Cruise 2
General Use CPS Training Chart IC/CA 9996 Variation is 18°E Use the Deviation Table provided in Appendix E Point of Departure: False Creek anchorage L 49°16.2’ N, Lo 123°07.3’ W Time of Departure: 0815
0815 Point of Departure
Deck Log Date Time Obser vation LatitudeLongitudeTVMDCSpeedDist.ETARemarks Aug 11 ‘ Start engine, False Creek anchorage for sail across Georgia Strait. 0815Depart49°16.2’N123°07.3’WLeave anchorage and motor slowly to wards English Bay.
The 0900 FIX and Course GPS C 315/297M S 3.0
TVMDC E2972W299 What is Your Compass Course to Steer ?
Deck Log Date Time Obser vation LatitudeLongitudeTVMDCSpeedDist.ETARemarks Aug 11 ‘ Start engine, False Creek anchorage for sail across Georgia Strait. 0815Depart49°16.2’N123°07.3’WLeave anchorage and motor slowly to wards English Bay. 0900GPS FIX 49°16.9’N123°08.9’W31518E2972W2993.0Set course for Fairway buoy Mo(A)QB
What Safety Equipment is Needed ? Personal protection equipment –1 Canadian approved PFD or lifejacket of appropriate size for each person on board –1 buoyant heaving line not less than 15 m (50’) –1 approved 610 mm (24”) or 762 (30”) lifebuoy attached to the heaving line –a reboarding device if the freeboard is greater than 0.5m (20”) more…
More Safety Equipment Boat safety equipment –an anchor with no less than 30m (100’) of cable, rope or chain in any combination –1 bailer –1 manual pump with sufficient hose to pump from bilge over the side –1 Class 10BC fire extinguisher if a power driven vessel plus another 10BC fire extinguisher if equipped with a fuel burning cooking, heating or refrigerating appliance more…
More Safety Equipment Distress equipment –1 watertight flashlight –12 Canadian approved flares of type A, B, C, or D, not more than 6 of which are type D Navigation equipment –a sound-signalling device or appliance –appropriate navigation lights –1 radar reflector more…
More Safety Equipment Other equipment –flame arrestor –mechanical exhaust fan for inboard gas engine –appropriate nautical charts and publications –Pleasure Craft Operator Card
TVMDC E2533 E250 What is the New True Course ?
Change Course to 250° C 0900 GPS C 315/297M S C 271/253M S 4.5
Deck Log Date Time Obser vation LatitudeLongitudeTVMDCSpeedDist.ETARemarks Aug 11 ‘ Start engine, False Creek anchorage for sail across Georgia Strait. 0815Depart49°16.2’N123°07.3’WLeave anchorage and motor slowly to wards English Bay. 0900GPS FIX 49°16.9’N123°08.9’W31518E2972W2993.0Set course for Fairway buoy Mo(A)QB 0940DR27118E2533E2504.5Raise sails. Change course. Knot meter reads 4.5 knots.
What is the Maximum Hull Speed ? LWL : 9.0 m (29.5’) V = 2.43 √L in metres = 2.43 √9 = 2.43 x 3 = 7.29 = 7.3 knots V = 1.34 √L in feet = 1.34 √29.5 = 1.34 x 5.43 = = 7.3 knots
Advise Harbour Authority 0900 GPS C 315/297M S C 271/253M S
Deck Log Date Time Obser vation LatitudeLongitudeTVMDCSpeedDist.ETARemarks Aug 11 ‘ Start engine, False Creek anchorage for sail across Georgia Strait. 0815Depart49°16.2’N123°07.3’WLeave anchorage and motor slowly to wards English Bay. 0900GPS FIX 49°16.9’N123°08.9’W31518E2972W2993.0Set course for Fairway buoy Mo(A)QB 0940DR27118E2533E2504.5Raise sails. Change course. Knot metre reads 4.5 knots. 1000DRAdvise Vancouver Harbour Authority that entering Seperation Scheme.
3 Bearing Fix /298M 054/036M 187/169M
Deck Log continued Date Time Obser vation LatitudeLongitudeTVMDCSpeedDist.ETARemarks Aug 11 ‘ Three BRG Fix 49°18.4’N123°19.0’W27118E2533E250 BRG31618E2983E295Point Cowan light - 295°C BRG05418E0363E033Point Atkinson light - 033°C BRG18718E1693E166Mo(A)QA - 166°C
Are You Out of the Traffic Lane ? Yes
Change Course to 256° True /298M M 187/169M C 256/238M S 6.0
TVMDC E2384 E234 What is the Compass Course ?
Deck Log Date Time Obser vation LatitudeLongitudeTVMDCSpeedDist.ETARemarks Aug 11 ‘ Three BRG Fix 49°18.4’N123°19.0’W27118E2533E250 BRG31618E2983E295Point Cowan light - 295°C BRG05418E0363E033Point Atkinson light - 033°C BRG18718E1693E166Mo(A)QA - 166°C E2384E2346.0Change course. Wind stronger, speed increasing.
The 1100 DR /298M 054/036M 187/169M C 256/238M S
Deck Log Date Time Obser vation LatitudeLongitudeTVMDCSpeedDist.ETARemarks Aug 11 ‘ Three BRG Fix 49°18.4’N123°19.0’W27118E2533E250 BRG31618E2983E295Point Cowan light - 295°C BRG05418E0363E033Point Atkinson light - 033°C BRG18718E1693E166Mo(A)QA - 166°C E2384E2346.0Change course. Wind stronger, speed increasing. 1100DR6.0Maintain course and speed.
The 1200 DR 316/298M C 256/238M S
Deck Log Date Time Obser vation LatitudeLongitudeTVMDCSpeedDist.ETARemarks Aug 11 ‘ Three BRG Fix 49°18.4’N123°19.0’W27118E2533E250 BRG31618E2983E295Point Cowan light - 295°C BRG05418E0363E033Point Atkinson light - 033°C BRG18718E1693E166Mo(A)QA - 166°C E2384E2346.0Change course. Wind stronger, speed increasing. 1100DR6.0Maintain course and speed. 1200DR6.0Maintain course and speed.
The First Step in a Rescue Drill Shout – Throw – Stop – Lookout – Return
The Three Stages of Rescue Bring the victim along side the boat Bring the victim on board Care for the victim
The Figure Eight Manoeuvre Immediately get on a beam reach and sail for a few seconds. Then tack, reach back downwind of the MOB, and head up to the victim trailing the Lifesling©. You have practiced heaving to recently, so do that when you reach the victim.
What Two Knots Are Useful ? The Bowline on a Bight The Spanish Bowline
Deck Log continued Date Time Obser vation LatitudeLongitudeTVMDCSpeedDist.ETARemarks Aug 11 ‘ DRStudent falls overboard, assign another student as lookout. Start Figure Eight manoeuvre for recovery, victim is recovered, appears hypothermic.
Signs of Hypothermia Shivering Numbness Lack of coordination Confusion Body temperature below 35°C (95 °F)
Deck Log Date Time Obser vation LatitudeLongitudeTVMDCSpeedDist.ETARemarks Aug 11 ‘ DRStudent falls overboard, assign another student as lookout. Start Figure Eight manoeuvre for recovery, victim is recovered, appears hypothermic. 1330Request medical evacuation for victim.
The 1340 GPS Fix 1340 GPS
Deck Log Date Time Obser vation LatitudeLongitudeTVMDCSpeedDist.ETARemarks Aug 11 ‘ DRStudent falls overboard, assign another student as lookout. Start Figure Eight manoeuvre for recovery, victim is recovered, appears hypothermic. 1330Request medical evacuation for victim. 1340GPS FIX 49°17.5’N123°41.6’WAwaiting arrival of rescue vessel, G.B. Meynell.
ETA of Rescue Vessel 60 x 12.1 = 18 minutes 40 ETA = 1358
Deck Log Date Time Obser vation LatitudeLongitudeTVMDCSpeedDist.ETARemarks Aug 11 ‘ DRStudent falls overboard, assign another student as lookout. Start Figure Eight manoeuvre for recovery, victim is recovered, appears hypothermic. 1330Request medical evacuation for victim. 1340GPS FIX 49°17.5’N123°41.6’WAwaiting arrival of rescue vessel, G.B. Meynell, ETA DRRescue vessel arrives on time. Transfer of victim is made.
Deck Log Date Time Obser vation LatitudeLongitudeTVMDCSpeedDist.ETARemarks Aug 11 ‘ DRStudent falls overboard, assign another student as lookout. Start Figure Eight manoeuvre for recovery, victim is recovered, appears hypothermic. 1330Request medical evacuation for victim. 1340GPS FIX 49°17.5’N123°41.6’WAwaiting arrival of rescue vessel, G.B. Meynell, ETA DRRescue vessel arrives on time. Transfer of victim is made.
The 1425 GPS Fix 1340 GPS 1425 GPS
The New Course 1340 GPS 1425 GPS WP1 C 230/212M S 3.0
TVMDC E2127 E205 What is the Compass Course ?
Deck Log continued Date Time Obser vation LatitudeLongitudeTVMDCSpeedDist.ETARemarks Aug 11 ‘ GPS FIX 49°17.9’N123°42.8’W23018E2127E2053.0Set course for Fairway Channel WP, L 49°12.4’N, Lo 123°52.6’W
The 1500 DR 1340 GPS 1425 GPS WP1 C 230/212M S
Deck Log Date Time Obser vation LatitudeLongitudeTVMDCSpeedDist.ETARemarks Aug 11 ‘ GPS FIX 49°17.9’N123°42.8’W23118E2137E2063.0Set course for Fairway Channel WP, L 49°12.4’N, Lo 123°52.6’W 1500DRMaintain course and speed.
The 1600 DR 1340 GPS 1425 GPS WP1 C 230 S
Deck Log Date Time Obser vation LatitudeLongitudeTVMDCSpeedDist.ETARemarks Aug 11 ‘ GPS FIX 49°17.9’N123°42.8’W23118E2137E2063.0Set course for Fairway Channel WP, L 49°12.4’N, Lo 123°52.6’W 1500DRMaintain course and speed. 1600DRMaintain course and speed.
The 1700 FIX 1700 GPS C 270/252M S 3.0
Deck Log Date Time Obser vation LatitudeLongitudeTVMDCSpeedDist.ETARemarks Aug 11 ‘ GPS FIX 49°17.9’N123°42.8’W23118E2137E2063.0Set course for Fairway Channel WP, L 49°12.4’N, Lo 123°52.6’W 1500DRMaintain course and speed. 1600DRMaintain course and speed. 1700GPS FIX 49°1.4’N123°52.6’W27018E2523E2493.0At WP. Change course.
Jesse Island Abeam to Starboard C 270/252M S C 258/240M S GPS
Deck Log Date Time Obser vation LatitudeLongitudeTVMDCSpeedDist.ETARemarks Aug 11 ‘ GPS FIX 49°17.9’N123°42.8’W23118E2137E2063.0Set course for Fairway Channel WP, L 49°12.4’N, Lo 123°52.6’W 1500DRMaintain course and spped. 1600DRMaintain course and spped. 1700GPS FIX 49°1.4’N123°52.6’W27018E2523E2493.0At WP. Change course. 1754DR25818E2404E2363.0Jessie Island abeam on starboard side. Change course to 258° True.
The 1800 DR
Deck Log Date Time Obser vation LatitudeLongitudeTVMDCSpeedDist.ETARemarks Aug 11 ‘ GPS FIX 49°17.9’N123°42.8’W23118E2137E2063.0Set course for Fairway Channel WP, L 49°12.4’N, Lo 123°52.6’W 1500DRMaintain course and speed. 1600DRMaintain course and speed. 1700GPS FIX 49°12.4’N123°52.6’W27018E2523E2493.0At WP. Change course. 1754DR25818E2404E2363.0Jessie Island abeam on starboard side. Change course to 258° True. 1800DRMaintain course and speed.
Deck Log Date Time Obser vation LatitudeLongitudeTVMDCSpeedDist.ETARemarks Aug 11 ‘ GPS FIX 49°17.9’N123°42.8’W23118E2137E2063.0Set course for Fairway Channel WP, L 49°12.4’N, Lo 123°52.6’W 1500DRMaintain course and speed. 1600DRMaintain course and speed. 1700GPS FIX 49°12.4’N123°52.6’W27018E2523E2493.0At WP. Change course. 1754DR25818E2404E2363.0Jessie Island abeam on starboard side. Change course to 258° True. 1800DRMaintain course and speed. 1812GPS FIX ’N ’ WArrive at government wharf. Tie up at berth, shut down engine and check with wharfinger. Head for hospital.