Fragment Mass Analyzer Darek Seweryniak, ANL C. N. Davids et al., Nucl. Instrum. Meth., B 70, 358 (1992).
GRETINA at ATLAS workshop, March GAMMASPHERE+FMA Resonances in rp-process nuclei n-rich nuclei A~60 N~Z nuclei 101 Sn Proton emitters emitters Transfermium nuclei …
GRETINA at ATLAS workshop, March GRETINA+FMA Can we extend the GS-FMA reach? Larger FMA solid angle Higher Ge rates? Better Doppler correction (recoil angle and energy) Polarization No dead time Campaign in January 2013 Important step towards GRETA
GRETINA at ATLAS workshop, March Argonne Fragment Mass Analyzer Mass resolution: M/M~1/350 Angular acceptance: =8 msr(2 msr) Energy acceptance: E / E =+/-20% M/Q acceptance: (M/Q)/(M/Q)=10% Flight path 8.2m Max(B )=1.1Tm Max(E )=20MV Can be rotated off 0 degrees Can be moved along the axis Different focusing modes Q4 Q3 ED2 ED1 MD Q2 Q1 FP DSSD 40 cm M1 M2 M3
GRETINA at ATLAS workshop, March FMA at 293 mm and 900 mm y,max = rad x,max = rad =7.4 msr y,max = rad x,max = rad ~1.8 msr
GRETINA at ATLAS workshop, March FMA angular acceptance 58 Ni+ 50 Cr at 220 MeV Fraction of accepted recoil 2 msr 8 msr gain alpha+p+2n X3.6 p+2n X2.1 Based on PACE calculations.
GRETINA at ATLAS workshop, March Existing focal plane detectors Parallel Grid Avalanche counter –Very good spatial resolution –Modest rate capability <10 kHz –Fairly thin windows (2X120 micron mylar foils) Parallel Foil Avalanche counter –Very good spatial resolution –High rate capability (tested to 30 kHz) –More material (two additional foils) Channel plate detector –Worse spatial resolution –High rate capability (100 kHz) –Very thin Ionization chamber –Isobutane –200 micron window –3 segments - 5cm+5cm+20cm –Pressure <25 Torr
GRETINA at ATLAS workshop, March Micro-channel plate detector 4X12 cm 2 whole focal plane high rates 100 kHz good spatial resolution (magnets) much lower energy loss –better Z resolution –less angular straggling Photonis Inc., USA B. diGiovine
GRETINA at ATLAS workshop, March Implantation station Ge clovers 160X160 DSSD Large area Si Si/PiN box plastic dets Recoil-Decay Tagging (protons,alphas,betas,conversion electros, gamma rays, …)
GRETINA at ATLAS workshop, March Implantation station Suite of DSSDs –48X48, 16X16mm 2 –40X40, 40X40mm 2 –80X80, 32X32mm 2 –160X160, 64X64mm 2, 100 m - protons 140 m - alphas 300 m - beta delayed protons 1000 m - betas Large area Si veto detector: 5X5cm Escape detectors –4 SSSD in a box geometry, 7 strips, 4X6cm 2 –PiN diode detector array, 4 2X2 detectors
GRETINA at ATLAS workshop, March X-array 5 clover detectors in a box geometry 64x64 mm, 160x160 DSSD Mobile frame
GRETINA at ATLAS workshop, March Trigger and Time control module 100MHz, 14-bit Digitizer M. Cromaz et al., A 597 (2008) 233–237 J.T. Anderson et al., 2007, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, p FMA Digital DAQ based on GRETINA, developed in parallel with DGS Trigerless DSSD (320 chans) X-array (20 chans) focal plane (20 chans) Resolution comparable to analog (Ge/Si) Pulse shape analysis 100 kHz/DSSD possible DDAQ was used in 4 experiments (two with DGS)
GRETINA at ATLAS workshop, March Possible GRETINA-FMA configurations 60 cm New frame cm 30 cm like BGS New idea 30 cm
GRETINA at ATLAS workshop, March Thank you for your attention!