2009Physics 2111 Fundamentals of Physics 1 Physics 2111 Mechanics Dr. James Wolfson
2009Physics 2111 Fundamentals of Physics 2 Physics 2111 Instructor: Dr. James Wolfson Phone: WWW: Class Syllabus: “class info” on web page Physical Mailbox: Natural Sciences Office Office Hours: By Appointment Texts:Essential University Physics by Wolfson (no relation!) Chapters (Part 1 ) "Real Time Physics, Module 1 – Mechanics" by Sokoloff et. al.
2009Physics 2111 Fundamentals of Physics 3 Course Structure Class Schedule –Mon - Thursday in IC :00 AM – 10:50 AM –Tues, Thursday in IC 1-F 11:00 PM – 2:30 PM (Labs) Exams: –3 Exams (2 Mid-term and Final) –Daily quizzes Based on a homework problem and/or multiple choice Homework –On-line Homework Reading Homework and post-discussion homework Late homework will not be accepted 9 Labs with pre and post lab assignments Pre-lab assignments must be done before the lab starts “Real-time” lab questions must be answered in Lab Post-lab homework due following Lab period
2009Physics 2111 Fundamentals of Physics 4 On-Line Homework System Links from the course homepage: –Reading: –Post Class: Login: – ID is your last name and fist initial, all lower case (e.g. wolfsonj) – Password (initial): First Name, first letter upper case (e.g. James) Due Dates/Times are shown on assignment sheets For post class homework: 10% extra for 24 hrs. early 50% credit for up to 48 hrs late Be sure to hit submit on reading homework Instant feedback on post class homework, none on reading until graded On-line grades are ~30 pts. Reading, ~5 pts. post- class, scaled to 5%,10% in calculating grades
2009Physics 2111 Fundamentals of Physics 5 Personal Response System Each student must have an iClicker Attendance taken each morning at 8:00 am Feedback questions asked in class May be used in grading for borderline cases
2009Physics 2111 Fundamentals of Physics 6 Schedule (preliminary) Class Schedule Labs DatesTopicDateTopic 26-MayUnits/Intro (Chap 1)26-May#1 Motion 27-May1D Motion (Chap 2)28-MayFalling Plumet* 28-May2D Motion/Vectors (Chap 3)2-Jun#2 Changing Motion 1-JunNewton's Laws (Chap 4)4-Jun#5 Acceleration 2-JunApplications(Chap 5)9-Jun#6 Gravitational Force 3-JunKinetic Energy/Work (Chap 6)11-Jun#7 Passive Force 4-JunExam 1 (Chapters 1 - 5)16-Jun#11 Work/Energy 8-JunPotential energy (Chap 7)18-Jun#12 Conserving Energy 9-JunMomentum (Chap 9)23-JunMomentum* 10-JunRotation (Chap 10) 11-JunRotational Dynamics (Chap 11) * not in lab book 15-JunEquilibrium (Chap 12) 16-JunReview (Chapters ) 17-JunExam 2 (Chapters 6 -11) 18-JunPeriodic Motion(Chap 13) 22-JunWave Motion (Chap 14) 23-JunGravitation (Chap 8) 24-JunReview/Concept test 26-JunFINAL
2009Physics 2111 Fundamentals of Physics 7 Grading FormatWeight% Grade Daily Quizzes12/13 10% Reading Homework 13 5% Homework16 10% Labs9 10% Exams Final 2 40% 25 + % 90%- 100% A 80%- 89% B 70%- 79% C 60%- 69% D 0%-59%F
2009Physics 2111 Fundamentals of Physics 8 Physics 2111 Mechanics Chapters: 1.Doing Physics 2.Motion in a Straight Line 3.Motion in Two and Three Dimensions 4.Force and Motion 5.Using Newton’s Laws 6.Work, Energy, and Power 7.Conservation of Energy 8.Gravity 9.Systems of Particles 10.Rotational Motion 11.Rotational Vectors and Angular Momentum 12.Static Equilibrium 13.Oscillatory Motion 14. Wave Motion
2009Physics 2111 Fundamentals of Physics 9 Lectures will closely follow the textbook. Plus a little extra material! Take notes in class as needed Read the chapters ~one chapter per day! Master the solutions of problems Class examples Homeworks Lab problems REGULAR AND PROMPT ATTENDANCE IS EXPECTED GRADES ARE BASED ON PERFORMANCE –Not how badly you “need” the grade No Tricks