FIU-NSF Workshop 1 Workforce for the 21 st Century – The Morphing of Engineering Education March 8, 2012 Keynote Address: Joseph Bordogna A Metaphor: The World Turns on its Axis - The "This" in "We Can Do This" Core Thread: Pathways vs Pipelines Subtitles: Orchestrated Cacophony Symphonic Eclecticism The Snorri Story Flat World, Spiky World, Round World Conceive/Design/Implement/Operate Integrative Holism STEM and Pathways ENGINEERING! Integrating All Knowledge to Some Purpose
Source: José Ortega y Gasset, Mission of the University, Princeton University Press, 1944 "The need to create sound syntheses and systemizations of knowledge...will call out a kind of scientific genius which hitherto has existed only as an aberration: the genius for integration. Of necessity this means specialization, as all creative effort does, but this time, the (person) will be specializing in the construction of the whole. The momentum which impels investigation to dissociate indefinitely into particular problems, the pulverization of research, makes necessary a comprehensive control - as in any healthy organization - which is to be furnished by a force pulling in the opposite direction, constraining centrifugal science into a wholesome organization...the selection of professors will depend not on their rank as investigators but on their talent for synthesis." 2 The 21 st Century Kernel
Source: The Life of Benjamin Franklin, Written By Himself, 2 nd American Edition, Philadelphia, Printed For Benjamin Johnson, No. 147 High Street, Philadelphia, 1794 Knowledge Diffusion Infrastructure 3 "It is in the regions of ignorance that tyranny reigns. It [tyranny] flies before the light of science. Let the citizens of America, then, encourage institutions calculated to diffuse knowledge amongst the people; and amongst these, public libraries are not the least important." 18 th Century 21 st Century Cyberinfrastructure
The U.S. Engineer Enabling the Nation’s Capacity to Perform Holistic Designer Astute Maker Trusted Innovator Harm Avoider Change Agent Master integrator Enterprise enabler Knowledge handler Technology steward 4
Components of a Holistic Engineering Education Vertical (in-depth) thinkingLateral (functional) thinking Abstract LearningExperiential learning Reductionism-fractionizationIntegration: connecting the parts Develop orderCorrelate chaos Understand certaintyHandle ambiguity AnalysisSynthesis Research/conceiveDesign/process Solve problemsFormulate problems Develop ideasImplement ideas IndependenceTeamwork Technological-scientific baseSocietal context Engineering scienceEngineering 5
Seeing by Looking "I never predict. I just look out the window and see what's visible but not yet seen." Peter Drucker 6
Seeing What’s Visible 21 St Century Academe ConventionalEmerging Department basedTopic based Campus centricGlobal reach Building-block coursesHolistic curriculum Few links to industryRobust industry partnership Research vs education Integration of research and education Isolated from communityCommunity engagement 7
Innovation System – Concurrent Integration The dynamic integration of talent, investment and infrastructure 8 Innovation Wealth Creation Jobs Analysis Reduction Synthesis Integration Discovery of New Knowledge Societal Needs The Public Good Natural Capital Devices Processes Systems Ideas Information Infrastructure Capital Formation & Investment Market Place Skilled Workforce Design Making & Moving Sustenance PEOPLE IDEAS TOOLS TechnoloyTechnoloy Policy Context Science Engineering Economic Context
"What spectacle can be more edifying or more seasonable, than that of Liberty and Learning, each leaning on the other for their mutual and surest support?” Source: James Madison ( 9 The Mutually Supportive Ls
Source: Engineer Vannevar Bush 1944 “…in the last analysis, the future of science in this country will be determined by our basic educational policy.” 10 The Endless Frontier
Source: William Shakespeare, King John, Act V; Scene 5, Bishop's Place; speaker, Lewis (The Dauphin) Future Circumstances “Genius without education is like Silver in the Mine." 11 Blueprint for Action "The day shall not be up so soon as I, to try the fair adventure of tomorrow." Source: Benjamin Franklin
FIU-NSF Workshop 12 Workforce for the 21 st Century – The Morphing of Engineering Education March 8, 2012 Keynote Address: Joseph Bordogna A Metaphor: The World Turns on its Axis - The "This" in "We Can Do This" Core Thread: Pathways vs Pipelines Subtitles: Orchestrated Cacophony Symphonic Eclecticism The Snorri Story Flat World, Spiky World, Round World Conceive/Design/Implement/Operate Integrative Holism STEM and Pathways ENGINEERING! Integrating All Knowledge to Some Purpose