General-Purpose Computation on Graphics Hardware
IntroductionIntroduction David Luebke University of Virginia
Course Introduction The GPU on commodity video cards has evolved into an extremely flexible and powerful processor –Programmability –Precision –Power This course will address how to harness that power for general-purpose computation
Motivation: Computational Power GPUs are fast… –3 GHz Pentium4 theoretical: 6 GFLOPS, 5.96 GB/sec peak –GeForceFX 5900 observed: 20 GFLOPs, 25.3 GB/sec peak GPUs are getting faster, faster –CPUs: annual growth 1.5× decade growth 60× –GPUs: annual growth > 2.0× decade growth > 1000 Courtesy Kurt Akeley, Ian Buck & Tim Purcell, GPU Gems (see course notes)
Motivation: Computational Power Courtesy Naga Govindaraju GPU CPU
An Aside: Computational Power Why are GPUs getting faster so fast? –Arithmetic intensity: the specialized nature of GPUs makes it easier to use additional transistors for computation not cache –Economics: multi-billion dollar video game market is a pressure cooker that drives innovation
Motivation: Flexible and precise Modern GPUs are deeply programmable –Programmable pixel, vertex, video engines –Solidifying high-level language support Modern GPUs support high precision –32 bit floating point throughout the pipeline –High enough for many (not all) applications
Motivation: The Potential of GPGPU The power and flexibility of GPUs makes them an attractive platform for general-purpose computation Example applications range from in-game physics simulation to conventional computational science Goal: make the inexpensive power of the GPU available to developers as a sort of computational coprocessor
The Problem: Difficult To Use GPUs designed for and driven by video games –Programming model is unusual & tied to computer graphics –Programming environment is tightly constrained Underlying architectures are: –Inherently parallel –Rapidly evolving (even in basic feature set!) –Largely secret Can’t simply “port” code written for the CPU!
Course goals A detailed introduction to general-purpose computing on graphics hardware We emphasize: –Core computational building blocks –Strategies and tools for programming GPUs –Tips & tricks, perils & pitfalls of GPU programming Several case studies to bring it all together
Why a SIGGRAPH Course? Why SIGGRAPH, instead of (say) Supercomputing? –Many graphics applications stand to benefit from GPGPU “Hot topic” case studies: tone mapping, level sets, fluids Keeping computation on-card! –Many graphics applications strive for visual plausibility rather than rigorous scientific realism Better tolerate GPU limitations in precision, memory Well suited as GPGPU “early adopters” –GPGPU programming still requires expertise of SIGGRAPH audience
Course Prerequisites We assume –Familiarity with interactive graphics and computer graphics hardware –Ideally, some experience programming vertex & pixel shaders Target audience –Researchers interested in GPGPU –Graphics and games developers interested in incorporating these techniques into their applications –Attendees wishing a survey of this exciting new field
Course Topics GPU building blocks Languages and tools Effective GPU programming GPGPU case studies
Course Topics: Details GPU building blocks –Linear algebra –Sorting and searching –Database operations Languages and tools –High-level languages –Debugging tools
Course Topics: Details Effective GPU programming –Efficient data-parallel programming –Data formatting & addressing –GPU computation strategies & tricks Case studies in GPGPU Programming –Physically-based simulation on GPUs –Ray tracing & photon mapping on GPUs –Tone mapping on GPUs –Level sets on GPUs
Speakers In Order of Appearance David Luebke, University of Virginia Mark Harris, NVIDIA Jens Krüger, TU-Munich Tim Purcell, Stanford (NVIDIA) Naga Govindaraju, University of North Carolina Ian Buck, Stanford Cliff Woolley, University of Virginia Aaron Lefohn, University of California Davis
Luebke Harris Krüger Purcell Course Schedule: GPU Building Blocks 8:30Introduction Welcome, overview, the graphics pipeline 9:00Mapping computational concepts to the GPU Streaming, Resources, CPU-GPU analogies, branching 9:20Linear algebra Representations, operations, example algorithms 9:55Sorting & searching (part 1) Bitonic sort, binary search 10:15Break
Purcell Govindaraju Buck Purcell Course Schedule: Languages & Tools 10:30Sorting & searching (part 2) Nearest-neighbor search 10:45Database operations Queries, boolean predicates, aggregation 11:15High-level languages Cg/HLSL/GLslang, Sh, Brook 11:45Debugging tools imdebug, DirectX/OpenGL shader IDEs, ShadeSmith 12:15Lunch break
Woolley Lefohn Buck All Course Schedule: Effective GPU Programming 1:45Efficient data-parallel GPU programming Computational frequency, profiling, load balancing 2:15Data formatting & addressing Memory layout, data structures 2:45GPU Computation Strategies & Tricks Precision, performance, scatter, branching 3:15Q & A Questions for the speakers? 3:30Break
Harris Woolley Lefohn Purcell Course Schedule: GPGPU Case Studies 3:45Physically-based simulation on GPUs Reaction-diffusion, fluids, clouds 4:10Tone mapping on GPUs High-dynamic range images, tone mapping 4:35Level sets on GPUs Streaming level sets, visualization, segmentation 5:00Global illumination on GPUs Ray tracing, photon mapping 5:30Wrap!
GPU Fundamentals: The Graphics Pipeline A simplified graphics pipeline –Note that pipe widths vary –Many caches, FIFOs, and so on not shown GPUCPU Application Transform Rasterizer Shade Video Memory (Textures) Vertices (3D) Xformed, Lit Vertices (2D) Fragments (pre-pixels) Final pixels (Color, Depth) Graphics State Render-to-texture
GPU Fundamentals: The Modern Graphics Pipeline Programmable vertex processor! Programmable pixel processor! GPUCPU Application Vertex Processor Rasterizer Pixel Processor Video Memory (Textures) Vertices (3D) Xformed, Lit Vertices (2D) Fragments (pre-pixels) Final pixels (Color, Depth) Graphics State Render-to-texture Vertex Processor Fragment Processor
GPU Pipeline: Transform Vertex Processor (multiple operate in parallel) –Transform from “world space” to “image space” –Compute per-vertex lighting
GPU Pipeline: Rasterizer Rasterizer –Convert geometric rep. (vertex) to image rep. (fragment) Fragment = image fragment –Pixel + associated data: color, depth, stencil, etc. –Interpolate per-vertex quantities across pixels
GPU Pipeline: Shade Fragment Processors (multiple in parallel) –Compute a color for each pixel –Optionally read colors from textures (images)
Coming Up Next: Mapping computational concepts to the GPU Also coming up: –Core building blocks for GPGPU computing –Memory layout, data structures, and algorithms –Detailed advice on writing high performance GPGPU code –Lots of examples