IGLYO- International LGBTQ Youth and Student Organisation Jordan Long, Programmes and Policy Officer Zara Shushanyan, Board Member ILGA-Europe 2011 Annual Conference Turin, Italy
Agenda I.Introduction to IGLYO II.Definitions III.Double exclusion: being LGBTQ in traditional communities IV.Promotion of inclusion: participation V.Problem: targeting traditional communities VI. Solutions VII. IGLYO’s efforts: Intercultural and Inter-religious working group VIII. Conclusions, directions, questions
L G B T Q Y S O The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Youth and Student Organisation G L Y O The International Gay, Lesbian, Youth Organisation The International ILGBTQYSO?!
GMM votes moving IGLYO to Brussels 2011 JUN IGLYO establishes an office in Brussels SEP IGLYO hires Virginija Prasmcikaite as Office Coordinator DECIGLYO (AISBL) is registered in Belgium Programmes & Policy Officer hired IGLYO is registered in the Netherlands First IGLYO meeting IGLYO Founded: 1984 Amsterdam DECThe IGLYO GA transfers membership, powers and asseets to IGLYO (AISBL) IGLYO (AISBL) Founded: 2008 Brussels IGLYO Founded: 1984 Amsterdam IGLYO (AISBL) Founded: 2008 Brussels
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2006 Social exclusion of young lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Europe 2007 Guidelines for an LGBTQ-inclusive Education 2008 Age Project. Intergenerational dialogue with(in) the LGBT community
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