Federal Geographic Data Committee Update Ivan DeLoatch NGAC Meeting December 2, 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

Federal Geographic Data Committee Update Ivan DeLoatch NGAC Meeting December 2, 2009

2 Topics Geospatial Line of Business SmartBuy Update FY 2009 FGDC Annual Report Place-Based Policy and Programs Recovery.gov

3 Geospatial Line of Business 2010 Activities Surveying Federal agencies to identify short and long-term common service goals Geo-enabled shared services across agencies Poised to support Place-Based Policy Meeting with OMB to discuss their comments on the A-16 Supplemental Guidance Evolving Geospatial Profile toward FSAM Segment Architecture Pilot cloud-computing with geodata and services using A-16 data Establish 2CFR language for grants & cooperative agreements to aid agencies delivering federally funded geodata Establish FAR contract language for transparency and access.

4 Geospatial Line of Business 2011 Planning New Work Group efforts may include: Identify practical, high value geospatial integration services Facilitate new service delivery mechanisms (such as geocoding, metadata, etc.) Expand current capabilities across agencies Establish common web map service (application) to agencies to geo-enable and provide mission data Evaluate the need to establish a team to help agencies learn and leverage geospatial capabilities Geospatial integration services All activities based on clearly defined outcomes

5 Geospatial LoB - SmartBUY Pending Official Announcement of Award Technical Evaluation Board final vendor selection completed July 2009 Majority of vendor awards completed by September 17; Final award pending signatures* Rollout Kit web page with SmartBUY materials and information is ready for release Press Releases are ready. *If the release occurs prior to the meeting this slide will be updated.

6 FGDC 2009 Annual Report Theme: ‘The Mortgage Crisis and Land Parcel Data’

7 Place-Based Policy and Programs Executive Office of the President Memorandum M-09-28: “Developing Effective Place-Based Policies for the FY 2011 Budget, August 11, 2009” OMB Budget Data Request No : “Place-Based Policies and Programs” “… to advance the Administration’s domestic and fiscal priorities and to increase the impact of government dollars by leveraging place- conscious planning and place-based programming.” “Place-based policies leverage investments by focusing resources in targeted places and drawing on the compounding effect of well- coordinated action. Effective place-based policies can influence how rural and metropolitan areas develop, how well they function as places to live, work, operate a business, preserve heritage, and more. Such policies can also streamline otherwise redundant and disconnected programs.” FGDC support and participation in Place-based policies under discussion 28.pdf

8 Place-Based Policy and Programs FGDC Executive Committee members met with EOP leadership and began discussions on FGDC initiatives to support the Place-Based Policy efforts Will be a key discussion topic of the 1 st National Geospatial Forum Federal government geospatial executives December 9, 2009

9 Mapping data from Agencies and Recipients

10 Recovery.Gov – Track the Money A provision in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 called for establishing “a website on the Internet to be named Recovery.gov, to foster greater accountability and transparency in the use of funds made available in this Act.” Operated by the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board (RATB), which was also created by the Recovery Act Provides statistical information on the progress and outcomes of the ARRA funded efforts

11 Recovery.Gov – Track the Money Provides an abundance of information and statistics, on ARRA Federal contracts, grants, and loans Utilizes Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, YouTube, RSS feeds Uses a map interface to present information reported by agencies and directly from recipients Initial national choropleth maps with summary statistics Provides drill-down mapping and statistical data down to the single recipient level FGDC provided input, support to ensure the site included map capabilities

12 Home National choropleth map is front-and- center Recipient Reporting Agency Reporting Drag-over summaries by state

13 Geographic Area Select a State to zoom to the region View locations of Contracts, Grants, Loans Filter by award type, agency, award amount Select a site to view award summary information

14 Drill Down Zoom in to view detailed location information Street or Aerial imagery base View recipient and award information

15 Thematic Underlays Underlay funding levels by state, county, zip code, or congressional district Underlay unemployment percentage by state or county

16 Recipient Award Summary Link to project summary reports

17 Recovery.gov – Go Explore

18 Thank you Questions?