Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS) in China
Scale of Emission Reduction Challenge China is world's largest CO 2 emitter China accounts for 24% of global energy related CO 2 emissions, US for 21%, EU-15 for 12%
Importance of Coal for China Coal accounts for nearly 70% of China's energy needs China has the second largest domestic coal reserves in the world Rapid growth in power sector and industrial sector such as steel are the main drivers of increasing coal use
Total Primary Energy Demand in China
Current Efforts to reduce dependence on coal in China Focus is on improving energy efficiency and promoting renewables and other alternative technologies Key targets and requirements determined by Chinese Government: –target to reduce coal in energy mix below 60% –requirement that 15% of total energy should come from renewables by 2020 (including Renewable Energy Law) –target of 40 GW of nuclear power by 2020 (up from 6.6 GW in 2005) –requirement that all new large power plants use high efficiency super-critical coal-fired technology –expected improvement in coal power generation efficiency – from 32% in 2000 to 39% in 2030
Coal based Power Generation Technology in China TechnologyEfficiencyCost ($ per kW) Status Subcritical30-36% Main base of China's current generating fleet Supercritical41%* About half of current new orders Ultra- supercritical 43%* Two 1000 MW plants in operation IGCC (pre- combustion) 45-55% Twelve units waiting for approval by NRDC * Indicates current efficiency. Improvements are expected in the future → current power Generation is based on the least efficient, cheapest technology Source: IEA analysis based on data obtained from industry experts
Potential role of energy efficiency + renewables in reducing China's emissions from Coal Even with strong policy incentives for energy efficiency, renewables and other low carbon technologies, coal will remain a major part of China's energy mix until at least 2030: Source: IEA World Energy Outlook 2007
Current activity on CCS in China Ministry of Science and Technology is developing a long-term CCS R&D strategy Current activities are focused on small, standalone demonstration projects, focus on pre-combustion (IGCC) options International cooperation projects with USA, Australia, Japan, Canada and EU
Three broad strategic options for future EU-China CCS cooperation Option 1: A stand alone demonstration plant Option 2: large-scale project closely aligned with EU demonstration programme Option 3: Broader CCS initiative covering other industrial applications and wider infrastructure investment
Key factors with significant influence on the future of CCS 1. Location and adequacy of CO2 storage sites (see map) 2. Development of a regulatory framework for CCS in China 3. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) framework for CCS initiatives Source: APEC (2005) Assessment of Geological Storage Potential of Carbon Dioxide in the APEC Region - Phase 1
Opportunities for Progress UNFCCC and multilateral financing mechanisms Other European financing possibilities Possible G8 CCS Initiative
Further information This presentation is based on the briefing paper "CCS in China" prepared by E3G: Further information on CCS (in German): Further information on climate protection (in English): Imprint: Published by: Germanwatch Edited by: Anne Koch, Qian Cheng, Dr. Gerold Kier, Dr. Manfred Treber With financial support from: Responsibility for the contents of this publication rests with Germanwatch May 2009