The problem of bullying encompasses two dilemmas: 1) how to get people to stop bullying others, and 2) how to teach young people to handle bullying behavior.


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Presentation transcript:

The problem of bullying encompasses two dilemmas: 1) how to get people to stop bullying others, and 2) how to teach young people to handle bullying behavior so they can stop the cycle. Bullying is detrimental to a young person’s entire life. It devastates self-esteem, impacts academic learning, and can lead to serious anxiety and depression. A person who is bullied is more likely to be the victim of the same experience in the future. But all of this can be halted when confident individuals decide to take a stand for justice, enlisting the help of trusted peers and adults to change the culture of hatred. Warm-Up: Read the following paragraph. Try to visualize what it discusses in your mind. As you visualize, pick four of the words that stand out at you the most. As you answer the questions on the following slides, do the best you can to remember those four words and the visualization.

Validity and Reliability (LA._.6.2.2) 1. Underline a sentence from paragraphs 1, 2, or 3 that provides the best evidence that bullying has been around for a long time? Validity and Reliability (LA._.6.2.2) 2. Underline a sentence from paragraphs 1-4 in the text that is most closely related to the idea that bullies are most likely bigger or stronger than someone they bully. Context Clues (LA._.1.6.3) 3. Look at the word antiquated in paragraph 3. Find context clues in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 to determine what you think antiquated means. Write your own definition for “antiquated” using context clues.

Validity and Reliability (LA._.6.2.2) 1. Which sentence from the text provides the best evidence that bullying has been around for a long time? A. Bullying is an important topic of conversation in all schools. B. One of his jobs was to protect America from the onslaught of the biggest gang of bullies the world had ever known, the Nazis. C. In the early 1940s, a comic book character named Steve Rogers was introduced as a young man who was a frequent victim of bullying. D. Still, Captain America has stood the test of time to provide for the world a symbol of strength, honor, courage, nobility and ethical reasoning.

Validity and Reliability (LA._.6.2.2) 2. Which of the following sentences is most closely related to the idea that bullies are most likely bigger or stronger than someone they bully. F. While Captain America was fictional, the Nazis were not. G. Bullying is “using your power, over an extended period of time, to hurt someone emotionally or physically.” H. Steve volunteered for a secret government experiment, turning him into the world’s first “Super Soldier,” Captain America. I. There have always been people who feel the need to prove themselves by putting others down, both literally and figuratively.

Context Clues (LA._.1.6.3) 3. Read the following sentence: The antiquated idea that bullying is nothing more than the big kid taking the little one’s lunch money must be replaced with the more inclusive, serious reality that bullying is a pervading theme in our schools and society at large. Which of the following words is most similar in meaning to antiquated? A. old B. recent C. creative D. physical

Now, without looking at the article, write down the four words you decided to keep stored in your brain a few minutes ago. Imagine the “picture” you saw in your brain as you read the paragraph a few minutes ago. Now, using the words you decided to store in your brain, write a short summary statement for the paragraph.

The problem of bullying encompasses two dilemmas: 1) how to get people to stop bullying others, and 2) how to teach young people to handle bullying behavior so they can stop the cycle. Bullying is detrimental to a young person’s entire life. It devastates self-esteem, impacts academic learning, and can lead to serious anxiety and depression. A person who is bullied is more likely to be the victim of the same experience in the future. But all of this can be halted when confident individuals decide to take a stand for justice, enlisting the help of trusted peers and adults to change the culture of hatred. As the reader originally read, he should have envisioned as much as he could.

The problem of bullying encompasses two dilemmas: 1) how to get people to stop bullying others, and 2) how to teach young people to handle bullying behavior so they can stop the cycle. Bullying is detrimental to a young person’s entire life. It devastates self-esteem, impacts academic learning, and can lead to serious anxiety and depression. A person who is bullied is more likely to be the victim of the same experience in the future. But all of this can be halted when confident individuals decide to take a stand for justice, enlisting the help of trusted peers and adults to change the culture of hatred. And, as he read, he let’s say he focused on these words: bullying, stop, handle, confident.

The problem of bullying encompasses two dilemmas: 1) how to get people to stop bullying others, and 2) how to teach young people to handle bullying behavior so they can stop the cycle. Bullying is detrimental to a young person’s entire life. It devastates self-esteem, impacts academic learning, and can lead to serious anxiety and depression. A person who is bullied is more likely to be the victim of the same experience in the future. But all of this can be halted when confident individuals decide to take a stand for justice, enlisting the help of trusted peers and adults to change the culture of hatred. Bullying: What the paragraph is about Stop: Want to stop bullying Handle: Must teach young people how to handle bullying. Confident: Victims must be confident The reader, then, focuses on those four words and how they are connected to the article.

The problem of bullying encompasses two dilemmas: 1) how to get people to stop bullying others, and 2) how to teach young people to handle bullying behavior so they can stop the cycle. Bullying is detrimental to a young person’s entire life. It devastates self-esteem, impacts academic learning, and can lead to serious anxiety and depression. A person who is bullied is more likely to be the victim of the same experience in the future. But all of this can be halted when confident individuals decide to take a stand for justice, enlisting the help of trusted peers and adults to change the culture of hatred. Bullying: What the paragraph is about, which is something I see online everyday. Stop: Want to stop bullying, like I have tried to get two of my friends to do. Handle: Must teach young people how to handle bullying. I don’t know how we can do this because it hasn’t seemed to matter when adults have talked to us about it. Confident: Victims must be confident. I have seen that one boy stick up for himself and it kind of worked. The reader, then, focuses on those four words and how they are connected to the article. And, how they may be connected to their prior knowledge.

The problem of bullying encompasses two dilemmas: 1) how to get people to stop bullying others, and 2) how to teach young people to handle bullying behavior so they can stop the cycle. Bullying is detrimental to a young person’s entire life. It devastates self-esteem, impacts academic learning, and can lead to serious anxiety and depression. A person who is bullied is more likely to be the victim of the same experience in the future. But all of this can be halted when confident individuals decide to take a stand for justice, enlisting the help of trusted peers and adults to change the culture of hatred. Now, hopefully, the reader has organized the content of the article by attaching terms to an already existing schema while formulating and understanding of the text through visualization.

The problem of bullying encompasses two dilemmas: 1) how to get people to stop bullying others, and 2) how to teach young people to handle bullying behavior so they can stop the cycle. Bullying is detrimental to a young person’s entire life. It devastates self-esteem, impacts academic learning, and can lead to serious anxiety and depression. A person who is bullied is more likely to be the victim of the same experience in the future. But all of this can be halted when confident individuals decide to take a stand for justice, enlisting the help of trusted peers and adults to change the culture of hatred. The purpose of the activity is to help students expand the capacity of their working memory. Students could use one or the other strategy (among others) while reading or test-taking, but this activity is designed to have students “work” their “brain muscles” and develop that working memory.