FOSS4G: 52°North WPS Behind the buzz of Cloud Computing - 52°North Open Source Geoprocessing Software in the Clouds FOSS4G 2009 Bastian Schäffer, 52°North
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS Agenda Cloud Computing 101 WPS 101 WPS in the Clouds
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS Cloud Computing 101
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS Definition Emerging trend in mainstream IT Cloud as a metaphor to represent large networks and infrastructures Store data, run applications and compute on distributed (3rd party) facilities Paradigm behind buzzword!?!
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS Characteristics Efficiency Resource Pooling Outtasking On-demand Scalability Cost
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS Mass market
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS Mass market
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS Mass market
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS Legally Binding Performance INSPIRE –Search Queries Maximum 3 sec response time* Handle 30 parallel requests per second –Image Download Maximum 5 sec response time* Handle 20 parallel requests per second –Overall 99% service availability (362 days/year uptime) * During normal traffic (90% of uptime).
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS Characteristics Efficiency Resource Pooling Outtasking On-demand Scalability Cost
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS IaaS PaaS dSaaSSaaS Architecture
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS Technology Hardware Cluster Virtualization Grid Computing Application Framework (Hadoop) etc.
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS Cloud Types
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS Providers -Amazon Web Services -Google Apps Engine -….
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS Amazon Web Services Small Instance –The small instance (default) equates to "a system with 1.7 GB of memory, 1 EC2 Compute Unit (1 virtual core with 1 EC2 Compute Unit), 160 GB of instance storage, 32-bit platform" Large Instance –The large instance represents "a system with 7.5 GB of memory, 4 EC2 Compute Units (2 virtual cores with 2 EC2 Compute Units each), 850 GB of instance storage, 64-bit platform". Extra Large Instance –The extra large instance offers the "equivalent of a system with 15 GB of memory, 8 EC2 Compute Units (4 virtual cores with 2 EC2 Compute Units each), 1690 GB of instance storage, 64-bit platform." High-CPU Instance –Instances of this family have proportionally more CPU resources than memory (RAM) and address compute-intensive applications.
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS Cloud Watch Auto Scaling –CPUUtilization –NetworkIn –NetworkOut –DiskWriteOps –DiskReadBytes –DiskReadOps –DiskWriteBytes –RequestCount –HealthyHostCount –UnHealthyHostCount -Elastic Cloud Balancing
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS Costs
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS Google Apps Engine
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS -Easy to manage -Java or Python -Several restrictions -BigTable vs. RDBMS Google Apps Engine
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS Costs
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS Costs
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS WPS 101 – What is WPS about?
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS OGC Web Services Introduction SOS
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS OGC Web Services Introduction SOS WMS
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS OGC Web Services Introduction SOS WMS WFS
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS OGC Web Services Introduction SOS WMS WCS WFS
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS OGC Web Services Introduction SOS WMS WCS WFS CSW
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS SDI Integration Processing
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS SDI Integration Processing
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS SDI Integration Processing
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS SDI Integration Processing
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS OGC Web Services Introduction SOS WMS WCS WFS CSW
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS SDI Integration Computational Power Network Bandwidth
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS SDI Integration Computational Power Network Bandwidth serverside processing
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS SDI Integration Processing
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS SDI Integration Processing Service
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS SDI Integration Processing Service Standardized Interface unified access Deploy-once-use-everywhere
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS SDI Building Blocks
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS OGC Web Services Introduction SOS WMS WCS WFS CSW
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS OGC Web Services Introduction SOS WMS WCS WFS CSW WPS
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS Introduction WPS -Introduction
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS WPS 101 What is a WPS? Web Based Processing WPS
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS WPS WPS WPS Process 1 Process 2 Process n
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS WPS WPS GetCapabilities WPS Process 1 Process 2 Process n
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS WPS WPS GetCapabilities DescribeProcess WPS Process 1 Process 2 Process n
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS WPS WPS GetCapabilities DescribeProcess Execute WPS Process 1 Process 2 Process n
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS WPS Example ??? WPS ???
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS WPS Example ??? WPS Buffer Process 2 Process n
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS ??? WPS Buffer Process 2 Process n WPS Example 20
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS ??? WPS Buffer Process 2 Process n WPS Example 20
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS Introduction Technical Features
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS WPS additional features Execution Introduction
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS WPS additional features Execution Synchronous Asynchronous Binding GET POST SOAP Introduction
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS Execution synchronous Object1Object2 Introduction
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS Execution asynchronous Push-model Object1Object2 Introduction
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS Execution asynchronous Pull-model Object1Object2 50% reference result Introduction
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS Introduction Clients
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS Performance Tests
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS Demo
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS Conclusion WPS use possible in cloud environments Scaleability provided Google Cloud easy to use good for light-weight application Good integration with other google apps Amazon cloud More complicated to use Full-scale solution Flexible Cloud Interoperability present from client perspective (external) not from provider perspective (internal)
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS Conclusion Future: Impact on GIS Business Models –Selling of full GIS packages SaaS –Other impacts on SDIs Role model Etc.
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS publish find bind Georesource owner Georesource provider
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS Conclusion THURSDAY: 13:30 Parkside G04 „Geoprocessing in the clouds“ introduction to geospatial layer in the cloud
FOSS4G: 52°North WPS Thank You