1 Advisor’s Meeting: Business & Administrative Betadaily.com
2 Objectives Fill out the registration worksheet. Designate registration locations for tomorrow.
What Are Business & Administrative Majors? 3 Ag Communication & Journalism Ag Leadership & Development Communication Telecommunication Media Studies International Studies Commerce Human Resource Development Technology Management Sport Management Community Development Recreation, Park and Tourism AgBusiness AgEconomics Economics Accounting Management Management Information Systems Marketing Finance Supply Chain Management
4 Forms Change of Major Certificate of Dependency Registration Worksheet Course Selection Worksheet
5 University Core Curriculum Communication (6 credit hrs) Mathematics (6 credit hrs) Natural Sciences (8 credit hrs) Humanities (3 credit hrs) Visual and Performing Arts (3 credit hrs) Social and Behavioral Sciences (3 credit hrs) U.S. History (6 credit hrs) Political Science (6 credit hrs) International & Cultural Diversity (6 credit hrs)* * This requirement can be overlapped with other core requirements.
6 Business Worksheet
7 Requirements for Mays A&M Requirements 3.0 on A&M hours 30 graded A&M hours Qualifying Course Requirement Math 141 & Math 142 completed at least 2 other Qualifying courses 3.0 average on Qualifying courses < 75 total hours Acceptance is assured if all requirements are met!
8 Business Qualifying Courses MATH 141 MATH 142 ENGL 104 COMM 203 ACCT 229 (sophomore year) ACCT 230 (sophomore year) ECON 202 (suggested for sophomore yr) ECON 203 (suggested for sophomore yr) INFO 210 MGMT 211 (sophomore year)
9 Core Curriculum: Business Worksheet Mathematics (6) Communication (6) Social and Behavioral Sciences (3) Natural Sciences (8) U.S. History (6) Political Science (6) Humanities (3) Visual and Performing Arts (3) Kinesiology 199 S/U (1) Kinesiology 198 (1) International & Cultural Diversity (6)
10 Registration Worksheet
11 Registration Worksheet Complete (in full) the “Student Information”, “Future Major”, and “Areas of Interest” sections of the registration worksheet. Remember to write your first and last name. No nicknames, please!!
12 Registration Worksheet Please check off all credit by exam (AP, CLEP, etc.) and/or college credit that you have earned or attempted. Failure to report previously earned credit is an act of academic dishonesty. Once you have completed the front page of the registration worksheet, please double check that all information is accurate before signing your name.
13 Credit by Exam & Course Equivalencies
14 1. Communication If you checked any of the “English Composition” courses on page 1, cross out this item. If you did not check any of the “English Composition” courses on the previous page, ENGL 104 will be your communications option.
15 2. Mathematics If you checked any of the “Calculus” courses on page 1, cross this item out. For those with a Math Placement Exam score of 12 or better, your math options will be MATH 141 or 142. For those with lower Math Placement Exam scores, you should cross out this item. NOTE: Advisors may drop a math course from a student’s schedule if he/she has not taken the online math placement exam. Please go to to access the test.
16 3. US History and Political Science History: –If you checked any of the “U.S. History” boxes, cross out the History (HIST) courses under this item. –If you did not check any of these boxes, HIST 105, 106, or 226 will be your History options.
17 3. US History and Political Science Political Science: –If you checked any of the “Government” courses, cross out the Political Science (POLS) courses under this item. –If you did not check any of these courses, POLS 206 or 207 will be your Political Science options. NOTE: When you register, sign up for only one class from the “US History and Political Science” category.
18 4. Science If you checked one of the science courses on page 1 (ex. Chemistry, Biology, Physics, etc.), consult with an advisor before proceeding. If you did not check any of the science courses, any of the courses listed will be options for your science credit. –Remember to only choose 1 from the list when you register!
19 5. Social Science If you checked one of the social science courses on page 1 (ex. Psychology or Sociology), consult with an advisor before proceeding. If you did not check any of the social science courses, PSYC 107 will be your only option for your social science credit for Mays Business School.
20 6. Humanities If you checked any of the “English Literature” courses on page 1, please consult an advisor before proceeding. If you did not check any of the “English Lit” courses, either of the courses listed will be choices for your Humanities credit. –Remember to only choose 1 from the list when you register!
21 7. Visual & Performing Arts Any of the courses listed under this item will be options for your Visual & Performing Arts credit. Remember to only choose 1 from the list when you register!
22 8. Physical Education KINE 198 & 199 will be your Physical Education options. –Athletes: Please skip this item. Your kinesiology credits will be chosen in consultation with your Athletic Advisor. –Aggie Band: You must sign up for KINE
23 9. Additional Courses MGMT 105 (3): Intro to Business BUSN 100 (1): The Business Profession AGCJ 105 (2): Intro to Ag Communication SPMT 217 (3): Foundations of Sport Management JOUR 102 (3): American Mass Media STLC 101 (2): Study skills course UGST 181 (1): First year seminar classes – various topics AGLS 101 (1): Intro to Ag & Life Sciences
Corps of Cadets Air Force ROTC Cadets: Take “AERS 101 and 105”. Army ROTC Cadets: Take “MLSC 121”. Navy/Marine ROTC Cadets: Take “NVSC 101”. Fightin’ Texas Aggie Band: Take “KINE 199 – 596”.
25+ Hrs- Room
26 Registration Session Tomorrow, students only (GAP policy) will meet at their assigned location by 1:00pm to register for classes. No parents allowed in building. Overcrowding may pose a safety risk Important step in the development of your student Advisors will be available to answer any questions during registration.
27 Registration Session The Course Selection sheet that you complete will be your ticket to enter your assigned registration area. Students need to register at the specified locations.
28 Registration Session There will be an opportunity for students to adjust their schedule during “open-registration” starting Aug 26. –Check your balance any time that you adjust your schedule. –Adding and dropping classes will sometimes alter your balance. –Failure to pay your balance in full may result in classes being dropped.
29 Students who will be participating in FOCUS or who have completed or tested for over 25 college credit hours or are student athletes will be on the second floor of the Bright Football Complex. Registration Locations Kyle Field
30 Students who will be participating in FOCUS or are student athletes will be on the second floor of the Bright Football Complex. Registration Locations Kyle Field
31 Bright Football Complex – Nye Academic Center (2 nd Floor, Students Only)
32 All other students go to the first floor of the Student Computing Center. Registration Locations Student Computing Center You are here!
33 Student Computing Center (Students Only)
34 Re-Cap: Registration Session The Course Selection sheet that you complete will be your ticket to enter your assigned registration area. Students need to register at the specified locations. Students ONLY 1 PM
35Homework!! Practice logging on to the “Howdy Portal” ( –In “Howdy” select the “My Record” Tab –In the “Grades and Transcripts” box, select the “View Holds” tab to ensure there are no holds that would prevent your registration. –In the “Learn About the MyRecord Tab” box, look at all the tutorials Class Search Best Practices Registration Tips and Best Practices View Holds/Blocks Register (Add/Drop Classes) Search the Fall 2011 Course Schedule to check for available courses and determine restrictions Record the CRNs of any you wish to register for tomorrow Take the Math Assessment Exam if you have not already done so (
Looking for Classes DO NOT rely on MyEdu!!! Select needed courses in favor of times, not professors Try for a balanced schedule It is usually not possible to avoid Friday classes Remember, you may be able to improve your schedule later!
Looking for Classes
41 Review Your Schedule Items of special interest are highlighted in red TBA W Total Credits = W TBA Total Hrs: 15.00
42 General Academic Programs General Academics is located on the 3rd floor of Hotard Hall on the north side of campus (between the post office and Neeley Hall). Please make plans to stop by for all your future advising needs!