Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher - Jim Rickard Sunday, December 5,
John 15:18-21 Obstructions to Divine Good Production: Reason #1: Satan’s Cosmic System hates the believer! Reason #2: We are not of this world-Election out from the World! Reason #3: “The servant is not greater than his Lord,” therefore we too will have persecutions! Reason #4: “The Cosmos does not know God and is ignorant to His Plan.” John 15:18-21 Obstructions to Divine Good Production: Reason #1: Satan’s Cosmic System hates the believer! Reason #2: We are not of this world-Election out from the World! Reason #3: “The servant is not greater than his Lord,” therefore we too will have persecutions! Reason #4: “The Cosmos does not know God and is ignorant to His Plan.”
John 15:21, “But all these things, (persecutions), they will do to you all for the sake of My name. Because they inherently do not know the One (God the Father) who sent Me.”
Doctrine of God the Father
FatherPlanner SonExecutor Holy Spirit Enabler Co-Equal Co-Infinite Co-Eternal
All three members of the Trinity were involved in the death of Jesus Christ upon the Cross and His resurrection.
Christ’s Death
Luke 2:46, “Then, after three days they found Him in the temple.” Luke 2:49, “Why is it that you were looking for Me? Did you not know that I had to be in My Father’s house?”
Christ’s Death 3rd Heaven - Human Spirit (Luke 23:46, John 19:30) Luke 2:46, “Then, after three days they found Him in the temple.” Luke 2:49, “Why is it that you were looking for Me? Did you not know that I had to be in My Father’s house?”
Christ’s Death 3rd Heaven - Human Spirit (Luke 23:46, John 19:30) Hades - Soul (Luke 23:43, Acts 2:27,31, Eph 4:9)
Christ’s Death 3rd Heaven - Human Spirit (Luke 23:46, John 19:30) Hades - Soul (Luke 23:43, Acts 2:27,31, Eph 4:9) Tomb - Body (Luke 23:50-53)
Jesus was laid in the tomb where His body remained for three days and three nights, just as he had prophesized: Mark 8:31; 9:31; 10:34. As a type of Jonah: Mat 12:40. As a type of the Tabernacle: John 2:19-21 with Mat 26:61; 27:40; 27:63; Mark 14:58; 15:29.
Tomb - Body
3rd Heaven - Human Spirit The Father (Eph 1:20; Col 2:12; 1 Thes 1:10; 1 Pet 1:21; Heb 13:20)
Tomb - Body Hades - Soul The Holy Spirit (Acts 2:24; Rom 1:4, 8:11; 1 Pet 3:18) 3rd Heaven - Human Spirit The Father (Eph 1:20; Col 2:12; 1 Thes 1:10; 1 Pet 1:21; Heb 13:20)
Tomb - Body Hades - Soul The Holy Spirit (Acts 2:24; Rom 1:4, 8:11; 1 Pet 3:18) 3rd Heaven - Human Spirit The Father (Eph 1:20; Col 2:12; 1 Thes 1:10; 1 Pet 1:21; Heb 13:20) Jesus Christ (John 10:17-18)
Tomb - Body Hades - Soul The Holy Spirit (Acts 2:24; Rom 1:4, 8:11; 1 Pet 3:18) Jesus Christ (John 10:17-18) 3rd Heaven - Human Spirit The Father (Eph 1:20; Col 2:12; 1 Thes 1:10; 1 Pet 1:21; Heb 13:20)
40 Days on earth after Resurrection, John 20:1-21:25; Acts 1:3, Jesus Christ ascended to Heaven, Acts 1:6-11.
Where He is seated at the Right hand of the Father, Acts 2:33-36.
V. The Worship of God the Father inside the Trinity.
All created intelligences are appointed to render worship to God, and their worship comprehends the triune Godhead.
1. He is worshiped by Angels. Isa 6:3; Rev 4:8
Isa 6:3, “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the LORD of hosts.” Rev 4:8, “Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.”
2. God is worshiped by Saints. All prayer and worship is directed, by divine instruction, to God the Father, in the name of the Son, and in the enabling power of the Holy Spirit. John 16:23-24; Eph 6:18
3. Benedictions give praise to the Trinity. In Num 6:24-26, the blessing implored by the high priest upon the people is recorded as:
V. 24, “The LORD bless you, and keep you;”
V. 24, “The LORD bless you, and keep you;” V. 25, “The LORD make His face shine on you, and be gracious to you;”
V. 24, “The LORD bless you, and keep you;” V. 25, “The LORD make His face shine on you, and be gracious to you;” V. 26, “The LORD lift up His countenance on you, and give you peace.”
2 Cor 13:14, “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all. Amen.”
Even though we have some revelation about who and what God is He remains the incomprehensible One that man cannot totally fathom, both in His essence and ways. Job 36:26; Isa 40:13, 25, 28; cf. Deut 29:29
Eph 4:4-6, “There is one body and one Spirit, just as you have been called with reference to one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God, even the Father of all.”
V. 4 teaches there is “one Spirit.”
V. 4 teaches there is “one Spirit.” V. 5 teaches there is “one Lord.”
V. 4 teaches there is “one Spirit.” V. 5 teaches there is “one Lord.” V. 6 teaches there is “one God, the Father of all.”
One inexplicably three, One in simplest unity.
Grace Offering
Grace Fellowship Church Sunday, December 5, 2010 Tape # Obstructions to Divine Good Production, Part 28 (Not Knowing God) God the Father, Part 8 Upper Room Discourse, Part 447 John 15:21; Luke 23:43-46; Rom 8:11-14; Eph 1:17-23; 4:8-9 James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2010