Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2011 SOL to be covered today are : SOLs: ES.2a,ES9e Assignment for today is: 1- Turn in Chapter 1 Vocabulary assignment. 2- Take notes on Chapter 1 Homework: Worksheet -- What is Earth Science? BellWork: Identify each Branch of Earth Science represented by the following images.
Thursday, Sept. 8, 2011 SOL to be covered today are : SOLs: ES.1e, ES2be,ES9e Assignment for today is: Dinosaur activity & bathroom passes. Homework: None BellWork: 1- get out worksheet from yesterday & lay it out on your desk to be checked. 2- List 5 biodegradable pollutants & 5 non-biodegradable pollutants.
Friday, Sept SOL to be covered today are : SOLs: ES.1e, ES2be,ES9e Assignment for today is: Finish Dinosaur activity & 1-2 notes Homework: None BellWork: 1- What are 3 possible ways the dinosaurs died off?
Chapter 1 Introduction to Earth Science Page 2
§1.1 What is Earth Science? SOLs: ES.2a Objectives: 1- Name the 4 main branches of Earth Science 2- Discuss the 4 ‘spheres’ of the Earth
Earth Science
Astronomy Meteorology Oceanography Geology Stars, Planets & moons Origin of the Earth Earth’s atmosphere Weather Sea Floor Waves, tides & currents Rocks Processes that shape the Earth
The Biosphere All life – humans, animals, and plants >8km up in the sky & >8km down in the ocean
Atmosphere Clouds, weather, nitrogen, oxygen
Includes oceans, lakes, rivers, creeks, ponds Hydrosphere
Crust, rocks, mountains, volcanoes Geosphere
Ecosystems Animals, plants & their habitat
Environmental Pollution Any contamination !!!!!! Biodegradable pollutants Left over food Plants Non-biodegradable pollutants Plastics Glass Oils
Warped Definitions Group Activity
Assignments: Worksheet: What is Earth Science? To be turned in & reviewed on Thursday.