William Shakespeare An Introduction to the Playwright, the History, and his Play Julius Caesar
Background on William Shakespeare Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564, in Stratford-upon-Avon in England. His parents were Mary Arden and John Shakespeare, a respected glove-maker. He attended the local grammar school where he learned to read and write in English and Latin.
Shakespeare’s Birthplace
King Edward VI Grammar School at Stratford-upon-Avon
Shakespeare background (continued) When he was eighteen, he married a woman by the name of Anne Hathaway. She was twenty-six at the time of their marriage. The relationship was solely based on convenience. It is unclear as to whether or not Shakespeare actually loved her, but when she became pregnant he felt that it was his duty to marry her.
]Shakespeare background (continued) Shakespeare and Anne had three children together: Susanna and the twins Judith and Hamnet. From , there are no official records regarding Shakespeare, thus the title “The Lost Years” is given to this period. It is speculated that he worked numerous odd jobs to try and support his family. He probably wrote many of his sonnets during this time period
Shakespeare background cont. Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway did not have a loving marriage. As soon as Shakespeare had saved enough money, he moved to London to become an actor and left Anne and the kids in Stratford-upon- Avon. In 1594, Shakespeare became a charter member of a theatrical group known as the Lord Chamberlain’s Men which became The King’s Men in (The name changed because King James I was the patron for this group).
King James I
Shakespeare background (continued) Shakespeare acted and wrote for this company until he retired in By this time, he had written thirty-seven plays -- comedies, tragedies, histories, and romances. Shakespeare is sometimes referred to as “The Bard.” Not a single original manuscript has survived due partly to the fact that they were written strictly for performance.
Shakespeare background (continued) Shakespeare died on April 23, 1616, at the age of fifty-two. At the time of his death he was considered one of the greatest playwrights and actors to have ever graced the stage. He wrote 37 plays, 154 sonnets, and 2 long poems. His works were not published during his lifetime, but they appeared four years after his death in the “First Folio.”
The Elizabethan Stage Queen Elizabeth ( ) was the ruling monarch in England during Shakespeare's day. She was an avid fan and supporter of the arts. At this time, London was the heart of England, reflecting all the vibrant qualities of the Elizabethan Age.
Queen Elizabeth
Elizabethan Age (continued) London became a leading center for culture and commerce. Its dramatist and poets were among the most revered and admired men during this time period. There was no such thing as a theatre during the first part of the Elizabethan Age. It seems that traveling acting companies would come into England and set up their own stages.
The Globe Theatre
The stage at The Globe
The Globe Theatre Shakespeare was part owner of the Globe Theatre. This was the theatre where Shakespeare’s greatest works were performed. Among these works were Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Macbeth, and King Lear. There were no elaborate stages, but instead Shakespeare relied on the imaginations of his audience. There were, however, numerous special effects that Shakespeare employed into his works and elaborate costumes though they were not necessarily accurate for the setting and time period.
Points of Shakespeare's Style: Use of metaphors– comparing something in terms of something else, e.g., "That lowliness is young ambition ’ s ladder." Use of soliloquies – usually longer speeches given by characters when alone on stage– e.g., a person talking to himself out loud. Use of asides– when a character says something to the audience, but the other characters on stage cannot hear it, e.g., like muttering to himself.
Points of Shakespeare ’ s Style: (continued) Use of sonnets– a very rigid poetic style of writing. Fourteen lines consisting of three sets of four line quatrains and a two line rhyming couplet at the end. Rhyme scheme: ABAB CDCD EFEF GG. It is written in iambic pentameter. This form is called the English sonnet form or Shakespearean sonnet form. Use of puns– humorous play on words indicating different meanings. i.e. the Cobbler says, "A trade, sir, that I hope I may use with a safe conscience, which is indeed a mender of bad soles. ” A cobbler is a mender of shoes or a bungler.
Notes regarding Early Rome Rome was established in 753 B.C. For 200 years, Rome was ruled by Tarquin kings who were tyrants. The Tarquins were overthrown by Lucius Junius Brutus in 510 B.C. – an ancestor of Brutus in the play. A democratic republic was then established which lasted until the death of Julius Caesar. The Romans were very proud of their democratic system and were repulsed by the thought of being ruled by a king..
Julius Caesar Gaius Julius Caesar was born in 100 B.C. Gaius Julius Caesar He gained power and wealth due to a series of successful campaigns in which he conquered what is now Britain, France, much of central and eastern Europe, and parts of North Africa.conquered The quote, “ veni, vidi, vici ” is aptly credited to Julius Caesar. (“I came, I saw, I conquered.”)
Julius Caesar During Caesar’s time, Rome was constantly at war. The ruling power of Rome was in the hands of its generals. These generals would contract “private armies” and subdue other countries that were weaker than Rome.
Julius Caesar After these “private armies” conquered a new area, a Roman governor was sent there to watch over the new land. In many cases, the governor exacted cruel taxes on the conquered people. Sometimes the generals themselves turned on one another because they were strong men battling for power. This treachery is exactly what happened in the story of Julius Caesar.
Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar (continued) Julius Caesar was born in 100 B.C. in Rome. Julius Caesar rises to power through the use of his oratory skill. He was always a member of the democratic or popular party. He married Cornelia, the wealthy daughter Cornelia Cinna minor (m. 83 BC–69 BC), then Pompeia (m. 67 BC–61 BC), and finally Calpurnia Pisonis (m. 59 BC– 44 BC) who is in the play.Cornelia Cinna minorPompeiaCalpurnia Pisonis
Roman Toga
Julius Caesar (continued) When Caesar was given orders by Sulla to divorce Cornelia, he fled Rome in 81 B.C. for fear of his life because he refused to obey Sulla. After Sulla’s death, Caesar returned to Rome and began to climb his way through the political arena. Caesar soon began to back Pompey, the head of the popular party. Caesar helped him gain both military and political advantages.
Pompey the Great
Julius Caesar (continued) Caesar and Pompey agreed that one would leave to fight for the good of Rome every three years and then return to Rome so that the other person could leave and have his turn at conquest. During this time, Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus formed the First Triumvirate, which means “three men” or “rule by three.” They took over the Senate and the rulings of Rome for a while. The idea was that Caesar had the backing of the Legions (army).
Julius Caesar (continued) Pompey had the political power, and Crassus had the financial backing. Pompey was even married to Caesar’s daughter Julia at this time. The First Triumvirate would not last long due to the jealousy that erupted between Caesar and Pompey.
Julius Caesar (continued) Pompey returned early from his sieges and told Caesar that it was his turn to leave again. While Caesar was gone, Pompey used this opportunity to rally people behind him by claiming that Caesar had become too powerful and was only interested in benefiting himself and not the Roman Empire.
Julius Caesar (continued) By making these allegations, Pompey declared a war against Caesar. The problem was that Caesar had the backings of the Legions, and Pompey only had the backing of the Senate. While Caesar was conquering new territory for Rome, he received word of Pompey’s plan. Caesar decided to quit his campaigns and return to Rome to face Pompey and the charges against him.
Julius Caesar (continued) When Caesar returned to Italy, Pompey warned him that if he crossed the Rubicon River, he was declaring a civil war on Rome. Caesar responded with Alea Iacta Est, which is translated as “The die is cast.”
Roman Legionnaire
Roman Helmets
Julius Caesar (continued) Caesar’s crossing of the Rubicon was a symbolic acceptance of Pompey’s challenge. During this time, the other member of the First Triumvirate, Crassus, took his money and fled. Caesar easily made his way into Rome and forced Pompey to flee. Caesar was now in total control of Rome.
Julius Caesar (continued) During this time Caesar proclaimed himself Senator for Life. Caesar eventually tried to go after Pompey, who fled to Egypt, but he never caught him. Servants of Cleopatra later killed Pompey while he was in Egypt, and his sons tried to avenge the death of their father by declaring war on Caesar. Shakespeare’s play begins after Caesar defeats Pompey’s sons.
Julius Caesar (continued) Contrary to popular belief, Caesar was not an actual Emperor of Rome. In fact, Rome had no actual emperors until about twenty years after Caesar’s death. While Caesar was living, Rome was a Republic ruled by a Senate. The name “Caesar” eventually became not a name, but a word meaning ruler or chief in Latin.
Julius Caesar (continued) The word “Caesar” evolved into different languages such as German which took the name and turned it into Kaiser. The Russian word Czar as well traces its roots back to “Caesar.” The term “caesarian sections,” or “C-sections” can trace its origins back to Julius Caesar because the popular belief was that Caesar was not born naturally, but instead was “cut from the womb.”
The Pantheon
The Forum of Julius Caesar The Forum of Caesar originally meant an expansion of the Forum Romanum. The Forum, however, evolved so that it served two additional purposes. As Caesar became more and more involved in this project, the Forum became a place for public business that was related to the Senate in addition to a shrine for Caesar himself as well as Venus Genetrix. Before his assassination, Caesar would have the Senate meet him before his temple, an act deemed very unpopular by the Senate.
What Did Caesar Do for Rome? He built roads. He developed irrigation systems. He financed public parks and buildings. He even made changes to the calendar. Indeed, he was well liked and very powerful.
What Got Caesar into Trouble? It appears he was much more interested in things other than military conquest. After a series of civil wars that lasted until 48 B.C., Caesar declared himself Rome ’ s dictator for life. Many people believed that Caesar wanted more than just power; he wanted a powerful title.
What Got Caesar into Trouble? (Continued) Many Romans assumed that Caesar was ready to declare himself King of Rome and eliminate the five- hundred-year-old republic of which the Romans were so proud. Remember the Tarquins, the tyrant kings who ruled over Rome for 243 years? There was no way Romans were going to return to that style of government. Someone had to put a stop to this pursuit of absolute power, and so entered the conspirators....Beware the Ides of March!
Play Versus History Therefore, there is much historically accurate information, but a story to entertain the audience must also unfold. Yes! There is much to learn from the works of William Shakespeare. As we study this play, remember Shakespeare wished not only to inform his audience about the history of Julius Caesar but also to entertain them.
Julius Caesar Most scholars agree that Shakespeare wrote Julius Caesar about The historical play is based upon the assassination of Julius Caesar by his close friends and confidants. Shakespeare gained much of his knowledge about Caesar and Roman life from Plutarch’s The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans.
The Scene… Based on a true story, this play takes place in Ancient Rome, where Julius Caesar has just returned in triumph from war. The crowd hails him as their new leader, but there are some Romans who fear he will become too powerful of a ruler, more like an emperor, and they will lose the liberties they have enjoyed as citizens of a free state.
Assassination A small group of men conspire to assassinate Caesar, believing they are acting to preserve the freedoms of the Roman Republic.
Julius Caesar They surround him in the Forum, and stab him to death. Death of Caesar
Julius Caesar The play goes on to tell the story of what happens after the murder, as the conspirators quarrel among themselves, war erupts, and liberties, instead of being protected, appear to be lost.
Julius Caesar He is the head of the Roman state. He is a great soldier and has just returned from a series of wars during which he defeated the sons of the previous Roman ruler, Pompey. He is popular with the crowds that stand in the streets to greet his triumphal return, cheering and clapping. Calpurnia is Caesar’s wife.
Mark Antony He is a loyal friend and supporter of Caesar, who he believes will make a good ruler of Rome. He is appalled at the killing of the head of state, and although he shakes hands with the conspirators immediately after the murder, he vows to avenge Caesar’s death. He gives a funeral oration over Caesar’s dead body that stirs the crowd to anger and to desire for revenge. He will be one of the three rulers of Rome, after Caesar’s death, and he gathers an army to fight the killers.
Brutus He is a respected Roman, a man of intelligence and honor, who is a personal friend of Caesar, yet wonders whether, as a ruler, he will overstep his powers and become a tyrant rather than a good head of state. He is finally convinced to join the conspirators as their leader. As they raise their daggers to commit the murder, Caesar recognizes his dear friend and cries, in Latin, “Et tu, Brute?” or “You too, Brutus?” Portia is Brutus’ wife.
Cassius Cassius is one of the leaders of the conspiracy. He is suspicious of Caesar from the beginning, gathers others into the band, and convinces Brutus to join with them in their plans for assassination. He and Brutus flee Rome after the killing, each gathers an army and tries to conquer Octavius’ and Mark Antony’s armies.
Octavius and Lepidus are the other two who join with Mark Antony after Caesar’s death to rule Rome as a triumvirate.
Julius Caesar Casca, Trebonious, Decius, Cinna and Metallus Cimber are the other members of the conspiracy, each of whom participates by stabbing Caesar.