Orchestrating Trusted Cloud Serviced Using TOSCA Simon Moser Cloud Computing Architect & co-chair of the TOSCA Technical Committee IBM Research & Development GmbH, Boeblingen, Germany
Agenda n Introduction to TOSCA n TOSCA and Security n Get Involved!
Even simple cloud services sometimes have complex software and hardware infrastructures backing them. Think about today's Cloud Standards: How do we ensure portability? © 2012 IBM Corporation
What are the Technical Problems ? n No interoperable description exists of what your application is and what it requires l Virtual images do not suffice at all n They are “just” snapshots of the actual state of your application n Another provider might not have a clue how to install, deploy, run & manage your application l Deep detailed skills about the application and its underlying stack is needed that “arbitrary” providers typically don’t have n Let alone other application aspects like security, QoS and the like.. 4
TOSCA: Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications Define composite, high-value services – once! © 2012 IBM Corporation
Lifecycle Management Deploy BuildManage TOSCA Service Templates have expert knowledge for management and orchestration throughout the complete service life cycle built in! © 2012 IBM Corporation
Portability between Cloud providers using the very same Service Templates © 2012 IBM Corporation
A declarative model spanning software applications to virtual and physical infrastructure Enables the migration between Cloud providers using Service Templates Service specific best practices for their management and orchestration built into the model Service Template includes: The structure and composition of the application and its infrastructure The relationships between the parts The operational behavior (deploy, patch, shutdown, etc.) The association of that behavior with cloud infrastructure management Initialize 13 N1 N2 N3 N4 Structural Model Build Plan Management Plans Service Template TOSCA at a Glance.... © 2012 IBM Corporation
TOSCA & Security
provide/ use Sponsored by Parent Project Projektträger Service- Marketplace Customers Cloud- Hoster Addon-Service Provider Solution- Provider Manufacturer of Cloud- Platforms use provide/ use set upprovide buy provide/ use Today’s Cloud-Solutions provider-lock-in (TOSCA will change) little amount of standards rudimentary interfaces no compliance no certifications little acceptance of users
Cloud Cycle: Defining Trusted Service Templates n Project funded by the German Government n Work started in October 2011, based on TOSCA n Goals of Cloud Cycle: l Develop Portable and interoperable definitions of security- and compliance aspects. l Work on Guidelines that define the concrete security and compliance-requirements of the cloud services l Work on ways how compliance with the guidelines will be assured through proper integration with the Cloud-Management System (e.g. TOSCA runtime). l Develop an open Plug-In-Mechanism, allowing for the extension by new aspects, especially security and compliance (also by third parties). Sponsored by Parent Project Projektträger
What’s needed from a technical perspective n Develop the grammar to describe … l … Security requirements for Cloud Services l … Governance aspects for Cloud Services l … Compliance requirements for Cloud Services n Develop extension mechanisms how to plug that grammar into TOSCA Service Definitions n Extend TOSCA runtime infrastructures by providing “plug- ins” that handle Security / Governance / Compliance during deployment & runtime of the cloud service n Interested ? We need help!
? <Policy name="string" type="anyURI">+ policy specific content ? <Policy name="string" type="anyURI">+ policy specific content Potential technical mean: TOSCA Node Types Policy
Get Involved!
0 - H n 3M Health Information Systems n ActiveState Software, Inc. n ASG Software Solutions n Axway Software n Beijing Sursen Electronic Technology Co, Ltd n CA Technologies n Capgemini n CenturyLink n China Internet Network Information Center(CNNIC) n Cisco System n Citrix Systems n Cloudsoft Corporation Limited n EMC n Fujitsu Limited n Gale n Google Inc. n Hewlett-Packard n Hitachi Ltd. n Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. I – Z n IBM n Jericho Systems n Mitre Corporation n Morphlabs, Inc. n NetApp n Nokia Siemens Networks GmbH & Co. KG n Oracle n PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP n Primeton Technologies, Inc. n Progress Software n Red Hat n rPath Inc. n SAP AG n Siemens Enterprise Comm. GmbH & Co. KG n Software AG, Inc. n VCE n VNomic n WSO2 n Yaana Technologies, LLC n Zenoss Members in the TOSCA TC
Medium Business and public Sector Proposers Associated Partners Research and Teaching Research and Cloud- Technology and Standardisation Sponsors Cloud Cycle Consortium