: ● Non-uniform distribution of fossil fuel resources ● Increased tension at global energy market Demonstration of developing consumer-oriented features of NPPs: ● guaranteed safety ● economic efficiency ● closed NFC RW & SF management fuel breeding Boundary conditions that determined the nuclear “renaissance”
22 Nuclear power globalization degree ►Five countries (U.S.A., France, Japan, Russia and Germany) altogether produce 70% of nuclear-generated electricity in the world. ►Light water reactors of three types (PWR, BWR, VVER) represent 80% of global reactor fleet. ►Five countries (Russia, France, Japan, China, India) are developing fast reactor technologies in an advanced phase. ►Six companies (Rosatom, URENCO, USEC, EURODIF, CNNC, JNFL) are performing commercial-scale uranium enrichment. ►Six countries (France, United Kingdom, Russia, Japan, China, India) have nuclear fuel reprocessing capacities.
23 - red line separates the units with guaranteed financing - blue line designates the mandatory power unit commissioning programme Kola, Unit 2 Kola, Unit 1 LNPP, unit 2 LNPP Unit 1 Mandatory programme Mandatory and supplementary programmes Installed capacity by 2020, GW Capacity to be commissioned, GW Kola-II Unit 1 Kola-II Unit 2 Central, Unit 1 Kola-II, Unit 3 Kola-II, Unit 4 Prim., Unit 1 Prim., Unit 2 To be decommissioned: 3.7 GW NPP construction roadmap according to the General Plan till 2020 February 2008 Rostov, Unit 2 completion Kursk, Unit 5* completion Kalinin, Unit 4 completion NVoronezh-II, Unit 1 Beloyarsk, Unit 4 BN-800 Leningrad-II, Unit 1 Rostov, Unit 3 Seversk, Unit 1 Tver, Unit 1 Rostov, Unit 4 Nizhniy Novorod Unit 1 South Urals, Unit 1 NVoronezh-II, Unit 2 NVoronezh-II, Unit 3 Nvoronezh-II, Unit 4 Leningrad-II, Unit 2 Leningrad-II, Unit 3 Leningrad-II, Unit 4 Tver, Unit 2 Tver, Unit 3 Tver, Unit 4 South Urals, Unit 2 South Urals, unit 3 South Urals, Unit 4 Seversk, Unit 2 Nizhniy Novorod, Unit 2 Nizhniy Novorod, Unit 3 Nizhniy Novorod, Unit 4 Central, Unit 2 Central, Unit 3 Central, Unit 4 NVNPP, Unit 3 NVNPP, Unit 4
24 NPPs in operation NPPs under construction Prospective NPPs NPP siting in accordance with the General Plan Bilibino Vilyuchinsk (PATES) Primorye Kola Pevek (PATES) Seversk South Urals Leningrad Kalinin Balakovo Beloyarsk Rostov Kursk Tver Smolensk Novovoronezh Nizhniy Novgorod In operation - 31 units Under construction - 10 units (including floating units - PATES) Prospective - 28 units (including floating units - PATES) Upgrading - 14 units Decommissioning - 9 units (including Bilibino NPP) Central Baltic Power unit information
25 The AES-2006 design is the basis for implementation of the General Siting Plan “roadmap”
26 ● Thermal power has been increased up to 3200 MW and Efficiency factor (gross) of a power unit has reached 36.2%, due to: ▬ elimination of excessive conservatism ▬ improvement of steam turbine thermal circuit ▬ improvement of steam parameters at the steam generator outlets and decrease of pressure losses in steam lines ● Economic efficiency has been improved by means of: ▬ optimization of passive and active safety systems used in AES-91 and AES-92 designs ▬ unification of the main equipment; ▬ decrease of materials consumption AES-2006 – the targets reached
27 Negative effects of the world financial crisis ►Industrial production shrinkage ►Energy consumption recession ►Grid restrictions and NPP generation reduction ►Decreased profits and reduced investments in construction of new NPPs
28 As both the economics and electricity demand will be recovered, it is expected to build: Central NPP; Nizhniy Novgorod NPP; Seversk NPP; South Urals NPP; Tver-II NPP Rostov NPP power unit 2 Kalinin NPP power unit 4 Novovoronezh-II NPP Power unit 1 Leningrad-II NPP power unit 1 Rostov NPP Power unit 3 Leningrad-II NPP power unit 2 Rostov NPP Power unit 4 Leningrad-II NPP power unit 3 Baltic NPP power unit 2 Leningrad-II NPP power unit 4 Beloyarsk NPP Power unit 4 (BN-800) Novovoronezh-II NPP Power unit 2 Baltic NPP Power unit 1 NPP units currently under construction
29 NPPs under construction – current status ►Completion of NPPs with VVER-1000 reactors: - Rostov NPP, power units 2, 3 and 4 - Kalinin NPP, power unit 4 ►Construction of NPPs of the AES-2006 design: - Novovoronezh-II NPP, power units 1 and 2 - Leningrad-II NPP, power units 1 and 2 ►Construction of NPP with BN-800 reactor: - Beloyarsk NPP, power unit 4 ►Construction of floating nuclear cogeneration plant (PATES) with KLT-40 reactor (Vilyuchinsk)
30 Rostov NPP Units 2, 3 and 4 Rostov NPP Unit 2 Rostov NPP Units 3,4
31 Kalinin NPP Unit 4
32 Novovoronezh-II NPP
33 Leningrad-II NPP
34 Beloyarsk NPP Unit 4
35 Floating nuclear cogeneration plant (PATES)
36 NPP-2006 siting licenses for new sites NPPLicense obtaining date Seversk NPP Nizhniy Novgorod NPP3 rd quarter of 2010 Tver NPP3 rd quarter of 2010 Leningrad-II NPP (Units 3 and 4)2 nd quarter of 2010 Baltic NPP Central NPP2 nd quarter of 2010
37 Main areas of optimization in AES-2006 Economic requirements and boundary conditions of the Customer Basis – AES-2006 design Reactor unit Turbine hall Heat exchangers Safety systems Auxiliary systems: Ventilation, Radwaste Automated process control system AES-2010 (VVER-SOC) Design is not changed. Removal of conservatism Variability. Optimization. Simplification of the design and completion of passive safety justification Optimization Development in accordance with the adopted design Significant upgrading (there is a significant back-up)
38 Development areas for AES-2010 concept design AreaComments Cost and risks analysis for introduction of new advanced plant equipment and systems : - reduced number of control rods; R&D works accomplished - introduction of new main circulation pumps (water lubrication, one-speed motor); R&D works to be accomplished in implementation of new steel for pressure vessels; R&D works to be accomplished in 2011
39 Development areas for AES-2010 concept design (continuation) AreaComments - implementation of new set of heat exchanging equipment of collector-platen type; The collector-platen arrangement of heat exchanging devices will allow to reduce metal consumption - transition to a deaeratorless layout of the secondary circuit; The transition will allow to achieve significant savings as regard to Turbine hall equipment & systems - introduction of heat accumulators to ensure maneuverable parameters of a power unit Application of heat accumulators will enable the NPP power units involved in maneuvering regimes to maintain the high LF levels and up-to-date fuel cycle parameters
40 Development areas for AES-2010 concept design (continuation) AreaComments - abandon the demineralizer use, or transition to low- capacity demineralizers; This is connected with application stainless steels or titanium for heat exchanging surfaces in the secondary circuit and with transition to ethanolamine- based water chemistry - optimization of the secondary circuit feedwater system arrangement Introduction of feedwater pump capacity control by means of smooth variation of pump rotation speed. Analysis of application of: - a high-speed rotating turbine drive, a frequency- controlled motor drive; - a motor drive with hydraulic clutch
41 Development areas for AES-2010 concept design (continuation) AreaComments - implementation of MOX fuel Analysis of feasibility to implement the EUR requirement concerning MOX fuel use - introduction of hydrogen-potassium water chemistry for the primary circuit coolant Will allow to: - minimize equipment composition and dimensions; - optimize service parameters of the water chemistry maintenance systems; - reduce significantly volume of process waste being generated
42 ● Low efficiency in beneficial use of mined natural uranium – less than 1% ● Continuously growing volumes of SNF and RW Systemic problems of the modern nuclear power
43 1.Economical efficiency 2.Guaranteed safety 3.No limitations in regard to a raw materials base for а historically significant time span 4.SNF and RW management – the NP fuel cycle is to be organized in a way ensuring safe ultimate RW confinement 5.Energy production scale – the share in the national electricity market should be not less than 30% 6.Energy production structure is to ensure an opportunity to expand the markets Requirements to a nuclear power system (NPS)
44 A power unit of the 4 th generation with a sodium-cooled fast reactor: ►Complying with the requirements of large- scale nuclear power in areas of fuel utilization and minor actinides management ►With improved technical, economic performance and safety features
45 Requirements to VVER technology development aimed at its application in combination with breeder reactors within the closed NFC: Fuel utilization (Breeding Ratio) Efficiency coefficient Investment payback terms
46 Target features of an innovative NPP unit based on the traditional VVER technology ►Fuel utilization – possibility of operation with breeding ratio (BR) of ~ 0.8 – 0.9 and natural uranium consumption of 130 – 135 t/GW(e) per year ►Thermodynamic efficiency - improvement of the efficiency coefficient by optimization of the steam generator design and by the maximum possible increase of steam parameters ►Investment payback – shortening of the construction period down to 3.5 – 4 years due to the enlarged industrial modular fabrication
47 Today Mid of 21-st century Basic electricity supply Electricity supply, extra fuel breeding Electricity supply + fuel breeding Heat supply + electricity High potential heat, new energy carriers VVER-440 NPPs, VVER-1000 NPPs RBMK NPPs BN-600 NPP Bilibino NHPP Open nuclear fuel cycle AES-2006, AES-2006М NPPs with VVER-1000 NPPs with Super-VVER for operation in CNFC with BR ~ 0.9 BN-800 NPPs commercial breeders Regional NHPPs with small- and medium-size reactors High-temperature reactors Closed nuclear fuel cycle Perspective pattern of Russian nuclear power system