The role of young people in Post #youthledsolutions
The biggest youth generation in history More than 30% of 15 – 24 year olds live on under $2 a day. 40% of new HIV infections are in young people. Young people 3 times more likely to be unemployed (73m youth currently unemployed). Pregnancy is biggest killer of girls #youthledsolutions #youthvoices 2 Young people, particularly young women, remain at the centre in terms of development impact, and potential for change.
How? 3-lens Approach to Youth #youthledsolutions #youthvoices 3
Why should post be a priority for young people? Ensure needs & rights addressed in new framework. The future of this generation & responsible for its delivery. Bring energy, innovation, solutions and perspectives Establish young people as partners & leaders in implementation & #youthledsolutions #youthvoices 4
Youth Engagement So Far… Consultations –UN national & thematic –Youth-led and civil society workshops –MY World –ICPD Review Networks/Coalitions Open Working Group UN High Level #youthledsolutions #youthvoices
UN High Level Panel – London, Monrovia, Bali 130 young development practitioners & advocates from all global regions took part in roundtables & ‘Town Hall’ #youthledsolutions #youthvoices 6 “We need not just your enthusiasm but your leadership. You are the majority of the world and the holders of hope for the success of this process.” Queen Rania of Jordan
How could a framework deliver for Young People? Pushing for youth targets and indicators across all goals. Disaggregated data by age & gender (and other social groups). Recognise the role of young people in monitoring progress & implementing new #youthledsolutions #youthvoices 7
@Youthpost2015 #youthledsolutions #youthvoices 9
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For more information…. Download ‘Youth Voices on Post-2015’: Download “Youth Participation Guide for Policy-Makers and Decision-Makers”: Contact or visit #youthledsolutions #youthvoices 12