Agenda Team, Headlines and Housekeeping – Soft ‘Go-Live’ has begun! – Key milestones/detailed activities – Updated checkpoints Project Roundtable and Milestones QA Onboarding MAM (Back-End, Front-End, MCS tools, AWS) Integration BMS Change Management Critical tasks for this week
Key milestone dates (“Soft Go-Live” April 25th) FebMarchApril Project threads 2/24 (Monday) 3/3 (Monday) 3/10 (Monday) 3/17 (Monday) 3/24 (Monday) 3/31 (Monday 4/7 (Monday) 4/14 (Monday) 4/21 (Monday) 4/28 (Monday) MediaCentre ODIN Training Onboarding Change Mgmt. P1 Dev P1 QA P1 UAT MC P1 practical P1 UAT (Users ) P1 “Go- Live” 4/25 On-board Russia & Africa Title (AMMO) Dev Technical Aspera set- up Title process Go live 4/14 Outreach to providers QA Mirror/UAT (Titles) Title (ODIN, Vision) Title training dev. High level communications Logistics Process changes (document, approvals, communicate) Code freeze 2/26 Fixes 2/27 & 2/28 Data Migration MC P1 Dev complete Title training ready Title Training Today … … 4/25 “Go live” represents Practical user training Provider on boarding Full MCM user interface delayed
Key milestone dates (P1- P3 “Go - Live”) FebMarchAprilMayJune 2/24 2/28 3/3 3/7 3/10 3/14 3/17 3/21 3/24 3/28 3/31 4/4 4/7 4/11 4/14 4/18 4/21 4/25 4/28 5/2 5/5 5/9 5/12 5/16 5/19 5/23 5/26 5/30 6/2 6/6 6/9 6/13 6/16 6/20 6/23 6/27 6/30 7/4 MediaCentre Training P1 Dev P1 QA P1 UAT UAT P1 Go-Live 4/25 P2 Dev P2 QA P2 UAT MC P2 P2 Go-Live 6/9 P3 Dev P3 QA P3 UAT MC P3 P3 Go-Live 7/7 P2 UAT P3 UAT Today Check point Friday MC P1
P2 Dev/Integration Checkpoints Checkpoint contents Apr 4 IO Create Services Receiver Profile Integration Full Service Analysis session 4/1 (Brad/Sim) Apr 11 IO Management Services Alpha Create Services Channel Profile Integration Component Detail Integration Full Service Analysis done (Brad/Sim) Apr 18 – QCloud Monitoring Svcs – IO Management Integration – IO Creation Integration – Alpha Creation Integration Apr 25 – Manual QC Integration – Qcloud Monitoring Integration May 2 (Planned P2 UAT Start) – Bug Fixes External Dependencies ESB Alpha Create Services (Arif) – Needed by 4/4 to support 4/11 (complete) QCloud Integration (Benson) – Needed by 4/11 for 4/18 (in progress) MCS Timecode Integrations (Jason) – Needed by 4/18 for 4/25 (pending P1 completion) New Issue: Qcloud Monitoring QCloud monitoring plan for 4/18 Execution of QCloud integration TBD Means “Ready to Review”: Initial Development Checked in DSB QA reviewed In QA environment Bugs will be entered in JIRA
Media Centre – QA Elaboration 04/16/2014 Project Highlights Key Activities(3 week snapshot)ActivityDate Key Dependencies Complete P2 Test Cases 02/21/14 Completed Non Functional Test Plans Completed 02/28/14 DR & BC plans required Complete P3 Test Cases 03/11/14 Completed Complete P1 UAT ahead of soft go live 11/04/14 Full P1 release drop with all blockers resolved. MilestonesDate Status (Red, Yellow, Green) Dev P0 UAT Test Cases Completed 12/13/13COMPLETE DEV P0 DSB UAT Completed12/20/13 COMPLETE DEV P1 DSB UAT Completed02/04/14 Red Red DEV P2 DSB UAT Completed21/02/14 Yellow DEV P3 DSB UAT Completed11/03/14 Yellow UAT P0/1 Test Scripts Delivered to Business AprilYellow Key Milestones IT Lead(s) Ian Rushforth Business Lead(s) Andy Bolding PROJECT HEALTH P1 UAT this week: P1 Drop 4 ‘Final’ UAT Patch Released 16/04/2014 Snapshot at 2pm BST 16/04/14 Summary: -P1 Issue Summary as of 2pm today -Open Issues 14 – 1 Blocker (Proxy Gen Stage Failure) -Closed 105 -Change Requests 4 -P1 UAT test cycle to be planned with wider team tomorrow. Acceptance of p1: - Fully controlled and documented regression testing of p0/p1 functionality to be completed w/c 21st - WhiteHat testing - Adam/Jaspal to coordinate - Agreed Defects/CRs are incorporated into the final P1 release and all others are captured & deferred to p2 (as discussed on daily UAT call) - Adequate (relative) load testing is completed to meet performance requirements – Adam to coordinate
Onboarding Update P1 Provider Onboarding Headlines 1 st PRODUCTION FILE RECEIVED – ‘Nashville’ for SET Russia from Lionsgate DADC/WPF onboarded 15/04 Fotokem On behalf of Miramax, Freemantle & Lionsgate successfully onboarded and validated test file replication locally as of 09/04 Russian dubbing House PostModern also Onboarded this week. Traffic can be accessing content asap – MC will be ‘Provider Ready’ at Go Live. Tracking well with good cooperation and communication from all vendors and DSB Platform Ops. DSB Platform Ops currently onboarding NBCU Technicolor Deluxe Red Bee Warner eOne Endemol
MCM Frontend PROJECT STATUS Week Ending 4/18 Project Highlights Key Activities (3 week snapshot)ActivityDate Key Dependencies P2 Channel Profile UI 4/8/14 P2 Component Detail UI 4/10/14 P2 Alpha Creation UI 4/15/14 P2 IO Creation & Management 4/17/14 MilestonesDate Status (Red, Yellow, Green) P1 UAT Complete3/28/14Red Soft Go Live4/14/14Yellow P2 Dev Complete5/2/14Yellow P2 UAT Start5/5/14Yellow Key Milestones Frontend Lead Simran Butalia PROJECT HEALTH Daily P1 UAT reviews with Andy No remaining blockers or critical issues Recipient Profile, Channel Profile & Component Detail screens pushed to QA Ingest Order & Alpha Create integration this week Clarification by Billy: Manuel QC will display kits (same as P3 Compliance screens) Business Lead David Benson
MCM Backend PROJECT STATUS Week Ending 4/18 Project Highlights Key Activities (3 week snapshot)ActivityDate Key Dependencies P2 Service AnalysisApril 5 Vidispine update (large files in S3) April 11 P2 Alpha Create & IO Mgmt fixes.April 15 P2 Qcloud ServicesApril 18 MilestonesDate Status (Red, Yellow, Green) P1 UAT Complete3/28/14Red Soft Go Live4/14/14Yellow P2 Dev Complete5/2/14Yellow P2 UAT Start5/5/14Yellow Key Milestones Backend Lead Brad Nussbaum PROJECT HEALTH Vidispine updates resolved the large file upload issue in P1 UAT (and has been applied to all environments) Fixes to IO Management & Alpha Create services deployed to Dev (4/15) Working on Qcloud services Business Lead David Benson
MCM MCS Tools PROJECT STATUS Week Ending 4/18 Project Highlights Key Activities (3 week snapshot)ActivityDate Key Dependencies MCS Tools QA Testing 3/25/14 MCS bug fixing 4/4/14 MCS Chrome playback troubleshooting 4/14/14 MilestonesDate Status (Red, Yellow, Green) P1 UAT Complete3/28/14Red Soft Go Live 4/14/14Yellow P2 Dev Complete5/2/14Yellow P2 UAT Start5/5/14Yellow Key Milestones MCS Tools Lead Jason Brahms / David Benson PROJECT HEALTH Playback issue in Chrome browser resolved. Audio Review Tool integration is in process with MCS team. Discussion with MCS team around improving quality of playback in Video Review, or if Audio Sync tool is needed. Business Lead David Benson
MCM AWS PROJECT STATUS Week Ending 4/18 Project Highlights Key Activities (3 week snapshot)ActivityDate Key Dependencies Fixed Aspera/Stats Collector to each env. 3/24/1 4 RI recommendations 3/26/1 4 P1 UAT Release 4/1/14 MilestonesDate Status (Red, Yellow, Green) Soft Go Live 4/14/14 Yellow Key Milestones AWS Lead Raghav Hegde PROJECT HEALTH Upgrading UAT transcoders to c3.2xlarge with enhanced networking enabled for load testing In Prod, resolved issue with IDM auth (MediaCentre flag was not applied) Staging environment is up, needs the latest build. (same hardware setup as Prod minus the HA instances) Qualys scan returned results and all issues have been entered as tickets (DSB Helpdesk) to track resolution. Business Lead David Benson
Media Centre - Integrations PROJECT STATUS Week Ending 04/15/2014 Project Highlights Key Activities(3 week snapshot)ActivityDate Key Dependencies ODIN Training in London (End to End Workflows in QA) Completed ODIN Publish Feature Activated in Prod/Data Migration Scripts Ready 04/07/201 4 ODIN Migration Scripts and Validation 03/31/201 4 MilestonesDate Status (Red, Yellow, Green) AMMO Title Match 2/28/2014Green ODIN Production 03/14/2014Green ODIN Data Migration – UAT 03/24/2014Green Key Milestones IT Lead(s) Arif Shaikh Business Lead(s) Kelly Harkness PROJECT HEALTH Schedule Data Ingest to be moved to production. AMMO title matching data Migration script verified in QA. Running order delivered to production. Will need to determine best approach for updating in Vision. Waiting on Uis from Giant Source on publishing territory specific titles into Vision Dev in progress for artist, company, country of origin updates in ODIN
Media Centre – BMS Elaboration 04/16/2014 Project Highlights Key Activities(3 week snapshot)ActivityDate Key Dependencies Validate all metadata entry and discuss whether the regions want any fields automatically published 03/24/14 Complete Standardise Acquisitions grid and provide back to Acquisition's teams for sign off 04/25/14 Project team/Kate & Lyle sign off? MilestonesDate Status (Red, Yellow, Green) Vision V4.60 Instance for Testing Active 02/03/14COMPLETE Title/Version set up workflows completed 02/07/14 COMPLETE Business Process change guides completed Pending Title mastering Decision Title mastering Decision Title Request Cut Over Plan Locked Down Postpone d Red BMS Business process changes trainingPending Title mastering Decision Title Request Cut Over Postponed Key Milestones IT Lead(s) Ian Rushforth Business Lead(s) Kate Marsh Lyle Stewart PROJECT HEALTH Vision Upgrade complete UAT of Patch planned for 21 st April pending Imagine fixes. Normalized Acquisition grid shared with wider project team for comments prior to submission to Kate & Lyle.
MediaCentre – Change Management PROJECT STATUS Week 18/4 Project Highlights IT Lead(s) Carey Hanson Business Lead(s) Chris Roudette PROJECT HEALTH Training P1 training for Africa/Russia traffic teams completed Revised dates for Train the Trainer - TBC AMMO training New Title Coordinator (Helena Du Baic) in place Introduction call with Kelly re ODIN. Introduction call with AMMO team Escalation sheets updated and sent to AMMO team for analysis Helena has met with Africa team to understand their process and will send inititial filled in AMMO request today Next call with AMMO planned for Weds 23 rd MediaCentre Tagline Met with Judy Goldberg and have put together possible tags for team review, input. The idea is that there’s one easy to remember sentence that summarises what we’re aiming to do with the MC Business Continuity/DR plan Scheduling a multi-dept workshop (IT, Facilities, Security etc.) mid-May to understand how other key depts. (facilities, IT, security, techops) are handling DR and how our requirements fit in and what if any gaps we have to plan to fill.
Additional project updates if necessary Networks Aspera Local Build
Critical tasks for this week P1 UAT P2 Development planning Distributor on-boarding activities Qcloud monitoring development plan P3 Planning