Hades / Sheol Abraham's Bossom / Paradise Place of Torments Old Testament Saints upon their death waited in Paradise Old and New Testament unbelievers go here upon their death. Abraham's Bossom / Paradise Place of Torments Unbelievers throughout history until the Great White Throne Judgement Old Testament Believers
Hades / Sheol Abraham's Bossom / Paradise Place of Torments Taken to Heaven at Christ’s triumphal procession! Old and New Testament unbelievers go here upon their death. Abraham's Bossom / Paradise Place of Torments Unbelievers throughout history until the Great White Throne Judgement Old Testament Believers
Hades / Sheol Today! Empty Place of Torments Old and New Testament unbelievers go here upon their death. Today! Empty Place of Torments Unbelievers throughout history until the Great White Throne Judgement
Hades / Sheol Great White Throne Judgement Place of Torments Empty
Hades / Sheol The Lake of Fire Rev 20:13-14 The Second Death Place of Torments Empty Great White Throne Judgement The Lake of Fire Rev 20:13-14 The Second Death
HADES - Place of Torments for Human Unbelievers until the GWT TARTARUS - Prison for Fallen Angels of Gen 6, 1 Pete 3:18+, Jude 6 ABYSS - Criminal angels held until middle of tribulation Rev 9:1-12 EUPHRATES RIVER - Second demon assault army of Rev 9:13-21
The Lake of Fire Rev 20:13-14 The Second Death HADES - Place of Torments for Human Unbelievers until the GWT TARTARUS - Prison for Fallen Angels of Gen 6, 1 Pete 3:18+, Jude 6 ABYSS - Criminal angels held until middle of tribulation Rev 9:1-12 EUPHRATES RIVER - Second demon assault army of Rev 9:13-21 The Second Death The Lake of Fire Rev 20:13-14