The ASEAN Institute for Health Development (AIHD) Since 1982
Main Tasks of AIHD ภาระงานหลัก ของสถาบัน ฯ Education Training Research (niche, cross-cutting, multi-disciplinary) WHO Collaborating Centre for Primary Health Care
Education Master of Primary Health Care Management since academic year present
รวม 623 คน จาก 36 ประเทศ Japan 49 International Alumni Network for Primary Health Care Management Program
Successful of Alumni Dr. Pham Le Tuan(Batch 9) Vice Minister of Health, Vietnam Dr. Ratana Rosita (Batch 10), Secretary for Health Minister of Indonesia Dr. Luong Ngoc Khue, Director General, Department of Medical Services, Vietnam (Batch 14)
Successful of alumni Dr. Nitas Raiyawa (Batch 2) Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vasutorn Tanvatanakul (Batch 8), Dean, Faculty of Public Health, Burapa University Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pittaya Charupoolphol (Batch 11) Dean, faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University
Current research and academic networks/ collaboration
Research Areas Elderly & Hospice NCDs (Alcohol and Tobacco, Nutrition, Physical Activity, Obesity) Traditional and Alternative medicine Gender-based violence Sufficient economics and health Health behaviors and intervention development (RCTs) Mental health in PHC
Top 1 5 Countries Participated International Training Courses (From 1982 to 2014; AIHD has partici pants form 80 countri es around the world NoCountries Number of Participants 1 Japan Thailand Lao PDR Vietnam273 5 Sri Lanka Bangladesh Indonesia181 8 Bhutan Myanmar The Philippines Nepal Cambodia China India49 15 Pakistan44
636 คน 331 คน 273 คน 181 คน 150 คน 125 คน 101 คน Participants form ASEAN Countries
Management and Modern Education Learning reform Transformative learning Mastery learning Acquire/ transfer knowledge Apply/ coach learning by doing
Transformative Learning for Health Equity World of Tomorrow Aging society Chronic diseases Quadruple diseases Universal Health Coverage
International Network 1.Promote and joint academic collaboration through seminars, workshops, and conferences; 2.Explore new avenues for research collaboration and joint research projects; 3.Promote the exchange of academics, supporting staff, and students; 4.Promote and invite external evaluators of both parties; 5.Explore opportunities for the mobility of the staff and students; and 6.Other areas of co-operation to be mutually agreed upon by the parties.
Learning other cultures and ways of living
Close to heart of people
ASEAN EDUCATION PROGRAM for staff and visitors Launched 9 Sept 2013 Continue 16 th to 30 th September 2556 during lunch break Passport VISA
Organized ASEAN Exhibition in community
Begins with the End in Mind Mahidol University and Global Health Education and Research ASEAN Institute for Health Development (AIHD)