Motivate our young generation International MBA Student EMLyon Business School CHI PENG, HSU
ONE INTERVIEW changed my understanding and perspective to social entrepreneurship
Help 4,000+ people in 18 years
Expressing mission and vision that is TOO DISTANT TO MOTIVATE the younger generation
We need to create the CONNECTION
No 2: Experiencing
No 3: Delegating
Social Enterprise Insights 1 st Chinese platform 2012 Website go on-line Give them an opportunity to IMPLEMENT an idea 600 people attended 1 st forum 50 volunteers
My organization, NKDA We spend 15 yearsOffer free-training to 375 students Only 4 young people devoted to nonprofit sector
Deliver a long-term caring service to 1,500 people in 2012 Offer 2,000 training sessions to sighted people, enhancing empathy and solidarity
This is the real SOCIAL CONTRIBUTION to our whole society