Congratulations! ●You qualify, or may soon qualify, to take dual credit courses for the school year You must have a 3.0 GPA in order to take dual credit courses. Those of you who have a 2.9 are marked.
What will we offer? As of now... High School CourseNCTC College CreditWhere? US History AHIST 1301At Sanger HS US History BHIST 1302At Sanger HS EconomicsECON 2301At Sanger HS w/ NCTC prof GovernmentGOVT 2305At Sanger HS w/ NCTC prof English 3 AENGL 1301At Sanger HS English 3 BENGL 1302At Sanger HS English 4 AENGL 2322At Sanger HS English 4 BENGL 2323At Sanger HS 4th Math A (College Algebra) MATH 1314At NCTC only 4th Math B (Statistics)MATH 1342At NCTC only College TransitionEDUC 1300NCTC Online course recommended for summer
EXPECTATIONS ➔ NCTC classes are not Sanger High School classes. You must register for an NCTC class through the NCTC application and registration process found in your packet. ➔ Grades will appear as a number grade on your high school transcript. Your grades will appear as a letter grade on your college transcript. ➔ ***They may be calculated in your college GPA & can impact financial aide and acceptance later.
EXPECTATIONS ➔ Ability to write college level research papers and or essay style exams ➔ Accountability for missed assignments; most classes don’t have “make up” work ➔ Heavy reading expectation outside of class ➔ College courses subject to NCTC curriculum ➔ Expect to commit at least 3 additional hours of study time per week for success
Step 1. Check With Your High School Counselor ➔ If you have a 3.0 GPA, you have met the first qualification ➔ Do you exhibit the responsibility and maturity of a successful college student?
Step 2. Submit an Application ➔
Sanger High School and NCTC Dual Credit
Step 3. Apply for Dual Credit Scholarship
Step 4. Complete Dual Credit Orientation Must be done before testing
Step 5. Take TSI Assessment, if needed, AND SUBMIT SCORES
ACT – Composite score of 23; at least 19 on both English and Math portions. Note that scores must have been earned within the past 5 years. SAT – Combined score of 1070; at least 500 on verbal and 500 on math for tests taken after April Note that scores must have been earned within the past 5 years. STAAR End-of-Course (EOC) - A minimum score of 2000 on the English III reading and/or writing test (reading and writing administered as separate tests through Spring 2013) and/or a minimum score of 4000 on the Algebra II EOC test shall exempt a student from the corresponding section(s). You don’t have to take the TSI IF… YOU need to supply that information if you are exempt
Step 6. Submit a High School Transcript Fill out a transcript request form in the front office
Step 7. Submit Proof of Meningitis Immunization This is waived if you are only taking courses here. Things may change, so go ahead and get one.
Step 8. Complete the Dual Credit Registration Form These forms are in the counseling office and must be approved by a counselor. Once you have passed your TSI and shown progress in the registration process, make an appointment to see Mrs. Lowe.
Step 9. Register for Courses Please do online registration. If there is a problem with that, you may do face-to-face registration at NCTC.
Step 10. Make Payment Payment Is due at the time of registration. Step 11. Purchase textbooks Step 12. If you are doing the online course, you must complete the Canvas Orientation.
Look! It’s all here! Look under forms editHome.aspx
Updates as of If you want to take summer school, you will need to be ready to enroll in April. You must enroll in person, so if you are interested in summer school, LET ME KNOW. I will bring someone in from NCTC to enroll you. I am working on getting TSI test dates in May after all testing. Still waiting for confirmation. If you are a junior who has already applied and are waiting for the dual credit registration form, I will you as soon as I get them from NCTC.