Reading... And anything else we’d like to know about!
How we are going to help your child to read: Blending and word book Reading books Guided reading Individual reading Bug Club Daily Phonics sessions Weekly visits to the library Reading buddies Class stories Reading Bus
Blending and Word Book Blending book gives you the opportunity to practise sounds and blending sounds together to form words. Word book allows children to practise recognising key words and ‘tricky’ words that can’t be phonetically decoded. Little and often is the best method- even if it is only a page or 5 mins. Per day.
Reading books Reading books generally get changed when they have been heard on 2 different occasions. Reading level (colour) based on the children’s phonics phase and reading ability. Purple colour is based on phonic phase. Colours: Blue 1, Blue 2, Red 1, Red 2, Pink 1, Pink 2, Brown 1, Brown 2...
Guided Reading Read a book as part of a group (usually 4-6 children per group). Each child has a book and read to the adult or group. Ask questions about the text. Discuss answers. Encourage the children to have a discussion and ask questions as well.
Individual Reading Children read their book and practise their Blending/Word book. Adult will write in their reading record. Parent volunteers will write in the class reading record. Adult will change their book. Every child will be heard 1:1 by an adult at least once per week in school.
Bug Club Internet reading scheme. Each child has a username and password. Get allocated books based on their phonics level. Able to read the book or have it read to them. Given questions to answer afterwards. Children enjoy the interactive nature of it.
Daily Phonics Sessions Based on ‘Letters and Sounds’ document. Different phases to teach the different phonemes (sounds) and combinations of sounds. Phase 1 taught in Pre-school and Sept. Phase 2 taught before Christmas (single letter sounds) Phase 4 taught after Christmas (CVCC, CCVC, CCCVC etc...) Phase 3 taught after Feb half term (ay, ea, oo etc...) By end of Reception will be learning phase 5 (alternatives)
Weekly Trip to the Library Build and sustain an interest in books. Learn about different types of books. Learn how to borrow and return books. Understand how to respect books. Get to spend time with adults reading to them. If books are overdue (after a term) then a friendly reminder will go home! Books can find their way into the class room bookshelf sometimes! Class 1 Wednesday and Class 2 Friday.
Reading Buddies Year 5 children visit on Mon, Tues and Thurs. They hear the children read and practise their Blending/Word book. They write in their reading diaries (please take with a pinch of salt!). It is genuinely my favourite time of the week!
Class Books Can be to do with the learning we are doing e.g ‘The Gruffalo’ or ‘The Last Polar Bear’. Try to read the stories more than once so the children can learn the plot and any rhymes. Something magical about reading to a class.
Reading Bus Trying to motivate children to read at home. Get on the ‘Bus’ if they read at least 3 times per week at home. Get evidence from reading diaries and Bug Club. Raffle each term and winner from each class gets a £5 book voucher. Regular reading at home cannot be underestimated. At the age of 5, parents have 5x the impact of children’s reading progress compared with schools. At age 7 they have double the impact and it doesn’t even out until the age of 11!
Resources To Help At Home School website. Pirate Phonics app Hairy Letters app Espresso home access ... It really doesn’t matter what you do as long as you try to dedicate some time to helping your child read. The progress they make in a short space of time is remarkable!
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