Earth History GEOL 2110 Final ExamREVIEW
Final Exam Structure Multiple choice, matching, short answer Will assume you know the time scale sequence ! 25% - First Third of Course* 25% - Second Third of Course* 50% - Final Third of Course *questions will largely be repeats from prior quizzes and midterms
Study Strategies Review Previous Exams and Quizzes Review Class Powerpoints Reread chapter summaries Create a Fact Sheet on important time intervals
Geol 2110 Earth History Final Exam Study Factsheet Era/Period/Epoch: _______________________ Time Interval: ____________________Ga/Ma NA Paleogeography Craton: Eastern Margin: Western Margin: Tectonic Events Supercontinents?: NA Orogenies: Cause: Other : Major NA Geological Deposits Depositional Sequence: Craton: Eastern Margin: Western Margin: Paleoclimate NA: Cause: Global: Cause Biological Events New Species: Cause : Extinctions: Cause: Other Interesting Factoids
What to Know about the Mesozoic/Cenozoic Major tectonic events and causes Elements of a continental volcanic arc Major Rock Formations – time and significance Paleoclimate of time periods - causes Major evolutionary appearances and extinctions -causes
Mesozoic Era Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous Periods
Geology and Tectonics of the MZ Classic Geol Formations Navajo SS Pierre Shale Niobrara Fm Morrison Fm Chinle Fm Know Age and Depositional Environment Major Orogenies Triassic Rift Grabens Triassic Sonoman Orogeny Jurassic Sierran Orogeny Cretaceous Sevier Orogeny Cretaceous Laramide Orogeny Know Causes
Mesozoic Tectonics Laramide Orogeny and Magmatic Null
MZ Climate and Sea Level Changes
Mesozoic Marine Life After the Permo-Triassic Extinction Bryozoans, Brachiopods, Rugose and Tabulate Coral, and Crinoids give way to: Bivalves, Gastropods, Mollusks, Modern Coral Crustaceans, Cephlapods, Echoniderms, Diverse Fish and Swimming Reptiles PREDATOR-PREY RELATIONS RULE THE SEAS
Mesozoic Land Life The Land Before Time
Flowering Plants Evolve Rapid regeneration provided ample food supply for dinosaurs Pollinating insects (moths and bees) become important partners
The Cretaceous-Tertiary Extinction ~ half of life is exterminated
Evidence for a Meteor Impact Volcanic Glass Spherules Shocked Quartz
Cenozoic Era Paleogene, Neogene Periods Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene, Pliocene, Pleistocene, Holocene/Anthropocene Epochs
Present-Day Tectonic Picture Know origin and history of: Sierra Nevada Batholith San Andreas Fault Basin and Range Colorado Plateau Snake River Volcanics Yellowstone Hot Spot
Cenozoic Tectonics Mid-Miocene (~15 Ma) Pliocene (~5 Ma) Oligocene (~30 Ma)
Basin and Range Province Extensional Thinning of the Crust Extension due to mantle upwelling in area of Slab Gap
Climate Change in the Cenozoic CH 4 Degassing
Climate Change in the Cenozoic The Great Eocene-Oligocene Cool Down
Separation of Australia and SA from Antarctica triggers Glaciation and Major Extinction of Warm-climate Species The Great Eocene - Oligocene Cool Down
Climate Change in the Cenozoic Mid-Miocene Cool Down
Mid-Miocene Cool Down (15 Ma) Arctic – Atlantic Connection Established Miocene Ma
Cool Down Continues into the Pliocene and into Today
Climate Change Affects the Biosphere Warm, lush forests/jungles of the Eocene give way to …. Temperate grasslands and savannas of the Miocene
The Gondwanan Continents Natural Laboratories of Speciation
Ecological Convergence
Great American Interchange When Migration was North to South Isthmus established in Mid-Pliocene (4Ma) South Americans North Americans
Pleistocene Glaciation Know Global Effects: Sea Level Change Stream Rejuvenation Isostatic Rebound Lakes Shift in Biozones Yellowstone Hot Spot
Why the Cycles? Orbital Effects Milankovitch Cycles
What Brought us to the Threshold? Changes in Paleogeography
Fresh Meltwaters Shut Down the Conveyor in the Younger Dryas (10,000 ybp) Catastrophic Glacial Calving
Advance Erosion RetreatDeposition
Common Continental Glacial Landforms formed during glacial retreat
The Tale of Two Pro-glacial Lakes
Effect of Glaciation on Flora
Evolution of Humans Homonids split from Ape relatives 6-7 Ma Lucy 4 Species of Homonids Living Side-by-Side
When Did the Anthropocene Begin?
Nature of Human Effects
Terminology and Definitions Biological Resources renewable recycleable reuseable Mineral Resources non-renewable recycleable reuseable Water Resources unlimited recycleable reuseable Wind and Solar unlimited “Sustainable Development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (1984, United Nations Commission) Stewardship - “administration, management, control, including responsible use of resources” (Oxford English Dictionary Online) Natural Resources – materials, and energy that occur naturally within the Earth’s spheres. Many are essential for our survival, while others are used for satisfying our wants. Stuff
STEWARDSHIP: the individual’s responsibility to manage his life and property with proper regard to the rights of others Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary (1987) Stewardship of Earth Resources Responsible stewardship of mineral resources demands that we make sensible and fair choices of where, how, and when to acquire critical resources we need for today and for the future. inconvenient truths Making these choices also requires that we face some other inconvenient truths about the earth and our interaction with it.
Final Exam Next Wednesday 2-3:50 AM Cina 308