PURPOSE To provide information to families to help make informed decisions for 9 th grade and beyond.
AGENDA New Graduation Requirements to Consider Course Selection for 9 th Grade Long Term Planning
EARNING CREDIT / SAMPLE SCHEDULE CourseSemester 1Semester 2 Math.5 English.5 Science.5 Social Studies.5 PE/Life Fitness.5 World Language.5 Total Credits Earned 33 Credits Earned By Grade 9 th Grade – th Grade – th Grade – th Grade – 6.0 Total = 24.0 Credits
CLASS OF 2019 GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Career and College Ready Graduation Requirements Increase to 24 credits from 21 credits Rigorous and Flexible Keeping all post-secondary options open including four-year or two-year institutions
HIGH SCHOOL AND BEYOND PLAN Formal process designed to promote course planning that aligns with student’s post high school goals. Grades Naviance / Family Connections Career Exploration Course Planning College Information
17 CORE ACADEMIC CREDITS 4 credits English 3 credits Math Algebra Geometry Student math choice that aligns with the student’s High School & Beyond Plan 3 credits Science* (including 2 lab sciences) Physical Science Biology Student science choice that aligns with the student’s High School & Beyond Plan *Science sequence subject to change pending the recommendation of the NGSS Science Committee
ACADEMIC CREDITS (CONT.) 3 credits Social Studies World History US History Contemporary World Issues 1 credit Career and Technical Education 1 credit The Arts 2 credits Health and Fitness
7 FLEXIBLE CREDITS Student exploration and the opportunity to pursue a pathway that leads to a post- high school career and/or educational outcome of their choice Based on the student’s High School and Beyond Plan
EXAMPLES OF FLEXIBLE CREDITS World Language The Arts Career & Technical Education Health & Fitness Additional English, math, science or social studies courses beyond the required core.
RIGOROUS/COLLEGE LEVEL COURSE WORK Advanced Placement (AP)/ WHS, BHS & IHS International Baccalaureate (IB) / IHS only AP/IB allow for potential college credit based on final exam score and college choice College in High School / WHS, BHS, & IHS – college credit earned based on grade (“B” or better) and fee. Tech Prep / WHS, BHS & IHS – college credit earned based on grade (“B” or better) and fee. Course aligns with community or technical college programs.
NON-CREDIT REQUIREMENTS Successfully complete two AP, IB, College in the High School, Tech Prep, and/or Running Start courses unless an alternative course of study is identified through the student’s High School and Beyond Plan. Washington State History requirement met through successful completion of one semester of 7 th grade Washington State History
ASSESSMENTS REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION Smarter Balanced English Language Arts Test (Grade 10 or 11)* Smarter Balanced Math Test (Grade 10 or 11)* Biology End of Course Exam * Grade level to be determined
GRADUATION VS. COLLEGE ACADEMIC DISTRIBUTION REQUIREMENTS(CADR) SubjectGraduation Requirements CADR Requirements English4 credits Mathematics3 credits Senior Year Math Based Course 1 credit Science3 credits Social Studies3 credits The Arts1 credit Health Fitness2 credits Career and Tech Ed1 credit World Language (same language) 2+ credits Flexible Credits7 credits
UNIVERSITY ADMISSIONS Academic Preparation GPA College Prep Courses Strong Academic schedule through senior year. SAT and/or ACT scores Positive Grade Trend Personal Achievements/Characteristics Community Service/Leadership Overcoming Adversity
PRE AP/IB CLASSES OFFERED Self–Select : Pre AP/IB English Pre AP/IB Social Studies Pre AP/IB Physical Science What to expect: Intensive, rigorous course work Prepares you for AP/IB course work School/Life balance
MATH SEQUENCE 8 th Grade9 th Grade10 th Grade11 th Grade12 th Grade Regular8 th Grade Math AlgebraGeometryAlgebra IIPre- Calculus ChallengeAlgebraGeometryAlgebra II/Trig AP Prep Pre- Calculus AP Calculus Double Challenge GeometryAlgebra II/Trig AP Prep Pre- Calculus AP Calculus AP Calculus/ AP Statistics/ Running Start
ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION OPTIONS Math Acceleration NSD Summer School Out-of-District / Online Providers Restrictions: No more than 15% of total credits No more than 50% in any discipline Approved accredited source
ELECTIVES – ALL CLASSES COUNT TOWARDS GRADUATION Career and Tech Ed – 1.0 Credit Required CAD (Semester Long -.5 Credit) Leadership Lion Channel Library Research Assistant World Languages – University Requirement 2.0 Credits Spanish, French, German (at WHS) 10th Grade WHS / American Sign Language (ASL) The Arts – 1.0 Credit Required Music Classes (Choir, Band or Orchestra) Studio ARt Advanced Drama
HEALTH / FITNESS REQUIREMENTS 2.0 Health/Fitness Credits Required 1.0 Physical Education Credit.5 can be WHS.5 Life Fitness Can also be taken as PE credit CANNOT be waived.5 Health Available in 10 th grade CANNOT be waived
FRESHMAN ACADEMY AT WHS (COURSES NOT OFFERED AT LEOTA) German 100 Spanish 200 (TBD), 350 French 200 AP Prep Pre-Calculus First WHS Transportation: Morning Bus provided for High School Students – Shuttle provided back to Leota.
REGISTRATION DUE DATE Due Monday, March 23 rd Drop off box – In Counseling Office
QUESTIONS/RESOURC ES School Counselor Heather Warme-Stead / Personal Education Planning Sheet WHS Online Course Description Book