Stone Hill Middle School Counseling Department Course Selection 2015-2016 Stone Hill Middle School Counseling Department
What are we talking about today? Diploma Types High School Credits 7th and 8th Grade Course Options Course Selection/Naviance
LCPS Standard Diploma Academic Areas Credits SOL Verified Credits English 4 2 Social Studies (World Studies, US/VA Government, and US/VA History) 3 1 Mathematics (Algebra I, Geometry, Functions, Algebra II or above level of Algebra II) Science (From 2 of the 4 disciplines: Biological, Chemical, Physical, Earth) Health/Family Life/Physical Education Foreign Language, Fine Arts, OR CTE Economics and Personal Finance Electives (Must include 2 sequential electives) Student Selected Verified Credit Total 22 6
LCPS Advanced Studies Diploma Academic Areas Credits SOL Verified Credits English 4 2 Social Studies (World Studies (2), US/VA Government, and US/VA History) Mathematics (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II or above level of Algebra II) Science (From 3 of the 4 disciplines: Biological, Chemical, Physical, Earth) Foreign Language (3 years of one language or 2 years each of two different languages) 3 or 4 Health/Physical Education Fine Arts or Career & Technical Education (CTE) 1 Economics & Personal Finance Electives 3 Student Selected Verified Credit Total (depends on foreign language option) 26 or 27 9
7th Grade Required Courses English 7 Math 7, Algebra I (High School Class), or Math 8 Life Science 7 History 7 Health and P.E. Technology Education/FACS (1 semester of each) Resource (45 min. resource/45 min. music/art) SPECTRUM- Students enrolled in Spectrum will attend Spectrum in place of resource.
Each student will need to choose one full block elective and one 45 minute elective: Full Block 45 Minute Accelerated Literacy Guitar Communication Studies Band Foreign Language (HS credit) Art Spanish I (360000) Chorus German I (370000) Strings French I (340000) Reading Workshop Latin I (350000)
8th Grade Required Courses: English 8 Math 8 or Algebra I (High School Class) or Geometry (High School Class) Physical Science 8 Civics 8 Health and P.E. 2 Full Year Electives (Language, Music, FACS, or Art) Resource (90 minutes) SPECTRUM- Students enrolled in Spectrum will attend Spectrum class 45 minutes of the 90 min Resource block.
Each student will need to choose two full block electives: Foreign Language (HS credit) Spanish I (360000) German I (370000) French I (340000) Latin I (350000) Spanish II (362000) German II (372000) French II (342000) Latin II (352000) Other Elective Options Band 8 (232000) Chorus 8 (237000) Strings 8 (207003) Guitar 8, Level 2 (209000) Manufacturing (802000) Teen Living (807000) Art 8 (202000)
Reminders about Selecting Courses Must be in 6th/7th grade band/strings to select 7th/8th grade band/strings Foreign Language (French, Spanish, Latin, German) is a HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL CLASS. The grade you receive in this class will be on your permanent high school transcript. Algebra I and Geometry are HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL CLASSES.
8th Grade Art Still Life Drawings Sculpture Clay Tile Project Graffiti Painting Project Computer Graphics Project- Magazine Cover Periodic Table Clay tile (Science/ Art Project) Photography Projects Printmaking Project Sketchbook assignments on various topics
8th Grade Manufacturing Investigative Units Include: Graphic Communication (Drafting and Measuring) Electronics Forensic Science SHOP PROJECTS Include: Pyrotechnic Rockets Golf- Tee Game Bird Feeder/Bird House Co 2 Car- Design, Constructions and Testing Exploring Programming Exploring Lego NXT
Course Selection Time! Questions? Review Your Seventh/Eighth Grade Course Options through the Middle School Program of Studies: Math Progression is on Page 8 7th Grade Course Descriptions start on page 12 8th Grade Course Descriptions start on page 16 Talk with your child’s teachers if you have a question about placement/level for next year. Questions? Naviance Survey
Naviance Naviance is a website used by Loudoun County Public Schools. All Stone Hill students will register for classes through the Naviance program starting 2/9. After February 12th, you can login to Naviance from your home and make any changes to your courses. Please review your selections with your child.
Naviance Log In
Naviance Log In Enter User ID(6 Digit Student ID #) Enter Password (6 Digit Student ID #)
Online Course Selection Click “About Me” Click “Surveys to Complete” Click “Grade 7 or Grade 8 Course Request Survey” When you are finished selecting your courses, click “Update” You may make any changes at home with your child as you deem necessary. You MUST click “Update” each time you make a change or the changes will not be saved.
Making Changes at Home The survey will be available to students and parents until February 26th. Any changes after that time will be made through contacting your school counselor. All changes must be requested through Guidance by June 18, 2015.