Graduation Requirements Future plans Preparing for College Admissions Selecting Courses for Junior Year Honors and AP Courses Distinguished Scholar
English/Lang/Com: 4 years Algebra 1/Integrated I: 1 year Geometry/Integrated II: 1 year Math Elective: 1 year Science: 2 years (not including Biology) Biology: 1 year Geography: ½ year (must be 2 nd semester) World History: 1 year US History: 1 year Government/Econ: 1 year Visual & Performing Art: 1 year Foreign Language: 1 year Technology: 1 year Health: ½ year PE: 3 years and must complete PE 1 Electives: 50 credits Total: 250 credits 25 Hours of Community Service—Turn in hours to the College & Career Center Pass CAHSEE
Summer School Registration forms available in April Applications can be picked up and returned to the Counseling Center Summer School Dates are To Be Determined Night School Registration takes place the first few weeks of each semester Applications can be picked up and returned to the Counseling Center Courses DO NOT meet UC/CSU college entrance requirements Priority is given to seniors
Community College California State University (CSU) University of California (UC) Private or Independent College Technical or Vocational School Apprenticeship Military
A. History/Social Science: 2 years B. English: 4 years C. Math: 3 years (passing Algebra II) (4 years recommended) D. Lab Science: 2 years (physical & life) 3 years recommended E. Language Other Than English: 2 years of same foreign language F. Visual & Performing Arts: 1 year G. College-Prep Elective: 1 year (chosen from subjects above)
Take SAT and/or ACT with Writing spring of junior year SAT Subject Test may be recommended by some UC or private colleges If MATH SAT Subject test is recommended—take MATH Level II Register Online: SAT: ACT: (choose Writing option) WHS school code: Last test date accepted by colleges is December of senior year (December 2016) UC’s accept either SAT or ACT with Writing CSU’s accept SAT or ACT (they do not require Writing portion) Private colleges accept either SAT or ACT
PSAT (Preliminary SAT) is offered at WHS in October Free full length practice tests on both College Board and ACT’s websites KHAN Academy offers free SAT prep online You are responsible for sending your scores CSU campuses use code 3594 Send scores to only one UC campus, and all UC campuses can access scores Athletes send scores to NCAA use code 9999
Satisfying Whitney High School’s graduation requirements does not mean you have met 4 year college eligibility requirements “Being eligible” to apply does not mean you will be admitted by the college. Highly selective campuses look for students who go above the minimum.
Use Naviance to search for colleges and careers Make up NC grades to remain on track for graduation Review your course selection with your parents Review your transcript Course Selection forms DUE FEBRUARY 12th You will each get 15 minutes to meet with a counselor March during your English class
LA/Com III or Honors LA/Com III US History or AP US History Math Elective Science Elective PE Elective Athletes--write in your sport and we will place you in appropriate class Speak with PE teacher for recommendation College/Career Electives (choose 3) Take Foreign Language Junior Year if you haven’t taken it yet Other classes you can take junior year Psychology (UC/CSU approved “G”) Energy Power & Business (WHS Science or Technology) STARS Peer Counseling ROP-limited options for juniors, priority given to seniors. Aerobic Walking Office/Teacher Assistant YOU MUST WRITE IN AN ALTERNATE CLASS IF APPLICATION IS REQUIRED
Complete Application Attend MANDATORY Lunch Meetings Attend meeting before deciding whether or not you will sign up for Honors/AP class Carefully consider the amount of time and homework that is required before selecting course(s)
Tuesday, Jan. 27 LA/Com III Honors-Library AP English-Theatre LA/Com II Advanced-D9 Wednesday, Jan. 28 Pre Cal/Trig-Theatre AP Calc AB and BC-Library Thursday, Jan 29 AP World History-Theatre AP US History-Library Friday, Jan. 30 Honors/AP Spanish & French-Room F8 AP Microeconomics-E2 Tuesday, Feb. 3 AP Bio-E7 AP Physics-E 12 Wednesday, Feb. 4 AP Chemistry-E14 AP Psychology-Theatre Thursday, Feb. 5 AP Envir. Science-E13 AP Gov-D5 Friday, Feb. 6 AP Statistics-F5 Adv. Algebra II-Library
Students on this path will… Take 60% AP/Honors and advanced courses with 5 being AP classes (equates to 15 courses) Have a 3.8 weighted GPA Have 95% attendance rate No major disciplinary or attendance infractions Complete 150 hours of Community Service Complete at least one WHS Leadership course (Leadership, STARS, Senior Mentor, Peer Counseling, JROTC Officer, Journalism Production Mgt.)
Sophomore & Junior Parent Night February 4 th 6:30PM Advanced, Honors &AP Information NighT February 9 th 6:30PM