What’s this essay about (theme)? Hook author & title of the text 1-2 relevant summary statements Summaries What’s this essay about again? Thematic ideas What (you’re arguing) How (you’re proving it) Thesis 1-work intro structure
1-work sample History has shown that no good can ever come from revenge. In Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare presents a great work of renaissance theater. Shakespeare creates a tale in which two families engage in a cycle of revenge that can only end in tragedy. Two young lovers, Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet, find themselves falling in love with strangers, but they discover too late that they have fallen in love with their sworn enemies. The heartbreaking end of these lovers teaches a lesson about revenge to not only their families but also audiences for generations. Through the tragic love of Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare demonstrates how the ignorant traditions and blind revenge of the past can destroy the future.
IDENTIFY… Hook– theme based purpose Summary -the author and title of the text -the specific work with a summary statement (or two) of essential events the thematic ideas to be discussed thesis the specific thesis you intend to prove how you intend to prove the thesis
What’s this essay about (theme)? Hook author & title of the text (s) 1-2 relevant summary statements REPEATED= 2 total works Transition signal (word/phrase) between works Summaries What’s this essay about again? Thematic ideas What (you’re arguing) How (you’re proving it) Thesis 2-work intro structure
2-work sample ? These works demonstrate how love can free a person from the oppression of lost identity through dramatic symbolism and characters’ conflicts.
*Hook– peak interest in theme *Summary - the author and title of the text -the specific work with a summary statement (or two) of essential events 2x = 2 works *transition signal word/phrase *the thematic ideas to be discussed * thesis the specific thesis you intend to prove how you intend to prove the thesis Love might be the most powerful force in nature. In Zora Neale Hurston’s novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God, she follows Janie Crawford Killicks Starks Woods on her journey of self-discovery through her many marriages. Gabriel Garcia Marquez also explores the effects of love in his short story, “The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World” where a drowned man washes up on the shore of a lonely village and inspires the inhabitants to love and live in new ways. The powerful love they learn gives them a new lease on life. These works demonstrate how love can free people from the oppression of lost identity through dramatic symbolism and the main characters’ conflicts.
Label your intro for Parts in order *Hook– theme based hook *Summary 2x = 2 works *transition signal word/phrase *the thematic ideas to be discussed * thesis (WHAT & HOW – may remove authors/titles