Lecture ONE Introduction
Introduction The composition of the Earth: -Lithosphere (5-70 km, solid and rocky, 5 km thick under the oceans and up to 70 km thick under the continents). It composes of: - sedimentary cover (10 km) -Sial (granitic in composition) -Sima (basaltic in composition) -Mantle Asthenosphere (250 km thick, molten rocks, 780 °C) -Mantle Mesosphere (2550 km thick, Si, O, Fe, Mg) -Outer core (2200 km thick, Thick liquid, Fe, Ni) -Inner Core (1228 km thick, Solid, Fe and Ni)
Rock cycle
Rocks Rocks are defined as a component of the Earth’s crust, composed of one or more minerals with geologic extension Rocks are classified into: - Primary - Igneous rocks - Secondary- Sedimentary rocks - Metamorphic rocks -The metamorphic rocks are secondary rocks formed from pre- existing igneous, sedimentary, and/or prior metamorphic rocks, which are subjected to physicochemical conditions (P, T, and chemical active fluids) higher than that at the earth’s surface. The yielded metamorphic rocks differ than the original ones in mineralogy, structure (textures), and/or chemical composition. Note: Metamorphism should be occur in solid state. -Due to higher P-T conditions, metamorphic rocks undergo partial melting and a hybrid rock between igneous and metamorphic, know as migmatites, could form.
Continental drift
Plate boundaries
Plate Motions
Types of the Plate motion Plate boundaries includes: i- Divergent plate boundaries ( ): - Formation of the Red Sea and Atlantic Ocean Ii- Convergent plate boundaries ( ) -Oceanic-continental convergence (Oceanic Nazka – S American plate) - Oceanic-oceanic convergence (Pacific plate – Philippine plate) -Continental-continental convergence (Indian plate- Eurasian plate) iii- Transform or shear plate boundaries: - The San Andreas fault zone, and Gulf of Aqaba fault
i- Divergent plate boundaries
i- Divergent plate boundaries, Cont.
ii- Convergent plate boundaries
ii- Convergent plate boundaries, Cont. a) oceanic-oceanic subduction
b) Oceanic-continental subduction ii- Convergent plate boundaries, Cont. b) Oceanic-continental subduction
c) Continental - continental collision ii- Convergent plate boundaries, Cont. c) Continental - continental collision
iii- Transform or shear plate boundaries
. iii- Transform or shear plate boundaries, Cont.
Why we study metamorphic rocks? Goals of study metamorphic petrology includes: -Academic goals: to deduce the following - Protolith (original rock) composition - Grade and conditions of metamorphism - Tectonic setting under which the metamorphism have done - Applied goals: - Applied goals: Metamorphic rocks like other rock types hosted mineral resources e.g: -Graphite, Talc, Magnesite, Asbestos, Corundum, vermiculites, garnets, etc. - They used also as ornamental stones as Slates, Marbles, gneisses, metaconglomerates, greenstones and others